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Author Topic: Low level quests!  (Read 2154 times)


Low level quests!
« on: November 11, 2010, 12:22:59 am »
I don't know if this is the place to post this... it's not really an idea but more a request :)

If possible, of course, would be nice to have some low level quests! (there were some time ago some sequels such as Dawn of Heroes among some others)

Reason is as of late all online players are 20+ (personally I have one lvl6 and one lvl9) so I can RP... but "travelling" with such becomes kind of non-sense, right? Being rather useless... likely to die...

So perhaps to motivate low levels gathering and as well as a little pump (since XP grinding is a bit anti-RP).

Was just to ask that :)



Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 12:44:38 am »
There are plenty of low level quests around the server, you just have to go exploring and find them ;) Certain ones are all the way up mountains, in the swamps, the desert, etc.

As for online players that are higher lvl than your charcs, with the right charisma and wittiness, you can get those higher lvl players to help you accomplish the more difficult quests.

And if you want to expand your horizon, instead of dividing your time into two characters, focus on developing one so you'll have a mid-levelish charc to go exploring the rest of the server.


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 02:55:17 am »
Also a lot of players you see on may have a second lower level character available too - if you ask nicely maybe they can swap at the time you ask or arrange something for another time. Hey they can only say no.


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2010, 03:03:40 am »
So, a lot of players, like myself, have only one character that we play with. With the progression of our one character, we obviously gain level more quickly. I noticed you said you have two characters, a level 6 and 9. Seeing how you spread your time to play two characters, it is harder to become higher level and travel with people that have only one character. Needless to say, you will level 1/2 as fast compared to the people you travel with that has only one character; as the gap widens you feel "useless" because now they are higher level and traveling to more difficult areas.


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2010, 06:36:57 am »
There are plenty of low level quests around the server, you just have to go exploring and find them

It's not so nice to do it alone... after all it's an RP server 8)

if you ask nicely maybe they can swap at the time you ask or arrange something for another time. Hey they can only say no.

Ya... I'm usually not too bold O.o

Needless to say, you will level 1/2 as fast compared to the people you travel with that has only one character; as the gap widens you feel "useless" because now they are higher level and traveling to more difficult areas.

True enough... but I'd get bored of RPing only one character :) other players might prefer different but I rather be able to switch every once in a while to enjoy different RP styles then to get stuck with the same 'ol same old :p


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 03:18:24 pm »
Yes, it is an RP server, but you also have to make the effort to befriend other players. This brings to the second point that if you're not bold, you will most likely be alone all the time. You need to make the effort, don't wait for everyone to approach you. Everyone is on here to enjoy themselves too. Just b/c you don't experience the RP doesn't mean that it isn't going around. Personally, I have been on GM random quests; the party would include low and high level together. I was able to participate on the random quests because I was traveling with a group, low and high levels. We were just exploring the server, not the intention of "grinding", and a GM will start something. Again, it doesn't always happen but the more times you are out traveling with groups, the more chances of you encountering random quests.

As for being bored RPing one character, don't expect  other players to feel the same. I enjoy RP my one cleric and I'm sure others feel the same with their one character. Since you choose to spread your time between two characters, that's one of the consequence that you won't lvl as fast while your peers pass you.

Furthermore, dying is part of the game concept. It makes it realistic. You'll have to accept that it is a possibility you will die. That should not deter you from joining events or travel with higher characters. Who knows, they will probably show you new areas where you have not seen before. Isn't that part of the game experience?  So the sooner you get over the fear of dying, the more you'll be able to experience all that Layonara has to offer.

Lastly, I have noticed there are new character submissions that are approved on a daily basis. You can always keep an eye out for them and travel with them. This is only possible if you take the initiative. Don't just expect it to happen automatically.


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2010, 08:50:25 pm »
We really tried to build Center as a nexus where it's easy to run into folks, regardless of level. And the community is small, so sometimes you have to plan group meetings. Still, as has been said, a quick tell to another person online with, "Hey, anything fresh going on that I can join in?" can often have good results. The worst that happens is they tell you they're too far into someplace but that you can join them when they get out.


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2010, 05:42:45 am »
Hey I'm not complaining :P was just saying that I miss low level GM ran quests xD

I remember for instance "Little Green Men" and stuff like that.

Just saying that, since the RP opportunity is not direct (one has to minimally struggle for it, such as asking some/waiting for people to log and what not), this events could spice things more.

Really don't take my post as complaining :) I do pretty well in getting RP! (except I won't ask people "can't you log a low level?")

But still I believe newer players in Layo would be extremely alone which is a dead end for the game. I think there are still new players entering Layo and if they look at an online status of 9 20+ and none within 10 lvl range from them... they know nothing of the world which is ginourmous... and looking at the calendar there is nothing for them... that's really a motivation hit. So unless they're lucky and spotted by someone who will see "oh new player!" and helps them out, which happens, they will have a hell of hard time.

Anyway... wasn't complaining at all ^^ just saying there is always "space for improvement".


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2010, 11:27:58 am »
I'm experimenting with my new character.  I was a bit frustrated with the fact that all of my characters were higher level now, and I actually enjoy the low levels (but... not really done with my higher ones obviously)  There's so much more new things right now because of all of the additional low level areas to explore, that I wanted to create a new character to be able to experience it with fresh eyes.  Low level characters are cautious.  The world still holds mystery and danger for them, and they aren't complacent about creatures that should be seen as dangerous because they've already been through the area a hundred times.  

As players, it's our responsibility to not make new players feel like they can't approach others.  It's good to send a new player a tell and welcome them and ask if they want to rp or if they need help with anything.  (Obviously, if they don't, don't harass them ;) ) but make them feel welcome so they know that we are glad to have them here.  Show people the ropes, but encourage rp, and don't do everything for them.  Let them enjoy those low levels, let them explore organically to find some things out the hard way, but also, lend a hand when they ask for it (such as "How do I get milk?")  Characters grow and develop quite a lot in those low levels.  Don't be too eager to bypass them.  You don't have to be high level to affect things.  Try to help people out in character if possible, but the occaisional ooc question answering session is often acceptable and necessary (just keep it in tells)  Layo is special, we have a lot of things different here, and sometimes those may feel overwhelming if someone has to figure out everything completely on their own.

Also, if you want to run a rp event, anyone can do that!  I've run several, Rollinscat and gilshem ironstone and miltonyorkcastle have all run others, and every one I've run or been to by other players has always had decent turnouts.  Figure out a theme for what it is you want to do (simple is usually best if you aren't sure) and feel free to ask a GM if you aren't sure if what you're trying to do is possible.  They may even be willing to lend a hand if you ask nicely ;).

Think outside the box!  You'd be surprised what you can come up with :)


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2010, 06:04:44 pm »
How DO you get milk?


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2010, 09:58:11 pm »
Feed Wheat Grains to a cow by dropping them nearby. It takes 3 Wheat Grains to get a Milk, and it took me THREE YEARS TO FIGURE THIS OUT. ;_;


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2010, 08:16:11 am »
(whispers) barley works too - and barley and wheat in combination.  have not tried corn, oats, rye or rice yet.


Re: Low level quests!
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2010, 08:39:42 am »
I usually feed the cows (and whomever else you bring to the party) with my Potatoes in the oven!!!

And no I don't have a Layo kitchen board :P