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Author Topic: Underdark and cities  (Read 153 times)


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    Underdark and cities
    « on: June 24, 2005, 10:25:00 pm »
    Well i am new here and just satrted a Drow, but i find it a bit disapointig to start in a human city. Would it be much to ask for DM's to make a small city for low lv Drow or some underdark areas to explore. It kinda ruins rp for a drow. Drow should be mistirios race like duegar, dragons, and such...I saw atleast two drow today that did not even bother to cover up. Or am I missing sumthing here?


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      RE: Underdark and cities
      « Reply #1 on: June 24, 2005, 10:29:00 pm »
      Really wish they had an underdark starting city, even though i dont play drows it would be more realistic to have each race start somewhere else other than same spot.

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: Underdark and cities
      « Reply #2 on: June 24, 2005, 11:39:00 pm »
      Drow PCs are fundamentally different than those that would be living in a drow city.  Drow PCs have for some reason chosen to leave or been force out of (and found some way to make it out alive) drow society.  Drow society is evil, often CE (though I think they often act more LE...) PCs are adventurers, drow adventurers are fundamentally different from normal drow in the same way a dwarven adventurer is different from a normal dwarf who would be loath to leave the segregated dwarven communities.

      To be a drow PC here you have to have left drow society for some reason.  Any history in drow cities would be in your bio, before you start playing the PC, and chances are (depending on your particular background) you wont be welcomed back.

      There are drow cities and a large underdark.  They are very dangerous.


      RE: Underdark and cities
      « Reply #3 on: June 25, 2005, 02:22:00 am »
      I guess you could start drow in the underdark. Right at the point where they must flee. If they get killed by drow society before they make it out then that char is dead and they would need to get an aproval for a new char.


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        RE: Underdark and cities
        « Reply #4 on: June 25, 2005, 04:54:00 pm »
        I'd just like to say that just because the most logic reason a drow would leave the Underdark is that his ways are different than his brethren's there doesn't have to be a bunch of Drizzts running around as Good Drow, though it's probably impossible not to see any clones of Drizzt. There are alot of other ways to throw Drow from their home.

        Anyways - yes, Underdark would certainly be sweet. Just one, big "main" city would be plentiful.


        RE: Underdark and cities
        « Reply #5 on: June 25, 2005, 05:30:00 pm »
        I will give you my reasoning of not doing this... pretty simple really.
          I want a strong, tight community and I want players to quickly meet other players when they log in.  New players need (for at least 85% of the players) to meet new players right off so that they can start getting used to the world, rules, systems etc.  If I had a starting location for different races (Dark Elves included)--and yes I have thought of it many times--I think we would lose a lot of players within the first 30-45 minutes of playing because they would not meet these other characters.  We have over 3000 characters on the server, maybe (big maybe) 100 are Dark Elves, another 300 or so are other side races that would have their own starting places... I just don't think we can do that with NWN.  At no time can we have more than 64 (and realisticlly it is more like 45 or so) at one time which further reduces the chance to find other players.
          Finding other players and interacting with them is a major thing that must happen and is pretty core to my beliefs of running a strong community.

