The World of Layonara

Layonara World Lore => Histories/Content of Layonara => Races of Layonara => Topic started by: EdTheKet on June 21, 2004, 08:32:00 am

Title: Duergar (Gray Dwarves)
Post by: EdTheKet on June 21, 2004, 08:32:00 am
  [SIZE=18]Also known as the Gray Dwarves, the Duergar are one of the more commonly known Underdark dwelling races. They have lived in the Underdark for a few thousand years after the various Dwarven nations split up during the race wars. Finding their way into the Underdark, their goal is now to dominate the riches in metals and gems found deep in Underdark. They could care less about the surface with its glaring sun, and do not raid surface settlements very much, unlike the Dark Elves do. [/SIZE][SIZE=18]They do raid other dwarven settlements however. The Duergar will even temporarily ally themselves with other races to bring a blow to their (former) brethren. They live in cities hewn out of the bedrock of the Underdark. Like other dwarven nations, the Duergar live in clans to which they’re very loyal. Leadership of a clan is hereditary. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Personality:  Duergar hate other dwarves and are distrustful of other races, and to a lesser extent also of other clans. However, when threatened, the clans will put aside their differences and will band together against their enemies. [/SIZE][SIZE=18]They are known as a devious, greedy people that excels in mining, blacksmithing, and battle. However, they’re not as jolly as other dwarvish people. Trade with other races, be it in weapons, armor or slaves, happens, as long as they’ll make a healthy profit. Duergar are distasteful of arcane magic users and therefore have none. However, rumors of magic involving runes exist. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Physical Description:  Duergar look a lot like other dwarves, however, they are immensely ugly. They’re also a lot less hairy. Females don’t have any facial hair, and most males are bald. Their hair color varies from dark to gray. Duergar females are a proud lot, but hardly ever show themselves since they are not fighters. This, together with the intense ugliness has given birth to the rumor that there are only males, who are hewn directly from the rock.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Duergar garments are bland; they often dress in clothes with a grayish hue, which allows them to blend into the rocks. They hardly ever wear jewelry, as a reflection of light on a gem might give away one’s location while raiding. If they do wear jewelry, it is usually blackened out or covered. Their time in the Underdark has also given them some abilities that the other dwarven people do not have.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Relations with other races:  Gray Dwarves are loathed by nearly every race on Layonara. However, they do often ally themselves with other races if it serves their evil purpose. Temporary alliances with the Dark Elves are not unheard of, as long as both sides continue to benefit from the arrangement. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Alignment:  The vast majority is evil. Those of other alignments are often cast out of the Gray Dwarf communities.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Religion:  Most Gray Dwarves worship Sulterio. Those involved in blacksmithing also worship Dorand.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Language:  Common, Duergar, Dwarven, Deep Drow. [/SIZE]Player character Druergar do not receive the ability to be fluent in the Drow language unless it is clearly defined in the submissions biography. They must also have a minimum intelligence of 12 to be fluent in an additional language.[SIZE=18][/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Names:  Duergar names do not vary much from other dwarven names. Their surname is usually the name of their clan.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=18]Adventurers:  Duergar do not tend to go to the surface willingly. If they do, they’re either forced or exiled. The glare of the sun pains their eyes and they want to avoid it as much as they can. Those that do end up on the surface tend to end up in the mercenary trade.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18][SIZE=18]NWN syntax entered into Subrace Field: duergar, Duergar, graydwarf, Graydwarf, GrayDwarf [/SIZE][SIZE=18]As standard dwarf except as follows: [/SIZE][SIZE=18]+2con, -4cha (ESA -2cha) [/SIZE][SIZE=18]+4 to Move Silently checks [/SIZE][SIZE=18]+1 to Spot and Search checks [/SIZE][SIZE=18]+4 Saves against poison [/SIZE][SIZE=18]Immunity to Paralyzation [/SIZE][SIZE=18]Invisibility as a spell like ability [/SIZE][SIZE=18]Light Sensitivity ECL: 2[/SIZE][/SIZE]