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Bron picks up 15 nuggets of gold x 50 = 750

Drops off 15 purple mushrooms worth 50 each = 750

Pays 75 True

Old credit: 94,645
New Credit: 94,645
Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Last post by Riven on June 03, 2024, 07:53:05 pm »
Barley picks up the mithril kama, Gorm values at 18,000 True.,
Barley marvels at its construction and strength and devises a makeshift sheath for it on his belt.

Bron pays 9000 True into the chest, and uses 9,000 Trade Credit for the other 50% value.

Previous Trade Credit: 25,972
New Trade Credit: 16,972

He also still owes 18,750 on the emerald necklace he picked up last week.
Towards this, he pays another 9,750 True.

IOU 9,000 True (towards the emerald necklace from last week)
Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Last post by Chazzler on June 03, 2024, 02:41:33 pm »
The mithril kama you requested is in the mithril items chest, feel free to pick it up.

A Dance of Friendship and Aspiration

After a hard day's work at the Saddlebag, Lia sits at her desk, her gaze fixed on a flask containing a peculiar liquid. Snapping out of her trance, she pulls out her bound journal and begins to write.

Ah, how the tides of time ebb and flow, weaving new faces into the intricate tapestry of my life. In these recent moons, I have had the luxury of spending time with three intriguing souls whose company I find surprisingly delightful.

First among these is Charlee, a warrior of remarkable prowess. Despite her self-deprecating remarks about her simplicity, she reveals herself to be clever and capable. Her strength and prowess are matched only by her refreshing candor. In combat, her movements are a dance, each strike a graceful step that I find both mesmerizing and instructive. While I may never match her raw strength, I study her fluidity and rhythm to refine my own skill with the sword. Our partnership has become something I look forward to, not only for her companionship but because, as a duo, she challenges me, pushing me to elevate my abilities and adapt to new strategies.

Then, there is the inseparable duo – Hank and Tipsy Oak. While Hank’s unwavering faith constrains his full potential, it makes him predictable and comforting to be around. True power must stem from oneself, not from an entity that demands unwavering loyalty and often much sacrifice—a lesson I learned long ago. Still, he is very kind and helpful, traits I believe are genuine to the individual and not necessarily because their god demands it. Tipsy Oak seems to be a closed book of sorts, but he has a good sense of humor that keeps me engaged. I once inquired why he chose such a peculiar name, to which he responded with nothing more than a roll of his eyes. One day, I hope to extract that story from him; I deserve as much after being grandiosely dubbed "Ghoul Face" by the pair. Our conversations, often light-hearted and filled with jests, sometimes take a turn towards the bizarre, such as the story that cropped up while hunting for the pirate keys and our speculations that the Captain is a lich and perhaps the lass his—lover? This conversation, of course, is never to be repeated, but we can never seem to help ourselves.

Despite the enjoyment I derive from all their company, I remain wary of forging close bonds. I still bear the scars of past betrayals that serve as a stark reminder of the treachery that often lies beneath a facade of camaraderie. Thus, I tread cautiously, masking my true ambitions and, I admit, arrogance behind a veneer of geniality and charm. My yearning desire for revenge is confined to these pages, for in a world where only the appearance of goodness is rewarded, revealing my darker inclinations could prove fatal. I navigate this treacherous landscape with prudence, allowing only these pages to glimpse the full spectrum of my inner world.

Speaking of ambitions, I recently realized the need to diversify my skills. Returning to my roots as an enchantress, I have been employing spells of manipulation, yet I recognize the necessity of mastering non-magical approaches to influence if I am to secure a noble title. Additionally, my lack of expertise in illusions has become a glaring weakness. This shortcoming must be addressed, for the art of illusion is a potent tool that I can no longer afford to neglect. Circumventing this deficiency will require careful planning and diligent study, but in what, I know not.

In the end, my journey is one of constant evolution and adaptation. With each new encounter and challenge, I refine my abilities and expand my repertoire. The friendships I cultivate, though genuine, are tempered by the lessons of the past. It is my own wits and wisdom that shall guide me to the greatness I am destined to achieve. Time unfurls like an intricate tapestry, inviting me to seize every opportunity and weave my destiny into a glorious tale. The world shall soon bear witness to the magnificent rise of my name.
Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« Last post by Riven on May 28, 2024, 10:58:45 pm »
Barley brings in goods to build credit:
Slayer's Belt (50% of lens = 13,000)
Slayer's Belt (50% of lens = 13,000)
Riam's Cloak of Reflexes (50% lens = 844)
Silk Hood (50% lens = 4090)
Iron Handaxe (50% lens = 1006)
Ale Goggles (50% lens -= 8748)
Monk's Armor (50% lens = 5,570)
Total Trade Credit deposited on this day = 46,258

Picks up Emerald Necklace of Bull Strength: (Saddlebag pricing = 75,000)
50% paid in trade: 37,500
25% paid in coin: 18,750
IOU 18,750

Previous Credit = 17,214
+46,258 (today's added trade credit) = 63,472
- 37,500
New Trade Credit = 25,972

Leaves a Note: I'm Seeking a Mithril Kama. ~Barley, of the Scamp's Mug
Barley picks up two Monk rings worth 3500 each = 7000.
Pays 700 True into the cash chest.

Previous Credit: 49,323
New Credit = 42, 232

Picked up one copper ingot
Paid 2 True
New Credit 42,212

Picks up two aventurines x 12 = 24,
3 True paid
New Credit 42,188
Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Sophia: Light Tome translation
« Last post by minerva on May 28, 2024, 09:31:41 am »
Sophia leans back on the chaise as the Xeenite priestess Maria chants softly as she applies a salve to Sophia's neck and arms. Sophia sips from a goblet steaming with a fragrant potion and moans  in contentment.

“Those are the nasty bruises Mistress Sophia.  They look far different than when you and your lovers play. Did something happen?” she questions as she puts the container on a low nearby table and pours herself a glass of sparkling liquid before stretching out on the nearby chaise herself.

Sophia gives her a wry smile.  “You could say that.  Goras decided that today would be a lovely day to pay me a visit.  Him and my father's men.”

Maria grimaces “Goras. It's a wonder these aren't worse than they are or more of them.  That menace should be put down or locked up.”

“Well, putting him down will do no good I'm afraid.”  Sophia rises from the chaise and heads to her wardrobe.  “It would appear the bastard has bound himself to the stones.”   She sighs  “I wish they had killed him.  Now I will have to figure out a way to keep him from me that the stones cannot reverse.”

She sorts through outfits . “Steel offered to kill him for free.  That demon does nothing for free.  If I was thinking clearly I should have taken him up on the offer instead of allowing Wev to rip out Goras's throat.”

“Steel, is the demon you invited to the gala?  The one that wears a mask all the time?” Maria asks as she fingers the fine silk of one of the garments Sophia as pulled out for consideration.

“That's him. He's the reason these bruises are not worse and Mobakak is down a couple men.” she replies, sorting deeper into the wardrobe.

“Come to your rescue did he?  Big bad demon rescue you from big bad Goras .”  Maria fakes a duck as if Sophia would strike her for such a statement.

Sophia laughs in reply. “I need no rescue you should know better.  Wev had the situation but I am pissed I let my guard down.”

She considers a few outfits and shows her two choices  to Maria.  " The suit or the dress?"  She holds up a blood red leather body suit with strategic cut outs and a dress comprised of fine sheer royal purple silk and cloth of gold trim.

“Hmm, the suit would show your figure to perfection but the dress is much more easy access.  You know how the boys get during fights.  All those male energies”  Maria winks at Sophia and finishes her drink before pouring another.

Sophia laughs and considers the choices.    She grins back at Maria   “After the day I've had, definitely the dress.”  The leather bodysuit is replaced into the wardrobe. “I still feel dirty from Goras's hands.  A nice soak would do wonders”

With the bruises now almost faded to oblivion, Sophia takes some toiletries off the dresser and heads to ward Lexander's  heated baths.

“Care to join me Maria?” she calls over her shoulder.

The two women, wine glasses in hand stroll down the marble corridor of Lexander's home.  Tucked into the back is an outdoor pool with a view of the harbour and city.  It is almost twilight and lamps are being lit in the area of the stadium.  More and more of the city's citizens are gathering for the popular event.  Vendors are set up outside the venue hawking their street foods. 

Steam rises from the pool.  Tropical plants abound in the humid environment.  Braziers cast a low glow  and incense perfumes the air. 

“This is going to feel so good” Sophia murmurs as she sheds her dressing gown and wades into the warmed perfumed water.  She settles onto a submerged bench as a few slaves  melt out of the background with ewers of wine and a tray of bite sized treats.

“Oh, fried dough, my favourite” Maria squeals and grabs a couple of balls of flaky pastry before joining Sophia on the bench opposite her. “So, A demon?  What are you up to my friend?” 

Sophia gives Maria a splash with the heel of her hand.  She playfully responds “why do I have to be up to anything? Can't I just have a friend that enjoys some of the same things I do?  One that doesn't have a sword shoved so far up his ass that my lifestyle and choices aren't going to shock him?  One also bound to those god dammed stones so that death eludes us?”

“Nice try and valid arguments, but we've been friends since your return to city.  I may not have the eternal life that you do”  Maria holds up a hand as if to stop a retort she knows is coming.  “Don't, just don't.  I like life, I adore Xeen but the thought of eternity and having to wait until my body aged to its death slowly”  She shakes her head. “Nope, not for me. I'll enjoy the here and now and unlike you, I actively try to avoid dying”  She lies back in the warm water letting it support as she relaxes into a float. “Good attempt at avoiding my question.”

“Its all you're getting” Sophia rises from the pool and flicks water in Maria's face.  Maria retaliates with a splash.  The two ladies dissolve into laughter and a water fight for the next few minutes until finally winded, Maria holds up a hand.

“ I concede, bully”she laughs as a slave hands her a large soft towel.  Maria dries herself off and watches Sophia do the same.   “Time to get going I guess.  You going to the Prelates box or are you taking your -guest- to Lexander's?”

“If I attend the prelate I have to deal with all his bitchy women as well as his hands.  It might be worth it for the nephew but Xeen's whip even a good flesh to stone spell couldn't help the Prelate”  Sophia tosses the towel aside and slips into her dressing gown.  “Steele is here to make business contacts.  He can do that better in Lexander's company than the Prelate.”

The two women make their way back to Sophia's rooms.  Maria nudges Sophia in the side.  Slyly she asks “So what's behind the mask?  Is he tragically hideous?  One of those demons that's all teeth and no eyes?  Covered in pustules? Tentacles?”

Sophia chuckles “None of the above.  He's blue.  Very very blue.  His features are humanoid but you can tell he's got demonic heritage.  He's got some elven features too.  I've seen far worse.  His eyes are red but who am I to talk?  Mine are dog yellow.”

Maria reaches into the wardrobe.  “Vorax's boils I wish I had your figure.  Short and dumpy, that's me and I like your eyes, they're gold, not yellow.” She pulls out a filmy dress and starts to pull it on.

“Yellow eyes, white hair.  Nothing like my mother and nothing like Mobakak” Sophia replies as she adjust the corset of her dress.

“Heard it all before Mistress, doesn't matter.  Before the Purity anything was in play.  You know that.  Mobakak publicly claimed you as his.  Run with that.  I would”  Maria shoots back as she balances precariously to adjust a heel. 

“Easy for you to say”  Sophia grumbles.  “ Lets drop this depressing line of conversation.  How about the fights?  The two ladies launch into an active discussion of the upcoming fights and the fighters as they grab their wraps and leave.  Outside the bedchambers, guards fall in behind them but the two barely seem to notice.   The evening is warm but not hot and a light breeze blows in from the ocean so the smells of the city are hardly noticeable.  The short walk to the stadium is uneventful.

“I told Steel I would find him” Sophia tells her friend as she momentarily closes her eyes and concentrates.  “Divination isn't really my thing, but I think he's on the fighter level, lets go inspect the stock and see”  Sophia links her arm with Maria and strolls into the building from the elite entrance, bypassing the common crowd.  The guards flank the couple as they disappear down a passageway.
General Discussion / Re: Sorry for absence
« Last post by miltonyorkcastle on May 27, 2024, 05:35:40 pm »
Wow. Definitely hope things turn around for ya, mate. We'll be here when you're ready to return.
Calendar Events / Layo GM Team Meeting
« Last post by miltonyorkcastle on May 26, 2024, 10:24:38 pm »
Start Time: 9am CST/CDT; 10am EST/EDT

We'll use Discord for the meeting.
Calendar Events / Quest: Fire in the Blood
« Last post by miltonyorkcastle on May 26, 2024, 10:20:21 pm »
Strange snakelike beings with the bodies and arms of men have been sighted around Dregar. They leave scorched earth in their wake.

A Sederen agent arrives at your door. You're not entirely sure how he knows who you are, but he offers you 1000 True to meet with the Sederen prince Dsen Ravorinin outside Arnax.

Start Time: 5pm CST/CDT; 6pm EST/EDT
Starting Location: Arnax Outskirts (the next area after the Arnax city area)
Level Range: All levels welcome and can contribute. However, be aware that combat will range from manageable for levels below 15 to difficult for levels over 30.
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