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Author Topic: A different kind of paladin  (Read 175 times)

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A different kind of paladin
« on: October 21, 2004, 12:02:00 am »
Now I've read up on all the paladin specifics on this site, and in general I'm fairly well-versed on paladins anyway, as I almost always play as one in any game, from BG 2 to Morrowind (well, as close as I can get). Recently, however, I've been thinking up a new way to play as a paladin. In just about every case that I can see, paladins are basically very visisble champions of their sides, which certainly has its benefits, i.e. allies know and love you, and enemies fear you. There is just one problem. Because paladins in general are such visible characters, it really wouldn't be all that difficult for someone of an evil nature to "disappear", or clear out before the paladin shows up. Let's say a paladin of Toran is investigating some evil happenings in a certain city. Word would, hypothetically, travel fairly quickly back to the evildoer, giving him/her/it enought ime to prepare for the paladin. This, in my opinion is a rather large hinderance to a paladin's investigation or quest.
        You're probably wondering where I'm going with this, so I'll get to the point. The idea I've been formulating is a paladin based not so much on image and physical prowess, but more on stealth and information gathering. There are ways that this can be done honorably, I'm certain, and I'm sure I could work out all the details with the staff. This character would basically hide his paladinhood (is that right) from the general populace, using stealth and words, and infiltrate evil lairs or syndicates, thereby gathering the information necessary for the problem to be taken out at the roots. The enemy would no longer have time to prepare for the actual enforcers, who would now have the knowledge required to destroy the evil, thanks to the infiltrator paladin.
        This is all rather confusing, I admit, or at least I think it is. Sometimes my thoughts don't translate to written word very well, so I'll use this real world example.

         It seems to me that the Paladins, especially those of Toran, are the Layonara equivalent of the United States' FBI and judicial system, with judges and enforcers. What I propose is basically an undercover agent working with these groups, i.e. and undercover cop, a  CIA operative, MI6, etcetera. THe build for this character could be as follows:
-Rogue/Paladin, obviously with some of the rogue abilities, such as bluff, taken out. Backstab would work too, considered as a military tactic, and not a dishonorable and cowardly approach to taking an enemy out. After all, stealthily removing an evil being who will likely harm innocents is still a just and noble thing to do, in most cases, although generally this character will not be the one to engage the villains in combat first, as that's what the enforcers are for.
-Ranger/paladin would also work, as rangers have the ability to hide as well, although they do not have the skills a rogue does, nor do they possess the speaking abilities of a rogue, or for that matter a paladin.

So basically there would be four groups making up the body of the clergy, in the case of the Church of Toran. I can't really see this kind of paladin in any of the other groups, as they don't seem so focused on law and injustice as Toran is. Thisis just an idea I came up with, andif it won't work, that's alright. I just think it would be an interesting addition to the world, possibly even a new organization (the Inquisitors, or something like that). If it is possible, but the idea needs tweeking, just post your ideas and suggestions. Thanks in advance for your comments  ;)

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RE: A different kind of paladin
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2004, 12:03:00 am »
Sorry, jsut realized I posted in the wrong thread. (i think =P). Will post this in th proper thread now.