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Author Topic: RP Fighting  (Read 100 times)


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    RP Fighting
    « on: May 22, 2006, 10:00:50 am »
    Hello! My name is Erik, and i´m new here. I heard about the game from some friends this week, and decided to check it out. ^^ Well, i´m from Brazil, so my english is not perfect and i apologize for any mistakes i might make! XD Enough talk or the post will become to large! hehehe

    Well, i´m still reading everything here on the forum and trying to learn all i can before entering the game world itself, but reading a few posts about PVP made me curious. You know, on another online game i play, we are an RP clan and we don't like pvp at all. So, instead of going to a PVP room to resolve "fights", we choose to do the fights in RP, using the "good sense", combining the fight results between the players, thinking on how it would make the history better or even throwing the dices at home and being honest. So, my question is this. Do you allow RP fights? Do you use them?

    Maybe its a dumb question, its just i havent read about this on other topics, if its already an discussed or old subject, i apologize for bringin it up. ^^"


    - Erik.


    Re: RP Fighting
    « Reply #1 on: May 22, 2006, 10:21:49 am »
    We do allow them. We also have in-game dice bags that people use some times and others around them are able to see the roll results. It depends on the players and characters as well as the situations but yes it does happen.


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      Re: RP Fighting
      « Reply #2 on: May 22, 2006, 11:08:38 am »
      Oh, thanks!

      I doubt i will fight at all, because my char really dislikes violence, but i was curious. ^^

      Cool think this Dice Bags, my char was aproved today, so when i get home i will play and see it.

      Thanks Again!

      - Erik.