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Author Topic: The Misfit Brigade  (Read 1213 times)

Pen N Popper

The Misfit Brigade
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:33:13 am »
Here's the idea I came up with during my vacation. It's based partly on some perma-death servers from the past, as well as mixafix's suggestion about level range.

The Concept

The world is rife with uncertainty and unrest. The common folk are struggling for their very survival on a day-to-day basis. With resources scarce, some are offering up the only commodity they have, themselves. Forced into situations outside the norm, some of them discover a tenuous link to the heros of lore. Some succeed in this new life, many more fail and return to more mundane lives.

An unknown group, powerful and well-funded, begins to take advantage of the situation. They begin gathering these misfit commoners into a cohesive group, imposing strict, some would say military, order. The result is a small fighting force, right now but a seed but with the potential for powerful growth.

What will this growth result in? Who is orchestrating the dance of this force? Good or evil, helpful or power hungry?

The Rules

  • Must be 1st level to join. The first month of play, levels may be gained at will up to 5th.
  • One level gained per month at most after the first month. The idea is to keep a tight level range within the group.
  • Each player may have up to two PCs in the group at a time.
  • Only one soul strand to lose. The loss of a soul strand will trigger the PC's inherent self-preservation, forcing them to return to the mundane life of a commoner. The PC must be deleted. This is meant to build in some turnover of PCs within the group. (Should this be changed to five deaths instead of a soul strand?)
  • No gear allowed beyond what is for sale in Center's NPC shops. Recovered items from drops are not allowed either. Magical items will be awarded for service and leveling.
  • All travel must be done in groups of three or more. This is an RP group, not a leveling group. Travel is unrestricted along routes and in areas that are non-combat (eg. travel between Center and Hempstead and Vehl is allowed so along as combat is avoided).
  • Grouping with non-Misfit PCs is allowed with the following restrictions: Three Misfits must be in the group, and the non-Misfit PC(s) must hire their services.
  • All expeditions must be put on calendar, with a follow-up trip report posted. (Details to follow.)
The Goal

To establish a framework that fosters adventure with an emphasis on RP and character growth, rather than levels.
The following users thanked this post: osxmallard, Lance Stargazer, Pandapuff7


Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2012, 11:54:56 am »
I like this idea, seems fun. Im a bit of a lover of more hard-core rules, If you are looking for opinions on the death issue, I would lean towards the 5 death rule as it seems easier to do than a strand.

Ill make a misfit if this ends up a go.


Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2012, 01:53:02 pm »
Sounds like it would be fun for another character except for my main. Ill definitely have a go at it to.



Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2012, 02:06:19 pm »
Not sure about the not using drops idea ? not sure what it is achieving, division or purchase of goodies might be rp led?
 Some form of commonality may be good, either of RP origin (my favourite) or goal/theme/deity/organisation
 But sounds interesting

Pen N Popper

Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 04:04:36 pm »
I have had some feedback about making the group share a common origin or purpose. I am certainly in favor of this idea but would like to wait to define it until 1) there's enough positive interest, and 2) we find a sponsor to play the behind-the-scenes puppeteer.

If there are WLs out there that think they might be interested in playing the patron of this group, PM me.

Pen N Popper

Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2012, 07:34:11 pm »
Not enough interest. Was worth a try!

Guardian 452

Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2012, 07:58:46 pm »
LOL you waited a whole day and a half? Give it some time? People on spring break or havnt checked in on the forums in the last 36 hours.

Me personally I dont like the idea of loosing a character permanently... the ones I make I make cause I liked the concept of the character and I wont risk loosing them that quickly to a crappy random number generator. Aside from the perma death issue I do like the group concept. Or... remove the character per account rule. that would work too.


Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2012, 11:10:11 am »
Perhaps there is scope for checking with the team if additional characters would be allowed to try out this idea for people who do not want to give up a current character from their holding - as Guardian has implied. I think over time a lot of people have collected and become attached to their current stable of PCs.
 If you have secured some sort of approval for that then it may draw out some more contenders for this rather interesting and challenging experiment.


Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2012, 11:14:26 am »
Not enough interest. Was worth a try!

Dude! I just noticed this thread today! As in, read it for the first time, heh. I miss threads in the forum all the time, but in this case, I've been moving to a new house for the past however many days, and internet access has been very limited.

Anyway, this is a very cool idea. If such an opportunity arose, Steel would be more than happy to fund such a project, and even happier to manipulate things behind the scenes. Beyond that, I actually considered making a little level one to play in a group such as this.

We're a small community, and super spread out, so getting things going takes time. Keep the door open for some further feedback, pretty please. :)


Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2012, 07:24:08 am »
When you manage to fix your graphic card Popper please get back to this thread, this is a chance for a pretty interesting experiment and one at a stage in the game when any change or additions to the game are difficult or impossible. This type of voluntary experiment and player supported RP may play out well and offers a rare insight into a different level of RP and may show the way forward and enhance the challenges with minimum or no support.


Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2012, 06:42:55 pm »
Thinking over this concept here, and the recent discussion about soul mother and characters etc I had another idea for this thread.
 and apologies for putting another idea out there -but thats what RP is about I guess.
 Some or all of the concepts about voluntary death risk could be adopted as discussed above or something similar considered.
 But I was wondering if the experiment could be on a wider scale. I know there have bene Players starting new PCs recently and thats great to see.
 Wonder if there is room, perhaps with an extra PC slot etc or not, for everyone...I mean everyone that we can encourage, cajoule, push bribe that is still playing, thinking about playing - ALL start a new themed PC on the same day!
 Along the line of some of those special weekends that have been run before. This one launches a server wide new PC with a background theme (with or without the above mentioned perma death risks) and (with or without a limited duration for the PC it could be just for the weekend/week/month or it could be the start of a PC forever  (only playable on a certain day/weekend/etc or not - the idea of limitation here would be to even out progressing a bit and get all these ..generally even pcs ..on at the same time)
 Few ways you could go at this with quite different permameters, but I think there is mileage there for some thought.


Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2012, 06:05:31 pm »
I'm willing to pick this up as your "gm sponsor" and run it weekly or bi-weekly if there is player interest.


Re: The Misfit Brigade
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2012, 01:35:45 am »
I have no problem with this. But I'll need to make a new character for it. And if that is such, I'd like to coordinate with some others that are interested.


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    Re: The Misfit Brigade
    « Reply #13 on: August 14, 2012, 12:50:07 pm »
    I'd like to join this too, and I'd have to make a new char for it as well.


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      Re: The Misfit Brigade
      « Reply #14 on: August 17, 2012, 02:58:44 am »
      Could those that stated their interest a few months ago please restate it? Because it's unclear (at least to me) how many intend to join this, and thus if it is going to fly at all.


      Re: The Misfit Brigade
      « Reply #15 on: August 17, 2012, 04:09:44 am »
      Not sure if any are still playing at this time.
       For my part, depending on the details I would try.
       I have no PC space currently and I am not sure about time zone issues - depends on the detail it mya be possible to run something that allows a common theme across different play times, coming together for actual quests but sharing a common goal, or actively pursuing some in game tasks that do not require a gm there left items. or creatures to be found hunted etc etc
       So a maybe for me based on technical reasons.