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Author Topic: Rping death  (Read 145 times)


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    Rping death
    « on: March 29, 2005, 07:27:00 am »
    ussually when i see some one i say something like "ya don' look like yar in da bes' condition me frie'"  then we end up getting his grave in a bit.  I was wondering though why would the person really need to pray at his grave.  Is it to get his soul into his body or to get his body to combine with his already soul like ness.  i hope you see what im asking here.  

    anyway it's not that important i just want to know what is the reason IC.  OOC i know that it'll make me better IC how would my character know.


    RE: Rping death
    « Reply #1 on: March 29, 2005, 08:27:00 am »
      Well, you know how after you die you have to reflect for X number of minutes times you level? Think about it like this, if you choose to sit and reflect on your death for 60 minutes in the Inn your character is going over in his mind the whys. Why did I die? Why couldn't I prevent it? Can I prevent it next time? And a billion more questions I can't think up because I'm too hyped up on sugar. Anyway, you reflect for a time about your death.
        Taking someone to where they died is like retracing your steps after you've lost something. Helps them make a mental picture, a visial in their mind about the fight, hence reflecting faster. This could probably be RPed a bit more, but as it is, people usually don't want to hang around the place of their demise for too long.
      Edit: As for the stat penalties and getting them back after you reflect at your grave/rest after reflecting. Think of it like this. You just fought hard, and died. Your body was probably lying there lifeless for at least several in game minutes, possibly hours. Your body will be weak, and the time you spend reflecting to learn from your death, your body spends healing. The higher the level you are, the harder you're going to fight before you die, hence the longer it will take to heal back up.


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      RE: Rping death
      « Reply #2 on: March 29, 2005, 01:48:00 pm »
      thanks that explains it alot i've been trying to RP it a bit wrong and wondered if i was so i asked.  So it's like retracing your steps to find out the error of your ways.  perfect i can now test it out.  

      BTW if anyone who reads this sees me RPing something incorrectly IG then please just tell me in a tell and i'll try to correct myself.  I try to do things right but am inexperienced at RPing.  My first D&D game was noveber or so then i joined Layo in Febuary and that's about it.


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      RE: Rping death
      « Reply #3 on: April 05, 2005, 06:31:00 am »
      Errr ... no real such thing as "roleplaying incorrectly" so long as it is true to your character.

      Death, even an in-game death with a respawning, is going to be something that everyone is a bit cluelesss about. Maybe your character is trying to make a mental image, or maybe your soul reflects easier where it fell, or maybe there is a magic rock where you died that makes you feel better. You are going to run into tons of ways that little things like this are going to be RPed, and the important thing is to be true to your character, and moreso to have fun.

      Gar, the 7 foot half-orc barbarian isn't going to think much about how he died, but his soul will certainly heal quicker where he fell. Ezekiel, the most pious preist that ever lived, would probably be able to heal his soul anywhere, but going to where he fell grants him understanding. Bobicus Maximus, the great soldier, would probably want to honor himself where he fell.

      Play it how it feels right really. That's what I did with Quin, and even though I had to kill him off to keep from changing his character, I wouldn't do it any other way.


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        RE: Rping death
        « Reply #4 on: April 05, 2005, 06:42:00 am »
        thanks Zhofe.
        To bad about Quin, and your other characters.  I'll try to stay as true to my characters as i can.  RPing is the funnest part of playing in my opinion so staying true to them is the only way to go. *laughs* thanks for the advise.