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Author Topic: Creature interactions  (Read 312 times)


Creature interactions
« on: May 05, 2007, 02:31:10 am »
I would like to tell a story that I totally made up. I use it to hopefully make a point  about monster interaction.
Our story starts in Middle Earth, inside the Prancing Pony. It’s a beautiful evening Berham the innkeep is doing very good business.  Some of the Fellowship are there…Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli. They are all having a nice drink.

All of sudden the door bursts open and a party of Goblin’s, Orcs and a Uruk Hai saunter in. . .with axes and swords at their sides…they look like a ferocious bunch. Every one looks around scared apart from the fellowship. The Uruk hai walks up to the barman and says “Drink!”..Berham at this point is terrified, but the Fellowship group are quite calm and eventually Aragorn is the first to stand and make his way over to the bench where the goblins, Orcs and Uruk Hai are.

“Is there a problem?” Aragorn muses at Berham. Berham at this point is wide eyed looking at the Orcs terrified out of his skull. He doesn’t know what to do.
  Aragorn turns to the creatures and as he does so Legolas and Gimli also walk up and stand by his side. Aragorn is the first to speak. “Hiiiiiiiiiiii! Welcome to the Prancing Pony! How was your journey? I am very sure that are doing well!” . He slaps his hand on the shoulder of the Uruk Hai. Gimli is the next to speak.  “Hey up laddy. How are yer doing? Yer look pretty weary to me…it must be the long day of travel from yer abode in Mordor. It would seem….” Legolas interrupts “From those markings and those tracks and your travels it would seem that you have relinquished your evil and chaotic nature from Sauron and Sauraman. Please. Please take a seat.” The whole lot of them take a seat and Aragorn is the first to go up to Berham to buy some drinks. The barkeep is still scared out of his wits but he manages to hand him the beer and ale for all the party.

By this time the whole lot of the Orcs, Uruk Hai, and Goblins are chatting merrily and the drinks really hit the spot with most of them. Gimli is the first one to speak after all of them have gone through many drinks.  “Hee up Laddy, would you care to go with us to the Lonely Mountain and such. I have heard that there are treasure to be told there especially with the dragon with the name called Smaug. Would yer like to come with us?” The

Uruk Hai in his response snarls a “Yes”.

So the whole lot of them stand and pack their belongings making an adventure going to the Lonely Mountains to seek treasure and kill creatures.

  If anyone can find any sense in that fictious story please explain it to me.  I am hoping I get a few snickers, but in all seriousness I do see this going on in Layonara. I will have a gander and say that for some people they want to stay friendly IC to everybody because that way everyone will  treat them as a friend OOC and IC.

  There is nothing wrong showing hostility towards a monstrous races (in character of course). It helps with the immersion of the world and make for some interesting RolePlay. Please note though…this is no excuse to make personal attacks OOC to somebody. Everything stays IC. Also this also doesn’t mean that things can’t change in terms of the creature’s reputation. But in general, if the creature is not well known, and it looks scary...and monstrous. I think it should be Roleplayed as such.
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Re: Creature interactions
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2007, 02:48:06 am »
Thanks Tanman, it made me giggle.

And I do try to insult as many monsterous races IG as I can! Does shrieking like a girl and yelling Drow count?


Re: Creature interactions
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2007, 03:48:48 am »
Might I also add it might mean showing fear to them too. My point is act appropriately to whom your character faces!


Re: Creature interactions
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2007, 04:53:01 am »
I remember when all of Hlint was in an uproar for my terrified little halfling shooting at Cymeran.

Bloody darkies. They get in yer HEADS!

