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Author Topic: RPing Scripted Quests.  (Read 431 times)


Re: RPing Scripted Quests.
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2006, 03:03:18 pm »
Yeah, those skunks used to tear me apart even at level seven.

But really, the scripted quests can be great, even for large, even-levelled parties. The Bugbear and Eyestalk quests are great for mid-level groups, and the latter was in fact the focus of the last Explorers of Mistone.


RE: RPing Scripted Quests.
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2006, 09:23:01 am »
I like the scripted quests that make you get out into the world, like the Postmaster.  But perhaps these laypeople, who have done their jobs admirably for so many years, simply need to move on?  Retire?  Have myocardial infarctions and go to the great (god of your choice) in the sky?

How much work would it be (because I don't actually know) to mod a scripted quest with a new individual and some new items, just to give the lower-levels something different to talk about?

Example:  I envision Johan retiring and taking his sickly wife south to drier, cleaner, less adventurer-ridden air.  An as-yet-unnamed apprentice steps up, but has aspirations to make better things (like what the player crafters can make!) so he wants dire boar pelts, lion pelts, etc.

An idea maybe?