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Author Topic: Enemy of my God  (Read 373 times)


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Enemy of my God
« on: March 15, 2006, 10:38:42 am »
Okay, I read the post on Racial Hatred but what if you discover an enemy to your God? How is this handled as I don't think DMs would want us to keep kicking each other's butts.

I find that if I were to discover this, I would be more hateful of a person than if they were just of an inferior race (ie: none Dwarf...heeh). I wouldn't know what to do if that information came out that somebody were hated by my God (besides openly denouncing the character), and I would think that, as a Cleric, I wouldn't want that person to live and corrupt others.

Now, there was a incident where I used Divine Relations on a Paladin and discovered his faith was unfriendly and I announced that I didn't trust him (in a whisper) to my party, but that seems a bit different than if our Gods were enemies. He may even wanted to get rid of me (as I bare my symbol openly).

Will there ever be Holy/Unholy Diety conflicts?


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2006, 10:56:32 am »
Depends on the character. :)

Everyone is handling it differently. I and a few other persons had a very nice (and long) IC discussion about that a few days ago. Some wanted to convert the "bad person". Some trusted that "bad person" until proven the opposite. Some distrusted that "bad person".

Just RP it in the way you belive your character would do. There's no "right" or "wrong" here...


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Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 11:03:16 am »
Well, if you worship a Dwarven god, it's not likely your going to get human to convert.

However, I'm also sure that the DM don't want PKs because of such a discovery. Or am I wrong about that?


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2006, 11:14:39 am »
You're right. No PKs...

Well, otherwise, no one would be able to follow an evil god. ;)


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2006, 11:18:23 am »
Sure there will be humans who worship Dwarven gods.  I have one, he was raised in the temple due to his background.  But he worships Vorax like a dwarf cleric would.  Takarsh is a human cleric of Dorand and so on, it depends on the bio you make for your character.

As for PK's, there are none here on Layo.  The only sanctioned place to do it is in the Arena in Ft Valensk.  OUtside of that it would have to have both players support and full GM support before it could even get approved.

Just RP your actions towards the enemies of your diety, within reason of course, don't go overboard and start griefing a character.


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Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2006, 03:04:26 pm »
Yeah, I think I met your character once and remember thinking, "how weird," but since then I've met Kopig, the half-gaint worshipper of Vorax. So, not so weird anymore.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2006, 08:30:50 pm »
Bear in mind also that holy and unholy are relative.  Pyrtechon, he's pretty nasty, but his followers still have holy symbols, not unholy.  Xeenites and Toranites would find themselves at odds, but they're both on decent terms with Lucinda.

This isn't a disagreement that there should be friction between followers of opposing gods, mind, just an objection to your use of the term "Holy vs. Unholy".


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2006, 07:37:15 am »
Dulan doesn't really when Dulan first appeared in Hlint, he found that other deities exist. Dulan thought only Toran exists :)
Also, Dulan learnt a lesson not to judge someone by their looks or backgrounds, that was his first lesson of wisdom in Hlint :P
Just a tad of advice here and there...


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2006, 07:47:16 am »
What if your PC hates all gods?


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 07:53:40 am »
I'm not sure how anyone except the player of the PC can answer "what would my PC do if" questions. What if he hates all gods? Then he has a blank deity field and hates all gods... can't tell you how to react, that's your field.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 09:27:16 am »
thanks thats kind of may feeling but needed to see how others felt


RE: Enemy of my God
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2006, 09:41:59 am »
I've always had a bit of a hard time with how exactly to deal with the Rofirein vs Pyrtechon part of my Paladin. Technically, he's supposed to go out of his way to take out any Pyrtechon faithful but that poses a problem.
  Thou shalt make war against the Infidel followers of Pyrtechon without cessation and without mercy.
  The whole dragon summoned situation put an artificial mechanism in place that might stay such a directive but that directive is pretty clear. Thankfully, Caighd has never actually met a Pyrtechon follower, that he knows of. As for Rofirein's other "enemies," he keeps a closer eye on their followers and works with them when necessary.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2006, 05:31:12 pm »
If your PC hates all gods, he might be mortally offended if a cleric heals him, or suffer a crisis of "faith" - if a god can heal him/revive him from death, surely he'd have to reconsider his opinion.

Otherwise, I suppose he could insist on travelling without a cleric (regardless of how unpopular this would make him with other adventurers), and risk whatever might occur.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2006, 06:08:47 pm »
*dur'thak wipes the 'acid' off glaring at dulan* good show there mate.

In response to darkstorme's post, a pc may consider gods to be simply very powerful individuals, but not actual 'gods.' I've rp'd that with a some other characters in the past and it works well with an agnostic,spiritual, or athiest character view. To said character, clerical magic was just another form of magic that was 'claimed' to be from a higher power :)

Just food for thought.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2006, 07:14:18 pm »
That could be reasonably done in Layonara.  With the lack of spells such as "Commune", it's more difficult to prove that a higher power is at work behind divine magic - though I suspect ressurection would have a hint of the divine about it, certainly to the resurrectee.  And there's a difference between agnosticism and hatred-of-deities-driven atheism as described above.

My point was not the person acknowledging the existence of gods - from NEXUS7's post, his character already believes he just hates their halo-enshrouded heads off, for whatever reason - but that if a character hates the gods, he'd probably have to be at least partially mollified if their servants, at personal risk or sacrifice, healed him or returned him from the dead.  It's an evangelical experience for most people (and, in fact, is REQUIRED for the Blood Magi prestige class), so it might shake his unswerving faith in their wrongness.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2006, 09:24:20 pm »
Subject aside, I find Rosa's continual ranting very annoying.  I wouldn't travel with her, and I suspect many others would feel the same.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2006, 10:04:45 pm »
your 100% that's just what she dos, and gets very angry when a cleric dos heal her with what she sees as stolen power. She dos not hate the gods as such she sees them as tempril blocages traping souls on there way to true enlightent a stat higher than that of any so called god. what the gods do she feels is deluge souls by caging them in folus belifes making them blind to cages gods wave with such lies. She dos not fear death as she will be reborn if not on this plain but one of the infernet others.
as a god free'er her soul will not be trapped in the god lies. The soulmouther is just a constrect made buy the belifes of god slave. being free from there lies she will pass throw this dilution to the next life on and on untill enlightent.

what she hates are the clerics who act as willing enforcers of the lies perpitrated by greedy and selfish gods.

its is they who seek the operation of there god slaves and are vilonty jealous of the cach.
there payment for the crime aganest the souls of there fellow being, power of couse, stolen power in the form of so called devine magic.

they will do any thing to stop the truth getting out

darkstorme - 9/7/2006  5:31 PM

If your PC hates all gods, he might be mortally offended if a cleric heals him, or suffer a crisis of "faith" - if a god can heal him/revive him from death, surely he'd have to reconsider his opinion.

Otherwise, I suppose he could insist on travelling without a cleric (regardless of how unpopular this would make him with other adventurers), and risk whatever might occur.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2006, 10:56:01 am »
In which case, she ought to be fine with Bards healing her, but not clerics or paladins, and should probably either refuse to travel with the latter or insist that they not use their "stolen" magic.  At which point, I doubt anyone will travel with her, and a solution will be found thereby unless she can reconcile herself to a neccessary evil.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2006, 11:13:44 am »
Yes your right about bards but wrong about reconcileing herself to a Un-neccessary evil, Your metagaming if yoru talking about game play and missing the point of the PC if not. She has an Ideoligy that states ALL CLERICS are Evil as all gods are becouse they hold back souls from true enmiltement. The point is here Would you Good Cleric hang around evil drow PCs becouse your pc need to advencher to get higher levels. Levels are not the point here, I dont have the hours of game time to wast on leveling so I RP a lower levels. Its teh RP im after, and I must say there have been some grate stuff. Also theres the point of pushing the FIXED way gods and clerics work with in layo that

1: Dos not brake any rules
2: Puts a new twiset on God V evil with a counter view not disimuler from Bloodstones on Dragons
3: Alows PCs to RP a counter view,

Now as just player I may be way way out of line here but I belive I have contrebuted to layo not drtracted.

Also, in the world of layo there has just been the end of a horrfic war, 1,000,000 dyed and and the world has a gray sky.
Always in hostory coults have arizean at times of unsertinety and anziatey at what the futuer holds. Why not layo the cult of the Good freeƩrs would just teh kind of thing that would come out of the times.

Clerics have to do more than just say O your healed and my gods good, they have to counter points of view that are bot so black and white as Good = good evil = evil.

How do they deal with a good Heratic?


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2006, 03:48:00 pm »
It depends on the cleric in question, naturally.  Good-aligned deities would try to make them see the error in their ways - and if they insisted that they did not wish interference, they'd simply ignore them.  If a person spoke out actively against their god, despite the good works they'd done, they might get angry.  If they're from a peaceful faith, they'd simply have strong words to say, but it might prompt a warlike deity's followers to draw blades and demand an apology.

However, having a character like yours refute the fact that a god whose followers heal the sick, feed the hungry, and heal the virtuous and righteous in battle is a good god by claiming that all gods "restrict" souls (when there are even cases of followers returning from their respective Heavens to refute this) is ludicrous.  It's not a shades-of-grey issue.  Layonaran gods are like the objects that cast the images in Plato's cave allegory:  they ARE Good, Neutral, or Evil.  Period.  If a cleric casts healing spells, this does not guarantee that they're good-aligned - after all, it serves an evil cleric to heal those they fight alongside.  However, if a cleric casts a healing spell to help someone who cannot offer them recompense and from whom they cannot benefit except in terms of gratitude, this is pretty much inarguably a good act.

