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Author Topic: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps  (Read 1101 times)


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    How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « on: May 23, 2006, 03:47:15 pm »
    1. Note that a particular nearby PC is not at full health
    2. Walk up to the PC
    3. Fail to introduce one's self
    4. Cast a healing spell which cures the PC of all ailments
    5. Wordlessly walk off

    I can understand that exploring the wilderness is less social and more tactical than, say, sitting in a tavern spinning tales, but IMO interaction with strangers still does call for a certain amount of etiquette. Particularly if the receivers of the healing spells are engaged in blatant obvious roleplay. It just fosters poor social atmosphere, which a roleplay server is all about.

    This happened to me the other night. I guess I was mostly perturbed because this sort of 'heal at all costs' idea stinks like the sort of thing that should be seen in Azeroth and not in Layonara :)


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    RE: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 04:58:26 pm »
    IC ...

    oh the man is injured, blood dripping on the ground there, well we can not have that now can we ...

    *casts cure moderate wounds*

    *laughs, and walks off*



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    RE: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #2 on: May 23, 2006, 05:53:00 pm »
    While I agree that people spontaneously casting healing spells on people without any warning is of poor form I would really like to see the injured people RPing the situation as well. If your character is down to Badly Injured if must be hurting quite a bit. At this point I'd imagine a person unable to heal himself to go directly to the closest people and ask for help. Very rarely they'd just trudge along taking care of their daily routines.

    Unless your character has a masochistic streak or is utterly unable to rely on the help of others, the next time you enter a town while bleeding from numerous wounds try hollering for help the moment you are trough the gates.


    RE: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #3 on: May 23, 2006, 06:03:12 pm »
    This is one of those topics that several people usually jump in on to defend their particular actions in some particular situation, feeling that it is personally directed at them.

    Since "not at full health" does not necessarily mean "near death," and it was mentioned that the person being healed was obviously engaged in some kind of roleplay, I'll just assume this was not a case of someone standing around chatting about the weather with their intestines around their ankles... which usually gets a quick heal and an edging away from the clearly insane guy.

    Reventage - 5/23/2006  5:53 PM
    Unless your character has a masochistic streak or is utterly unable to rely on the help of others,

    Or is a dwarf... does that fall under the masochism?


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    Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #4 on: May 23, 2006, 06:08:55 pm »
    What I think is odd is non-spellcaster based healing, like... bandages. People who just walk up to someone and start bandaging them without a word, that might land them a slap or two if they do it to the wrong person! *nods*


    Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #5 on: May 23, 2006, 06:37:35 pm »
    I hate to think of little Tommy Cavenaugh seeing a person bleeding to death near the bank. And I do not like walking through the blood trails going to eat at the tavern.

    //ooc-rp both sides of this.healing and running is not rp. Emoting what blfarris said is rp. Introducing yourself is rp. On the other side, think of what people would think seeing a bloody person walking by. barely hurt probally couldn't be seen, badly wounded and near death, well...that I am sure we coud see.

    Pen N Popper

    Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #6 on: May 23, 2006, 07:18:43 pm »
    There is no sense in healing anyone in Hlint without RP.  There are several full-heal resting areas close by, and no imminent dangers.  Just let the bleeders be.  Floaty text injury sniffing is just unnecessary there.  If they need healing, they can emote their conditions.  (My two cents' worth of rant.)


    Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #7 on: May 24, 2006, 12:59:46 am »
    *laughs at Acaceas comment*

    *varka walks into Hlint with an arm chopped of and a hole in his torso where the lever hangs out (and with a neon sign over his head saying "near death")*

    *Acacea walks up to varka but he continues - Acacea picks something up what varka dropped* you lost something dwarf *standing with a lung in her hand*
    *Varka turns around and response - gasping for air* Keep it lass oi have two ...........



    Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #8 on: May 24, 2006, 07:54:46 am »
    Bear in mind, even "Badly Wounded" could just be a nasty abdominal wound - devastatingly painful, bleeding, and possibly lethal without treatment, but not immediately visible... and a lot of adventurers would hesitate before crying out for help.  Certainly, stoic fighter types or secretive types would be loath to show weakness, preferring to suffer silently, letting their armour or clothing hide the wound, even gritting their teeth and acting as normally as possible until they had the time to seek circumspect medical attention.


    RE: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
    « Reply #9 on: May 24, 2006, 02:58:47 pm »
    I guess that what most of you said it is better Rp'd to wait for healing someone untill they ask you to heal them.
      Like: "sir, I got a big wound. Could you help me with that?"  Or like: "I need healing help me."  
      But what about If they drop on the ground because they can't handle the pain anymore. Should the healer leave you on the ground? If so I'm glad that one guy didn't ignore my Near death, and invisible Sonya DarkAngel when he stombled over her.
      I don't have a healer character so I don't have to worry about the healing the wrong person at teh wrong time part. But since I can become wounded I do try to RP about being wounded. But I do forget about it some times. I remember one time I didn't even notice my character was near death. :( untill someone healed me that is.
      Anyway I hope everyone tries to RP things the right way. just If you don't know what to do. just ask you this one question.  "What would I do if it hapend in real life?"  Usualy works for me. This is just a tip for everyone to use as the see fit.I hope it helps.


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      RE: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
      « Reply #10 on: May 24, 2006, 03:22:49 pm »
      "What would I do if it hapend in real life?"

      In real life, if some bloke walked up to me and healed me with a touch, I, for one, would need a change of knickers.


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        RE: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #11 on: May 25, 2006, 10:13:19 am »
        IF it bothers you that bad that somebody healed you there is something wrong. I agree if it was a bandage.. with no RP.. of course. But a spell? Come on. Not every character is RPed to be social.. what if there is a healer who just doesnt say much.. he sees someone injured and heals them. Think about this.. if you were hurt or bleeding somewhere.. talking or whatever you were doing and somebody healed you.. you would be appreciative(speaking real life now)for the easing of your pain. I see this post as nothing but a form of griefing. With all do respect I would say to get over it or send that player a tell in game about it. This forum is what? Roleplaing - how to on layonara right?  Just remember every character has there own personality and should not have to fit into your standards. Just my two cents.


        Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #12 on: May 25, 2006, 12:38:21 pm »
        Well, then, vis my earlier post, the healee might actually be resentful towards the healer.  A character who depends on reputation or toughness would object strenuously to being publicly healed by a stranger, as an aside, a nothing.  Street cred is important.

        Now, you could play some sort of psychotic reverse-assassin or something: he sneaks up behind people and cures all their wounds, or something like "Assault with Intent to Assuage Grevious Bodily Harm"... but I'd agree that SOME communication is crucial prior to curing ailments that might not even be discernable on a walkby.

        Xandor Loriland

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        Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #13 on: May 25, 2006, 12:54:32 pm »
        I will offer the results of an informal poll.  Rawkwin has been walking through Hlint for quite some time and his policy if he sees someone badly wounded or worse is to walk up and state that the person looks hurt or doesn't look good or something like that and then ask if they require healing.  When I have done this I would say that about half of the people say they are fine and don't need the help and the other half are very appreciative.  So if you are concerned about what other players will consider to be polite I would say that asking is important.  As far as RP goes, if you have a specific reason for your character to act a specific way then I think they should act that way and then deal with the consequences.


        Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #14 on: May 25, 2006, 01:00:12 pm »
        Heh, this always pops up...

        Look at me, not even on Layonara for 4 months and this is the second time I see a thread like this.

        In my case, if I'm in town, I ask the person if they want help.

        If out in the wilderness and running around invisibile, if I spot someone getting killed, I heal and move on.  To Freldo, this is a "prank", if you can call it that - the person might want to die (as is evident when fighting a bunch of enemies on their own) but he doesn't let them.

        Oh, I also cast the odd Haste on folks for fun...  If they don't like it, Freldo doesn't care, but most are pretty happy and he's happy for surprising them.  Oh, Barkskin and light on folks that don't expect it also.  I do this for fun.  :)

        Arcane trickster...  *laughs*


        Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #15 on: May 25, 2006, 01:32:05 pm »
        *laughs at Freldo's comments*

        The trickster.  Heh.


        Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #16 on: May 26, 2006, 09:08:00 am »
        Ahh, but the arcane trickster's supposed to steal things.

        I'm actually rather fond of my own idea - the stealth healer.  Might be a fun prestige class.  Ninja healer.

        Joe Fighter makes his slow, pained way back to Hlint, limping from the wounds inflicted by the multitudes of enemies who threw themselves blindly at his sword.  Suddenly, there's an explosion, and smoke obscures all sight.  Hands gently but firmly clamp about his head, force it back, and pour a potion down his throat, even as another pair of hands dress and bandage his wound blindingly fast.  The lightests of rapid footfalls indicate their retreat as the smoke dissipates.  Feeling much better, but perturbed, Joe looks down at his tidily-bandaged wound.  "Dratted Yukimura Healers," he mutters.

        Wouldn't that be fun?  *L*  Levels in Rogue or Shadowdancer, combined with a certain number of ranks of Heal...


        Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #17 on: May 26, 2006, 10:31:31 am »
        Stealth Healer...  That would be fun.

        Under the cover of darkness, he approached.  The silence of night and the moon were the only witnesses to what was about to be done.

        His target loomed, hunched and in agony, a few feet away - it's breathing misty in the cold night air, it's blood hung in the air like a beacon for him.  It was injured, now was the time to strike.

        Unseen and unheard, he attacked in a whirl - needles whizzed at lightning speed, lotions and salves were applied as if by the hands of nimble feys, bandages and gauze were placed in perfect coordination. It was as if a thousand hands attacked - but it felt nothing until they were gone.

        In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

        A soft chuckle pierces the night's stillness.

        The target, dazed, confused and perfectly sutured.  He'd remember that night, the night he had been hit by the Ninja Healer.

        That would be awsome.


        Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #18 on: May 26, 2006, 10:23:40 pm »
        I have GOT to find an RP reason to do that, Munch.


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        Re: How *not* to play a healing-spellcaster in 5 easy steps
        « Reply #19 on: May 26, 2006, 10:43:28 pm »
        hahah this all reminds me of Doc Stonetrader....a couple of times he was popped up from invisibility and healed me. i don't know how he manages to find me and know that somehow im gonna get in trouble lol