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Author Topic: Hammer of Dorand and crafting  (Read 233 times)


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    Hammer of Dorand and crafting
    « on: August 28, 2005, 11:43:00 pm »
    I've got a quandry playing my Hammer of Dorand, Gloinar, related to crafting.

    Being a Cleric in purposful worship of a god of crafting means some things to me.

    Craft and help those who craft, the creation is all.

    Now the problem is for me: What do you do with all the excess craft stuff?

    It seems disrespectiful to just dump excess molds, patterns, etc in the bin when they certainly could be used for better things.

    Sure, there is a market to sell those excess but I find it hard for Gloinar to sell these things to people, very especially his new friends.

    From the character point of view he has been welcomed and helped by the people who frequent Hlint, heck, if he has spare crafting bits and pieces he is very likely to give them to his friends. I would.

    Therein lies the quandry, this could be bad for the market forces for Layonara, if I have a character that is giving stuff away it could be construed as going against the other characters that are merchants, I don't want to cause OOC problems.

    While it is not a problem at the moment as Gloinar is relatively low level, in time, giving stuff away could be a real economic problem.

    Can someone help me out with what other mechanisms there are for the disposal of Craft goods in game. Seriously, Gloinar is very likely to make stuff for characters he knows just because he is fulfilling his god directed duty to make things. IC I am cool with it, OOC I can see it could be a problem.


    RE: Hammer of Dorand and crafting
    « Reply #1 on: August 29, 2005, 04:38:00 am »
    Excess molds, patterns, and that crap, eh? Ahh, the old 'leftover nugget' problem... Here's what I do.

    I stick it into the anvil.

    I leave it for someone to come across. They'll enjoy it.

    Of course, Turor's Lawful Good, so he doesn't mind leaving happy little surprises, like all those jillion gems he left in the smashing table one time. Just because he's a nice fellah.

    Don't know if Gloinar's a NG char or not, but if he is, that could be a possible way to go. If he's Lawful Neutral, he'd probably sell it to the pawnshop, like selling to a scrapheap.


    RE: Hammer of Dorand and crafting
    « Reply #2 on: August 29, 2005, 04:45:00 am »
    Next time Turor dies due to the sever being laggy, just remember you are the one who left the stuff on the forge.
      Leaving items on the forge or craft containers will add to lag. Sell it to the pawnbroker if you dont know what else to do with it.
      In my opinion nothing is more irritating than getting to the gem cutting stone to only find 50 greenstone minerals sitting there. I know you trying to be a nice guy, but firstly it adds to lag and secondly someone will probably have to clean up after you.


    RE: Hammer of Dorand and crafting
    « Reply #3 on: August 29, 2005, 12:14:00 pm »
    Giganos - 8/29/2005 8:43 AMĀ  Can someone help me out with what other mechanisms there are for the disposal of Craft goods in game. Seriously, Gloinar is very likely to make stuff for characters he knows just because he is fulfilling his god directed duty to make things. IC I am cool with it, OOC I can see it could be a problem.

      Donate it to the temple? I know that several crafting clerics when they have an excess of stuff send a message into the GM channel to see if somebody is on and ask if they can donate some stuff to their temple. I'm sure if you hike up to Lar with an ox full of crafted items, you'd be welcomed. (Of course, since it's a bit out of the way, you might want to make sure there's a GM on first, hehe)


    RE: Hammer of Dorand and crafting
    « Reply #4 on: August 29, 2005, 12:14:00 pm »
    And yes, please do not leave items on the craft stations, thanks.


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      RE: Hammer of Dorand and crafting
      « Reply #5 on: August 29, 2005, 11:13:00 pm »
      Thank you everyone for the responses.

      Good to know about not leaving things in craft containers. Shame, as that would have been a good way to deal with some of the excess.

      Gloinar is LN in alignment, though at time I think he ends up behaving LG, with a strong role model like Turor he will most likely end up behaving that way in the end.

      The pilgramage to Lar sounds like an interesting cdq to play, even if it only has the most minimal DM interaction at the end. Gloinars not been to Lar, only explored a little around Hlint, Haven, and a couple of other towns, I don't usually play a whole lot to be going on huge exploratory missions.

      When I know I can play for a goodly amount of time I'll ping the DM channel to see if anyone is available for a little fun, I guess Gloinar better get crafting ;) Should take me a good couple of weeks to get enough raw materials together to make some finished products.

      I guess if no DM is on I can always have Gloinar hike to Lar and go through the motions then drop the items in a trashcan or pawnbroker, its fun to go exploring the module.


      RE: Hammer of Dorand and crafting
      « Reply #6 on: August 30, 2005, 12:46:00 am »
      If its any help I have a Hammer of Dorand.. Venus, who had the same quandry a while ago..she crafts for the joy of crafting and following the way as set before her by the great Hammer Dorand. I was constantly overloaded with things and she just did not think it right to sell the items she had created nor to dump them on a vendor or in a bin....

      But...her other problem was that she was constantly short of funds to continue her crafting, so a friend offered to sell the goods on her behalf and then the money she gains could go back into continuing her craft!

      Her friend gets an agents percentage and Venus gets the rest without the hand ups of selling the goods....all she has to do now is focus on crafting which is what she does best and loves the most!