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Author Topic: how to rp a double life  (Read 175 times)


how to rp a double life
« on: August 03, 2006, 06:02:28 am »
I have reasons to believe my character will be leading a double life. And I was wondering how to rp such a thing.

any advice will be welcome.


RE: how to rp a double life
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 07:47:30 am »
You should maybe look up multiple personality disorder, have a little read and a think.
  General advice, change pitch, tones, likes and dislikes. But don't have an argument with yourself.


RE: how to rp a double life
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2006, 07:56:28 am »
an arguement with yourself lol


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RE: how to rp a double life
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2006, 08:08:05 am »
There's afew things, some Philosopher mentioned... but an obvious one is make sure you don't walk around with the same clothes... I'd assume you'd have to hide your double life from your husband and you'll need to make sure you're either good at illusion, or you have a nice helmet or mask over your head. Make sure you don't talk about information Sonya might know but your double life wouldn't know, like what's for dinner or who ate the last pie in the cupboard or they might just catch on that it's Sonya...
  Oh, and if anyone runs up to you saying 'Hey Sonya!' while you're in your secret identity, just blank them or tell them that if they call you that again you'll do something nasty... depends on what your second life will act like. Though make sure her secret identity doesn't take over her life too much or she may start acting pretty messed up...
  Hope that helps... if it even makes sense.  ;)


RE: how to rp a double life
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2006, 08:51:41 am »
Philosopher - 8/3/2006  10:47 AM  But don't have an argument with yourself.
 Talking to yourself isn't a sign of craziness.  Arguing with yourself isn't a sign of craziness.  Arguing with yourself -- and losing -- well, that may be a sign of craziness.


RE: how to rp a double life
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2006, 08:55:49 am »
I guess the best advice I would have is to think of what you'd have to do in an analagous real-life situation -- I'm assuming your "other identity" is supposed to be a secret.  What excuses and alibis do you need?  How can you arrange for the time you need to pursue your second identity without raising too many suspicions in the first?  Is there anyone you trust that can know what you're doing and help you cover it up?

Clearly, a second set of possessions, even to the point of taking a second room somewhere, will be needed so as to not tip off anyone that either personality is linked to the other.


Re: how to rp a double life
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2006, 10:51:13 am »
And you have to get glasses.  Much research has shown that a simple pair of glasses is the most effective disguise in the world.

A low INT or CHA might mean that your character would do a very poor job of a double-life, though, as she would be hard-pressed to accurately portray a different person.. which in turn would be part of your own RP, as you'd play her poorly playing her alter-ego.

However, as the others said, if Sonya can pull it off (whatever her stats are), she might be well-served by taking on a different dialect... speaking a different language, if she has it... using different spells on a regular basis, dressing differently, etc.  She would also be best off never summoning her familiar in her alter-ego, as that would be eminently recognizable.  And unless her alter-ego has some reason to hate Sonya, the best reaction to somone calling her "Sonya" would either be a blank look or a tell informing them that you don't, in fact, look like Sonya.. or asking them to make a Spot check to see if they do see through the disguise.

