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Author Topic: Kudos for great roleplay  (Read 38100 times)


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #480 on: June 02, 2009, 10:27:54 pm »
Just for Inara Brokenbow and Rivius Viroma, whom I understand are completely new to RP (and to NWN in one case *grins* )

If you need to pester someone for help on something, end a tell to one of my PC's listed on my characters... :D but if it regards LORE or th elore of Layo... check out the actual page itself, cause I'm still learning stff from it two... LORE: Start Here or some of the discussion "ask a gamemaster" threads.

Great start for beginning RPer's (ugh... better than I did... lol!)

look forward to more RP with you two. *grins*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #481 on: June 02, 2009, 11:30:57 pm »
Kudos to Phoenix and Pankoki ant quest.

It feeled great and the way the events developed was quite enjoying, It was an intresting experience.

Thanks to everyone, had a blast !!!


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #482 on: June 03, 2009, 01:02:41 am »
Excellent fun...I'd like to see what we could have done with our wood quarterstaves against those darn I wanted to try to take em....but we did good and it was funny us all dressed in cloth rags....good job to Phoenix and Pankoki


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #483 on: June 05, 2009, 01:21:19 am »
I guess this would be the place to put this so....

Congrats to Jacob and Ava Stormhaven on their marriage.

Thanks Row for a wonderful... if spur of the moment... ceremony.  Well done everyone.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #484 on: June 05, 2009, 01:25:26 am »
*sniff heavily knowing that it is mail to blame that his invitation did not come on time *

// Congrats .. May the hand of virtue bless you ;)


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #485 on: June 05, 2009, 01:26:18 am »
Thanks Link, was good times.  Look forward to playing more with ya and everyone else.


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #486 on: June 05, 2009, 08:36:24 am »
I just wanted to say Thanks to Row as well.  
Especially for the great Vows.  ;)
It was nicely done, especially as was mentioned, for the spur of the moment.


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #487 on: June 05, 2009, 09:23:14 am »
Thanks Row, Daniella, and Jacob.. great wedding!! Great everything!! :)


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #488 on: June 05, 2009, 07:40:33 pm »
Quote from: geloooo
Soon we'll have a little army :P on another note, kudos to Verdin Cowl and Eleandilethessa on the Katherian mercenary front! I had a great time at the TLI series, kudos to everyone who participated, and especially to Hal! You still have me wondering and being paranoid! :P Great quest DM Mixafix! Nicely executed! :)

I agree Geloooo. Thanks Mix and Hal - man - you had me going thinking you were the baddie all the time. Great fun and some really good RPing


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #489 on: June 07, 2009, 05:36:36 am »
I had the good fortune to meet up with the Magnius brothers the other night and after some introductions and rp'ing, we headed off to Silkwood Caves to mine some copper and gems. The party was Guillaume Magnius, Phobo Magnius, Eslar Magnius and Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn (she likes to be known as duchess on account of her long and easy to mis-spell name: for instance, some gms seem to have a problem with this name calling her Elealphabet or Eleblahblah - I ask you!)

Anyway, some really good RP folks and Eslar in particular, who told this huge rambling story on the way out of the caves over about 15 minutes or so...

Eslar Magnius said,  'Have you ever heard the tale of the green bunny?’

Duchess replied, 'Naw?’

Eslar Magnius continues,  'Alright, a loong loong time ago, near a village on our homeland of Corsain there was happy famers working their land for carrots and the likes.’ Some miserable kobolds interrupted the flow of the story at this point, and had to be shown their place in the world.

'They were all singing to the glory of Prunilla, but then one day, the farmers came to the local magistrate, scared, displeased and angered.

'Their farmed had been ravaged, he fences chewed on, the earth burrowed, even one house had fallen into the ground because of it.

'So they pleaded and begged the magistrate to do something.

'He called on the Toranites, thinking it could be undead burrowing under the earth, but they never came back.

'So he called on the Rofeirinites, to investigat, but they didn't come back

'Desperate, they called on the Lucindite, as for sure only magic could do that, but they never came back.

'One day, a small boy with his father came,his father being a ranger, and told the magistrate that they had found tracks.

'The tracks were huge.. and in the form of a rabbit.

'From the look of it, they looked like the rabbit would be over six feet tall.

'So they camped there after setting a trap, the biggest pumpkin they could find.

'Of course, it took the bait...An eyeball and some spiders try to stop the story at this point with the same outcome as the kobolds. Vermin. 'And there on ensued the tug of war of all time, the rabbit trying to eat away the pumpkin while the ranger tried to take it away from it, to lure it away from the farms.

'At one point the ranger thought he had the upper hand until the rabbit started to drag him around in the mud.

'Finally after a few hours the ranger let go of the pumpkin looking as dark as a dark elf from all the mud and so he went back to the magistrate and started to tell his tail.

'Well you can imagine. Would you believe it if a six foot tall green rabbit dragged you around the mud?’ He pauses for effect then laughs out loud.

'In any case so there he was telling his tale, that the rabbit jumped through a window.. chewing on the leg of one of the Toranites.

'Of course they were scared.. who wouldn't, but still they were also in awe in front of that spectacle. And so now and then, every full moon *he looks up at the full moon* some people claim to see the green rabbit.’
*sc check, using illusion to cover himself with the appearance of a green rabbit fur and for her    Eslar morphs into a green rabbit that is over six feet tall *

Duchess jumps back in mock fright and said, 'Guid story, big man. Freaky. Jist don' make me look like a dark elf?

Eslar Magnius chuckles, 'It could be fun though at parties.’


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #490 on: June 11, 2009, 05:42:22 pm »
Many thanks to praecurerre who GM'd an encounter with us in the Ore Hills. Really different and got me going at least. The  party comprised, in no particular order: Isherwood Smithson, Verdin Cowl (wee man), Ironfist Son of Ironbreaker (big man), Guillaume Magnius and Eleandilethessa Quil’lyn (duchess for short). Apologies for the length but it was difficult to reduce the feed to this amount: the RP was really top notch and had me alternately rolling in laughter and worried for my PC's life. Brilliant stuff - read on...


The party was exploring the Ore Hills and particularly the Dungeon of the Eye, but after their initial contact with dire spiders then earth elementals, they decided to leave the cave and try to track down some gnolls that Isherwood had spotted earlier. They scaled the cliffs to find a large gnoll encampment, and in typical fashion, the dwarf charged headlong into the camp, the others following, dealing death left and right to any gnoll who stood against them. The plains area on the cliff was cleared of gnolls in a similar fashion, and with nothing left to do here, the party decided to return to town for a few ales and some light relief.

The sun came out as if to acknowledge their decision, and as they delicately walked past some strange chicken  and were about to take the path down, they saw a small girl approach them from below.

The girl stopped in front of them and tilted her head to look at them all.
'Haw rerr. Whit's a wee lassie like you daein' oot here?’ Duchess asked, in recognition of the small girl’s appearance before them. She was dressed in shades of red, and had red hair with darker streaks through it.
Isherwood took off his helmet and grinned.  'Well met young lady, are you in need of aid, I am Isherwood.’
'I’m Guillaume Magnius from Corsain,’ said Guillaume by way of introduction.
'Are you in need of samone ta walk out wif ya?’ Asked Wee Man.
'Aye he’s a good help now and then,’ the Big Man said, looking to Verdin.
The girl looked at their weaponry, which was out in plain view and then stared openly at Eleandilethessa. 'I am studying the patterns of the Gnoll migrations. And I am far from wee,’ the last a pointed reference to Duchess’s earlier comment.
Ignoring the barb, Duchess said, 'Hmm, well ye huv missed them.  They huv.. er, moved oan...?’
Isherwood said, 'Indeed, they have moved on already to a better place  I think.’
'Well there a lot fewer now to migrate anyway,’ Big Man said.
Isherwood asked, 'Why do you study them, they are vile creatures who attack on sight.’

Ignoring Isherwood completely, the girl asked seemingly randomly, 'Do you seek the balance of the flame?’
Not one to miss chance to make a fast true, Wee Man said, 'At oi do missy.’
Isherwood said, 'The balance I seek is honour and justice in the name of Rofirein.’
Big Man said, 'What flame is that?’
The girl looked at Ironfist as if studying him while Duchess looked the girl up and down carefully, as if seeing her for the first time.
Again seemingly at random, 'You cloak yourselves in bark and helms,  as if you can hide from the judgement,’ the girl said with a snicker.
Guillaume Magnius opined,  'The brown color is very attractive.’
Ignoring that last comment, Duchess said, 'Hmm, a wee lassie shouldni be oot here oan her ain - it's dangerous.’
Almost in agreement, Isherwood touched his head as if to say “She’s a strange one – been out in the sun too long.”
Trying not to be distracted by the side chatter, Big Man asked, 'What you saying about colors, miss?’
The girl said, 'Merely making an observation, stout one.’
Big man said, 'We’ll keep it to yourself.’
Duchess said, ' But ah must admit ah likes yer herr. A nice rid color it is,’ to the girl.

Isherwood continued the original line. 'The Gnolls interest you do they?’
Noncommittally, the girl said, 'Everything interests me.’ Then, out of the blue, 'Present me with a gift from your travels!’
 'Eh? Why wid we dae rat?’ Duchess asked, incredulous.  There were five of them and she was just a small child.
Wee Man said, 'Eer she’s fretnin’ us. Beat it dahlin’, afore a gub ye.’ He doesn’t take kindly to threats.
The girl held out her hand, as if looking for something.  'A sack of gold will do fine,’ she said, as if asking for a drink of water.
Duchess looked at the others.  'She must be a bit glaikit tae be up here oan her ain. We should push oan an’ ignore her.’
But Isherwood’s innate awareness for the discomfited came through though so he said, 'Take this little one,’ dropping a flower on the ground in front of the girl.
The girl looked at it scornfully and said, 'A flower?  No. I want more than that.’
Isherwood replied, 'It was fine bloom I found in the mountains. I think it is a rare find.’
Ignoring the flower, the girl planted her hands on her hips and continued, 'Give me the dwarf’s share and I will let you leave in peace.
 'Ah'll take yer breeks doon and gie ye a skelpit erse if ye dinni show sum respect,’ Duchess said to the girl.
Backing her up, Wee Man said, 'Tell ya wot dahlin’,why dahn’t cha just run along?’
Big man said, 'You’ll no be having my true little one.’
Duchess said, 'Ye've bin ooot in ra sun too long watchin' gnolls, lassie.’
The girl eyed the sword that Big Man was holding, as if weighing him up. 'Fine, then we fight for it.  Who's to wager first? Swordsman?’ She asked, looking to Verdin.
Wee Man replied, 'Nah, no wager ,just lie on the deck and shut yer mowff.’
Isherwood asked the girl, 'Are you so starving that you would risk your life for true? We wish you no harm, be on your way.’
The girl said, 'I am stating that you are willing to risk yours, I have no fear of mortals.’
Isherwood said, in awe, 'You are not mortal? Are you of the planes?’
'Naw a mortal?’ Duchess said. 'Whit is this rubbish? Too many mushrooms ah think. She's aff her heid. Jump her, tie her doon, an' take her back tae toon wi' us.’
The girl replied, 'My origination is not your concern. Suffice to say I am true to the balance of the flame. And you will not lay a hand on me.’
Wee Man said, 'Cor luv a duck, we got a right joker eer. She’s a little girl, for bleedin’ 'ells sake.’
The girl continued, 'The dwarf’s gold, or we battle. One at a time.’
Big Man said, 'I fight for me gold. Ye’ll not have it wi’ oot a fight.’
'I fight the swordsman first then,’ the girl said and points at Verdin.
Big Man ignored her and said, 'Let me prepare; I go easy with her,’ and as if making up his mind, 'Hold me sword and shield Duchess.’
The girl said, 'Fine, then the dwarf first. It makes no difference to me.’ Then seeing the dwarf hand his sword and shield over,  'You wish to fight me hand to hand?’ She said with a laugh.
Big Man said, 'Aye, that better so me no kill little girls so easy.’
Duchess said, 'Go easy oan her big man. She’s only a wee lassie.’
Big Man held out his hand to shake as as a prelude to the combat: the girl bows in recognition of the ritual.
The girl said, 'Say when, dirty one.’
Big man said, 'Ah’m ready girly,’ and after a brief pause, launches himself at the girl. His first blow strikes true and he knocks the child to the ground: not a sound escapes her lips though.

Duchess encouraged him. 'Go fur it big man.’ But Isherwood warned, 'Indeed,  but she looks fast master dwarf – be wary.’
Big Man pummels her a few times, but almost miraculously, she gets up and takes the attack to Big Man.
She darts around the dwarf, striking him time and time again, without any resistance or seeming effort. Big Man starts to bleed from several places and staggers back against the girl’s onslaught. One blow brings him almost to his knees and Duchess shouts out, 'Awright. Ye made yer point, noo gie it a bye.’
Isherwood shouts, 'That’s enough!’ Stop!’
Wee Man agreed, 'Awight, break it up, we wis just jokin’. Can ye no take a laff?’
The girl stops the onslaught and laughs, 'You give in?’
Big Man grunts through the pain, 'You tough. Aye, ah give in.’
'Plucky little skunk ain’t she?’ Wee Man said.
As if in reply, the girl said, 'The flame burns deep within my spirit. How about you swordsman?’ She asked of Verdin.
Isherwood said, 'You fight well but why do you seek to harm? I asked if you sought aid, the offer remains’
The girl said, 'I seek no charity. I asked for a tribute to avoid this... you chose the path of greatest resistance. Life is option.’
Isherwood replied, 'But you chose to ask for tribute where none is due you.’
 'I am in need. I am hungry.  I am alone.  I am spirit and flame. I did not threaten, I fought with honor and justice,’ the girl replied.

Always the champion for the under privileged, Isherwood said, 'What aid do you seek? I have food and drink if you have need: the finest bread  and the sweetest wine,’ and places some bread and wine on the ground for her.
The others follow Isherwood’s lead and place various foods on the ground.
 Isherwood continued to try to offer succour, 'If you seek shelter, my temple can provide it.’
'My shelter is in my balance,’ the girl replies. 'But you have done well, you are free to go.’
'Wow, cheers. So kind.’ Duchess said, with just a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
'Aye great, let’s do it again some time,’ Big Man said, grimacing.
The girl said, 'I'll remember this event. Recall my name for next time.  It's Ellasia,’ and looking at Eleandilethessa, said, 'I don't like you.’
'Mutual, ah’m sure,’ Duchess retorted.
Backing her up, Wee Man said, 'Yeah, run along sweetheart.’ But the girl said to Verdin, 'I'll see you as well. Remember my name well.’
Duchess replied, 'Yeah, yer ca’d Elastic, right, got it.’
'It is Ellasia.’ The girl replied, with more anger now than before.
Duchess said, 'Aye right, got it. Yer name's in ra book ,’ she start to write something down with her quill, talking out loud as she writes: 'E.. l.. a.. s.. t.. i.. c.. Right, got it.’
As they backed away, eyes on the small girl, she said, 'See you soon dark lady. And you too elf.’
Not to be outdone in the last word, Duchess asked, 'Aye, an' nae chance o' learnin' aboot ra flame?’
The girl said, 'You will learn of the flame soon enough. Fire is in balance with the other elements, but is dominant. It takes all three others to balance such a strong power.’
Duchess said, 'Dominant.. in balance... right. Well, we should blaw. Ye kin obviously take care o' yersel' girlie, so bye fur noo.’
Wee Man said, 'Aye she s mad mental .’
Duchess agreed. 'Pure dedd mentul man. Aye, we should go, nuthin' mair tae dae here it seems.’
The girl asked suddenly of Verdin and Eleandilethessa, 'What are your names?’
Duchess said, 'Ra tall wan is ca’d Wee Man,’ pointing to Verdin.
 'An’ that’s duchess,’ Wee Man said about Eleandilethessa.
The girl said, 'Dutchess and Weeman.
Duchess said, ''At's it.’
The girl said, 'See you soon Weeman.  And Duchess,’ with a smirk.
Duchess said, 'An' yours wis.. *looks up her notes*.. Elastic.’
With a huff, the girl said, 'My name is Ellasia.’
Duchess came back, 'Aye, 'at’s right, ah said 'at. Elastic. Got it noo, nae bother.’
Big Man laughed and said, 'Aye, lets move out.’
Duchess agreed and they moved down the mountain. A little while later, she asks, 'A funny wee lassie?’
Wee Man replies, thinking back to the fight, 'Yer, but oi liked the cut of her jib.’


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #491 on: June 11, 2009, 07:03:19 pm »
Quote from: Xaltotun
the RP was really top notch and had me alternately rolling in laughter and worried for my PC's life. Brilliant stuff

Yeah... that seems about normal when osX is dm'ing.  Having a blast and wondering when his trigger finger's gonna fail a will check.  Or... just sitting there the whole time laughing while saying "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die..."


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #492 on: June 16, 2009, 07:26:40 pm »
Kudos to all of our priests and priestesses on server. The casting of deity relations is now, more than ever, a matter of course for most of the clerics I come into contact with when they meet any and all new faces - not just the ones they know OOC to worship evil deities! :)


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #493 on: June 17, 2009, 08:40:23 am »
Just want to give a big thank you to Arkolio Salvorre, Leisa Margreve, Brandin Fleetfeet, and Eleandilethessa Quilyn! Thanks for all the help! An elite group of five against really big groups of 25 or more! Fantastic role play as well! No goodies for the next session though! :P

Oh, and of course, DM Mixafix! Silly me :P Thanks for running the CDQ! :)


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #494 on: June 22, 2009, 04:12:23 am »
Had a lot of fun at Acacea's fireside chat tonight, so thanks to her for getting the evening and started, and to those who came by...and really really big thanks to Rhizome - top notch RP. I lost track of several hours, I think :-)


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #495 on: June 24, 2009, 02:21:24 pm »
A ton of 'well played' :) to Zahid Al Saf for his recent RP in a party that comprised Zahid Al Saf, Layl Maaw, Verdin Cowl, Liar Muck, Ironfist and Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn.

The party assembled and after the usual intros, headed to the troll cave in the swamps outside Dopplegreen. After defeating the first group of trolls, some of the party started to dig the phenalopes and the platinum from the cave floor. At this point Zahid shouted them to stop, objecting to the destruction they were inflicting on mother earth. Some banter took place, and then Zahid played (in my estimation anyway), the best bit of RP I have seen for a while.

Zahid Al Safi shouted,
'Argh! The earth screams with your pickax. This is an atrocity. If you continue to destroy the earth, I shall leave you here.'
While Verdin Cowl sang in the background "phenelope's a singer da da da da every night she plays the banjo..." and duchess continued the refrain with "She's a minger, she stands up, when she playes, ra piano..."

Zahid continued in this vein to try to convince the party to stop, but after he realised they wouldn't, he walked away from the party and the caves.

If you hadn't realised, Zahid is a druid, and that was, for me, one of the best bits of druidic RP I had been party to. :D


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #496 on: June 25, 2009, 05:54:33 pm »
Kudos to thunder pants and Pankoki, Had fun yesterday even if we got mopped by some simple rats, it was a good time.
 Also, big kudos to andrios for a constant great time when we play together.
 To gim, cass, sty, ckuzay, grovel and a few others, my two bros and sol_seeker, thansk for the fun also

Lance Stargazer

Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #497 on: June 26, 2009, 10:43:09 am »
I have to support the previous Kudos.

Big Kudos for Thunder pants and Pankoki, I had a blast , Really enjoyable Rp Evening. Time flew.

*doble check for his semantics*

Also Kudos for Lord Cove, Tod Fellow, Alatriel and merlin34baseball for showing up and spice a little bit the evening as well. Argos surely will start to hide his last name from now on to avoid such emabarring situations .. yet was a lot of fun..

and can't leave Fehriel out of this, his rat adventure gave us some point of discusion over the evening. Good Rp


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #498 on: June 27, 2009, 05:59:05 am »
Tooooo many people to all name, but you all know who you are those of you that were in the red light cave yesterday with Feh and Azai.

Now all that bantering and laughs, and goblin killing unfortunately had a side effect for two of the people that were there


Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« Reply #499 on: June 30, 2009, 12:30:30 am »
Chaynce (merlin34baseball)- it's rp like that that gives characters more than just stats.  Thanks for the incredible rp.