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Author Topic: Chaotic Neutral  (Read 274 times)


Chaotic Neutral
« on: February 11, 2006, 08:53:22 pm »
I have been away from Layonara for a long time (World of Warcraft addiction that I recently just squashed by cancelling my subscription to) and I have all but forgotten what it means to play a character of this alignment.  At the moment, Caldiir is still this alignment (if he still exists that is) and I would like some suggestions on playing him this way and how to play this alignment to begin with.  I have been reading up on the stuff again, so I should be pretty close to up to speed, but I want to make sure before I dive back in.

For those who don't know Caldiir...

I appreciate all help provided.


Re: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 12:09:30 am »
I normally dislike touching these posts. As I feel that people need define matters of opinion and belief for themselves. However, it was suggested to me that only thru various informed opinions and factual arguments can people hope to comprehend and learn. Thus to satiate and placate I’ll give you my take on Chaotic Neutral. So with that disclaimer in mind I will give it my best to answer your question.

Chaotic – The Rebel

People of the chaotic persuasion do not necessarily disagree with laws or even rebel against them. However they do lack in many self principles and are prone to non concrete changes in personality and moral fabric. It is uncommon but not unheard of for these people to keep a promise for holding a promise takes honor that chaotic individuals truly lack.

To society as a whole these individuals are normally outcasts of society, something that by definition is an unchanging code of conduct. Thus a person whom has a morality that can and will change relatively easily, there is a great deal of friction. What spurs this chaos comes from as many sources as a personality can come from.

Neutral – The Balance

Good and evil, what do they really mean? Do they mean some philosophical outlook such as the wicked devils and the heavenly angels? Or is their something more, something far more identifiable and concrete. Perhaps it has to do with actual ethical values, do these values seek towards good ends or not. If so then in the grand scheme of things a neutral individual has habits and beliefs that balance between helping others and helping themselves. At times this can be a subtle thing; at others it can be drastic.

In society this is probably the most common alignment, very few people are willing to sacrifice life and limb at a minimal profit just to help others. Yet at the same token few people are willing to hurt the masses just to make a bit of jink. This leaves the majority; they are neutral and probably swaying a bit towards good or evil. They strive for self improvement but they are not about to do so at the expense of more then a few, and probably not to the point where people are killed. No more likely are they about to risk their life, limb, property or soul to save strangers. Thou there are likely exceptions abundant in either case.

Chaotic Neutral –

To merge the two you find a difficult alignment, a person unlikely to remain morally stable. Individuals capable and likely to commit crimes if they feel it warranted. Do to the shifting morality, and interest in self gain. In the stressful and sometimes on the move decisions required of adventurers this can blend the line between good and evil. This leads to a dangerous combination of recklessness and the establishment of the restrictions of alignment.

In society these people are often seen as anarchists and rebels, and admittedly a fair number are. They are in it for themselves, thou they still distaste wonton harming of others. Yet they are quick to lie and quick to abandon any cause they feel isn’t worth it. This lack of self discipline tends to lead to poor performance in highly regulated occupations. A quick example would be an accountant that cooks the books to insure their job. Illegal, immoral yet it is hard to see anyone getting hurt until your caught.

Now lets here from everyone else.


Re: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 09:57:17 am »
Very well put, Ozymandias. Not terribly well-spelled in several parts, but then, I've probably spelled four words wrong already, myself.

Generally, a TC (True Chaotic, another name for Chaotic Neutral) character can act like any alignment they feel like at the time; thier personalities are often shifting, and they often display characteristics of all four extreme alignments. For example, there may be a TC character who will torture and kill goblinoids just for the heck of it (a CE trait), and who'll steal anything that isn't nailed down (and some things that are!), but only things that can be replaced, not things like an old family heirloom (LE). That same character might rush in to save the day for a pretty woman (CG), and still simply not allow any children to be harmed, if his life can stop it. (LG)

I actually had a character run in one of my campaigns that was exactly like that; fun one, that. TC characters often shift alignments permanently, much more than characters of other starting alignments. TC represents a tendancy for exactly that; shifts in values, tendancies, etc., and just like a crook going straight (Johnny Dangerously! TC to CG), or a thief deciding to "set up shop" for himself, no matter who he has to step on (Dr. Doom! TC to LE), a True Chaotic character is likely to suddenly find a new outlook on life, and make a subtle shift to that.


RE: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2006, 11:05:45 am »


Re: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2006, 11:39:58 am »
Yeah, I read through that.  It says in there that CN do not work well in groups.  I'm just concerned that as such, I will not be able to join groups for quests if I do as I please.


Re: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2006, 11:47:43 am »
@Deacon, valid concern... or at the very least keep in mind 'doing as one pleases' will not make many happy on quests. :)


Re: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2006, 11:58:35 am »
Indeed.  It also says in there that one who is Cn usually doesn't help others unless there is an alterior motive.  I could figure out some way to benefit Caldiir...


Re: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2006, 12:03:10 pm »
*snickers*  If he does too much of what he "pleases," he might end up being hunted.  (*cough* shameless reference to Taislin *cough*)


RE: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2006, 07:07:19 pm »
Looking at this and also at the Lawful Neutral alignment, I am considering remaking Caldiir.  This for a number of reasons:

1) I think it would match my playstyle more.
2) I think that my eventual goal of playing an evil character would be much more attainable goal with this alignment.
3) Lawful Neutral characters leaning towards evil is more of how I want Caldiir to play.

The only thing that I think I would do different from the Alignment guide would be keeping the word of honor.  I feel that as a Drow, it is nearly impossible to keep my word unless it is all to weave a web of deception which I can trap my victims in.  What do all of you think?


Re: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2006, 08:07:49 pm »

Goal of playing an evil character? Er... Sure, you can plan on it, but don't actually SAY it. We would really prefer you play your character as the alignment he or she is, rather than try shifting them through player intent. If the character naturally goes there, then boom, sure. But don't push. At least... Not where the GMs (or anyone else, for that matter) can hear.


Re: Chaotic Neutral
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2006, 09:03:00 pm »
Yeah.  I think for now I'm just going to stick with him the way he is.  Play him as I see fit and see what happens.  Would be fun to be a purist rogue all the way anyways.