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Author Topic: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?  (Read 248 times)


Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« on: March 29, 2006, 09:46:26 am »
Or at least, some kind of supernatural ability to be able to guess which result would be the best for RP?  It's not really random, is it?  C'mon... fess up...

Last night, for example, I had Zug out with Kali and Dervish getting our collective rear-ends handed to us, as usual.  (Ok, this time it was Zug's fault... he notices a cave entrance and decides to see what's inside.  Turns out, it was sudden and painful death at the hands [so to speak] of a Xorn.)

Now, for those of you who haven't ventured much with Kali, whenever she returns from the void, she gets... odd.  It makes for good RP, though usually not so good for the general health and well-being of those around her.   :)   So, anyway... this "thing" takes over her and starts gloating/taunting Dervish.

I had Zug react as an action-oriented dumb half-giant should... barbarian rage and an "Intimidate" dicebag check, ordering the thing to leave Kali alone.  Rolled a (modified) 13... not bad, but not good enough to be considered a success.  All well and good, but the real fun rolls were to come.

After the thing leaves Kali (on its own, it appears), and she starts asking questions about what happened, Zug decides that the conversation is getting a little uncomfortable for him, and comes up with some lame excuse about an appointment he forgot.  How lame?  Bluff: 4.

So, after a while, Kali goes off to see her mentor, and Dervish is obviously worried for her.  So, Zug, the lumbering brute, tries to comfort him and tell him everything is going to be OK.  Persuade: -1.

Yes, that's a minus one.



RE: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2006, 09:54:30 am »
My dice bag is not funny at all. It does seem to take delight in producing 1's at very inappropriate times, and then wasting 20's on silly things.


Re: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2006, 10:01:12 am »
I'm using the new *check* text input thingy.

Much easier to use and no uncessary animation for the "Use" bit.

However, I did pull three '2's in a row a few nights ago.  Felt pretty being that I didn't want to fail them for some reason.  :)


Re: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2006, 10:07:09 am »
Curious... how do you do the *check* thing?  I'd much rather skip the hassle of "using" the dicebag...


Re: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2006, 10:09:13 am »

In game, type a *check str* or *check perform* (with the astericks), if the server isn't acting funny, it should pop the check over your head in colored letters.

I'm gonna search my logs for the official help on inline checks and I'll post it here in a few minutes.


RE: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2006, 10:11:31 am »
type: /o *help* in-game (or maybe /o E help) and watch your combat window. That should tell you everything you need to know.


RE: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2006, 10:13:50 am »


Re: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2006, 10:14:40 am »
sorry, I can't find it now but I know how to get it...

In game type /o help and it'll show the text parser commands in the Server Chat box, there a place there where the way to get instructions for the die roller is available.


Re: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2006, 01:05:43 pm »
Given that I don't craft my bag saves all it's 1's for items at the end of a quest.  For the Simpsons fans out there remember how Homer would strangle Bart all the time?  Ehm, ya well I'm homer and my Bart's the dice bag.


Re: Does the PC Dicebag have a sense of humor?
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2006, 03:13:21 pm »
I don't think my dicebag has a sense of humour but I think it has a grudge. My rolls are consistently low and bad things always happen to me because of it! Especially on Muninn quests, he's an evil evil GM and I always die some horrible death because of my vindictive dicebag! :P

