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Author Topic: Drow Cities and Culture  (Read 143 times)


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    Drow Cities and Culture
    « on: March 31, 2006, 07:19:46 pm »
    I'm not sure that this is the correct place to ask, but I'm contemplating submitting a character from the Underdark and need some information regarding Drow culture. My knowledge of Drow civilization mostly comes from an old module called Vault of the Drow, featuring the city of Erelhei Cinlu on the world of Greyhawk. I've read the Drow section of the races forum, but still have a few questions.

    1) Are half-breeds tolerated, or would such an abomination be slain at birth? In Erelhei Cinlu, they are tolerated at the fringes of civilization, but hold no power in the political structure of the city. I'm thinking of half-drow/half-human, or even half-drow/half surface elf.

    2) What are some popular drow musical instruments?

    3) Erelhei Cinlu featured an enormous cavern, where various fungi grew and sheltered escaped slaves that turned bandit. Is there any sort of resistance among Drow slaves?

    4) Do the Drow cities tolerate outsiders at all? In either a foreigners' quarter, or even mingling among the common Drow?

    Any help on these questions or a link to more information would be greatly appreciated.


    Re: Drow Cities and Culture
    « Reply #1 on: April 02, 2006, 05:51:58 am »
    1) Abomination!
    2) I never gave this any thought
    3) All cities are different in layout (small caverns, all in one big cavern, and so on), and also any resistance among slaves would very per city. The drow would be pretty ruthless against any slave who even considered resisting/revolting.
    4) Would again depend on the city. Those who trade a lot (like Olath Chath in the Handbook) would be more tolerant than those deeper in the Underdark.


    Re: Drow Cities and Culture
    « Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 02:53:28 pm »
    1) "Lunch"
    2) Non wood based instraments, or ones fashonable with available meterials. Drums, Harps, Flute (metal and spelling), chimes. All would be applicable as common instruments, however the rich could get ahold of wood instruments easly enough.
    3) Continuation of Ed: Of course sence the drow abuse slaves for fun they are always considering it thus adding into the cycle of violence.


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      Re: Drow Cities and Culture
      « Reply #3 on: April 03, 2006, 03:48:03 pm »
      EdTheKet - 4/2/2006  7:51 AM

      1) Abomination!
      2) I never gave this any thought
      3) All cities are different in layout (small caverns, all in one big cavern, and so on), and also any resistance among slaves would very per city. The drow would be pretty ruthless against any slave who even considered resisting/revolting.
      4) Would again depend on the city. Those who trade a lot (like Olath Chath in the Handbook) would be more tolerant than those deeper in the Underdark.

      Thanks for the pointers, Ed and Ozy, especially for clarifying #1. Looks like if I want my character idea to fly, I'll need to go offworld. I'm pretty sure I remember this being permissable, but I'm not sure what restrictions would need to be observed. I may also consider trying to keep the character on Layonara, but it'll be difficult to imagine a scenario that has a half-drow surviving in a hostile Drow city.. Perhaps in a foreigner's quarter, mistaken as a common half-elf (though I imagine they'd be slaughtered out of hand too.) Also, thanks for the pointers on drow instruments. It's common sense of course, but I just didn't connect the dots.


      Re: Drow Cities and Culture
      « Reply #4 on: April 04, 2006, 12:26:46 pm »
      Offworld? Come on, no need to do that!
      Check Westgate's population build-up.

      Location: Western shore of the continent of Xantril.
      Population: 4,000 (40% human, 15% half-orc, 12% halfling, 10% dwarf, 10% orc, 6% gnome, 4% dark elf, 2% demon, 1% elf)
      GP Limit:  1,600gp
      Alignment:  Chaotic Evil
      Government:  Tyrany
      Defenses: A reinforced masonry wall surrounds this city. It is also enhanced with magic.
      Miscellaneous Information:
      Westgate is a port city directly west of the Demon Mountains. When Xandrial sends his demonic minions to Dregar or beyond, they go through Westgate. The only creatures allowed to live in this city are those who directly serve this purpose and as such are evil to the core.


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        Re: Drow Cities and Culture
        « Reply #5 on: April 04, 2006, 07:19:22 pm »
        EdTheKet - 4/4/2006  2:26 PM

        Offworld? Come on, no need to do that!
        Check Westgate's population build-up.

        Yes, Westgate is very interesting. I think the background I had in mind can be adapted to Westgate, though it won't be quite as "cool" as being from the Underdark. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

