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Author Topic: Gnomes  (Read 469 times)


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Re: Gnomes
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2006, 10:15:47 am »
I have been playing a deep gnome, Cideous, for a couple years now, I had a massive leave of absence, but im sure there are old players who remmber me...  

Due to his history with a crazy mage molding, and changing the way his brain works in order to have the perfect labratory assitant he has become very distant from his standard gnomish brothers, being a deep gnome doesnt help either.  He is usualy quite reserved, and will rarely push anyone to do anything, even if he knows its waht needs to be done.  

Becuase of his backround he would probably end up being an extreamly successfull inventor, though thats just not what he is interested in, and it would likely deredge up some bad memories.

He asks alot of questions (being a monk of aragen) and accualy speaks relativly slowly.  He is very deliberate in his conversation and will usualy say quite a bit more than is needed to articulate his views, he likes to use an example whenever possible to illistare his point.  

In every conflict, no matter what sized, wheather dealing with red light goblins or balors, his approach is the same.  He trys to find every tid bit of imformation he can, to gain an understanding of what the root cause of the conflict is.  And then he trys to use very simple common sence to find a solution.  He trys to avoid a solution by force, for even if succesfull, something corrected by force usually does not stay corrected for very long (eg.  the exile of Sinthar Bloodstone) He usualy willl try to find a path of mutual understanding, so that all parties involved are satisfied with the outcome, for this is the only way for the solution to last.  If any feel like they have been forced into their position against their will, they will slowly plot their revenge, and soon the conflict will arise anew.  This is something he has learned through a great many years of observation and research.

Something I dont often roleplay as well as I should..... this ugly little thing has a charisma score of 6 I think, maybe 5 ill have to check again.  As such every person I ever encounter should not only have reason to hate me becuase I am an underdark race, but I am also so physicaly repulsing, that the mere sight of my hideous form causes those of low fortitude to immediatly vomit.  You cant right click on my avatar and see that my charisma is that low so it would be impossible for others to just recognize my uglyness.  So its something ill just have to RP creativly in-game.  Needless to say I dont make friends easily, but the friends I do have share a very strong bond (even though those friends are now all lvl 20+ and Ide feel like a powergamer runnin around with em, heh)

Being a monk of aragen he will usualy roleplay his way into any party, being that his presence is absoutly essential to the proper documentation, and recording of the events that are to take place.  Though he will usualy keeps his malodorous cloak at home, and leave naught a spec of skin uncovered when he joins a new group.

Am I still typing...?   Someone should realy smack me upside the head while im posting casue I just rant and rant and rant and rant and.................yeh then I rant somemore

gilshem ironstone

Re: Gnomes
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2006, 11:23:27 am »
The PnP 2nd edition Gnomes Handbook also has some interesting character types for gnomes (My favourite is the vermin slayer) and is worth checking out.

