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Author Topic: playing a half-orc  (Read 83 times)


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playing a half-orc
« on: December 22, 2005, 08:44:00 am »
I am trying to create my first character for this world and I have some questions regarding playing a half-orc in this world.

1.Are they automatically treated with hostility by everyone?
2.Do they have to come from some violent relationship between orc and human?
3.Do orcs and half-orcs hold jobs as others or are they just treated as mercenaries and fighters?
4.Are there any limitations to the gods they can follow?

I ask this because I am looking to play a cleric/fighter who worships Mist.  I don't want to get into my backstory too much on here, but I am looking to play him as more of a martial type cleric who really isn't too comfortable on the sea, but is really into the chaotic nature of Mist.  Not that I want to play a TN or CN character to start with, but eventually I will probably try to take him in that direction.

In creating my back story I would like for him to have a fairly normal childhood, or at least as normal as can be expected for a half-orc.  So if there are any restrictions that will warrent me not doing this please let me know.

thanks in advance.


RE: playing a half-orc
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2005, 09:13:00 am »
brotherdew - 12/22/2005  8:44 AM

1.Are they automatically treated with hostility by everyone?
2.Do they have to come from some violent relationship between orc and human?
3.Do orcs and half-orcs hold jobs as others or are they just treated as mercenaries and fighters?
4.Are there any limitations to the gods they can follow?

Someone with authority may want to answer these questions differently, but here is what I would say:

1. No, not by everyone. All the characters in the game are completely unique, like real people, and therefore everyone will react to you differently. Obviously if everyone hated the race nobody would play them, but you will have more difficulty with races such as Dwarves than you will with humans.
2. No, if you can think of a realistic reason for the coupling of their parents then as far as I know it is acceptable.
3. All races in the game are pretty much equal and have the same opportunities as others. If you meant more for his backstory then I would say yes, you could have a job, as his options of employment would only be limited by the views of the employer (back to question 1).
4. As far as I know, no. I know there was a full orc in game who was a cleric of Vorax a while back (!!!!). You just need to be sure to look into it properly and have a good reason for how he came about it.

I hope that helped :)


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    RE: playing a half-orc
    « Reply #2 on: December 22, 2005, 10:04:00 am »
    brotherdew - 12/22/2005  5:44 PM
    1.Are they automatically treated with hostility by everyone?

    No, but some will. Many are more likely to show disdain or look down upon you than outright hostility and most will probably ignore it. The adventurers of Hlint are a pretty rugged bunch.

    Reminder: when roleplaying hostility between characters bear in mind it should stay In Character and between characters NOT players.  


    2.Do they have to come from some violent relationship between orc and human?

    No - but the background should be plausible (in the Terry Prachett sense of the word ;)). Layonara is a unique setting and players (new and old) are adviced to read the stickies in the submittance forum. I would strongly recommend reading the Layonara Campaign Handbook if you wish to create a rich and detailed background for you character.

    It can be found here:

    3.Do orcs and half-orcs hold jobs as others or are they just treated as mercenaries and fighters?

    Again no - they can and do hold many varied jobs. Again the word is appropriate for the Layonara setting.


    4.Are there any limitations to the gods they can follow?

    No, but not all gods would be appropriate. The deity section on the forum pages will give you an overview of the gods.


    I ask this because I am looking to play a cleric/fighter who worships Mist.  I don't want to get into my backstory too much on here, but I am looking to play him as more of a martial type cleric who really isn't too comfortable on the sea, but is really into the chaotic nature of Mist.  

    Excellent choice of deity – I can only commend you for choosing Mist. ;)

    Most think solely of the seas when it comes to Mist but She also governs rebellion, storms & winds and Her chaotic nature is a defining aspect of Mist - to quote the deity section: “Clerics of Mist believe in allowing nature to run rampant in all of its chaotic glory”.

    Remember to read the cleric sticky before submitting your character:

    (Rolf – cleric of Mist)


    RE: playing a half-orc
    « Reply #3 on: December 22, 2005, 11:09:00 am »
    brotherdew - 12/22/2005 5:44 PM I am trying to create my first character for this world and I have some questions regarding playing a half-orc in this world. 1.Are they automatically treated with hostility by everyone?
     No, but you can bet that on GM run quests the NPCs can prove unfriendly towards orcs/half-orcs :)


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    RE: playing a half-orc
    « Reply #4 on: December 22, 2005, 06:10:00 pm »
    That is to be expected.  I just wanted an idea as to how I should start him.  That is what kind of backstory to create.  I don't expect him to be a very charismatic character.  In fact, if he is to be a follower of Mist then I plan on playing him as chaotic as possible without upsetting the rules of the server.
    I've never played a half-orc before, but I usually play characters who are CG or CN so this shouldn't be too difficult.  I am looking forward to playing this character and will get my application in for him as soon as possible.  Thanks for the help.

