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Author Topic: The Mechanics of Sparring  (Read 153 times)

Pen N Popper

The Mechanics of Sparring
« on: May 29, 2007, 07:33:56 pm »
In the veins of the "How To RP" postings we get occasionally from other sites, I offer my take on effective mechanics of sparring.

Whether in the arena or a fist fight in the tavern, sometimes PvP battles are over too quickly to get in a word edgewise.  That 20th level dwarven defender is going to step on that elf's big foot in the first six-second combat round and send him sprawling and in need of prosthetics. (Plural on purpose:  A peg leg and and something to prop up his ego.)

"Oh, but what can I do?" you implore. "That big dwarf is a killing machine."

Never fear, there is a subtle game mechanic to extend the pain of that elf for several pages of RP:  Parry mode.

First, you both switch each other to hostile in the player listing.  Of course you can't be in the same party, but what self-respecting dwarf would team up with an elf?

Next, right-click yourself and choose the parry mode of attack.  The way parry works is that you only perform parry check when your attacker actually hits you.  When your attacker hits you, you then get to roll to see if you make a riposte attack.  Naturally, if you are both in parry mode you are safe.  (There is the attack of opportunity at the start that needs to be avoided, but that doesn't often come into play or prove fatal.)

Now, you're both in parry mode staring at each other and growling.  (Well, to be fair, the elf is probably whining and wetting his silk britches.)  What now?  Go ahead and click each other at which point you'll approach and... continue staring at each other.

One of you needs to switch out of parry mode and go on the offensive.  Usually the weaker attacker is best to avoid too quick a match.  The attacker makes a few swings and then switches back into parry mode.  The two combatants can do this as long as one has blood to bleed.  (Or again, until the elf runs out of tears to shed.)

Note that I do say, "two combatants."  Parry only works against a single attacker.  If you're going to have a group dwarven hug (aka bar fight) then you'll need to pair up for the dance.

The lulls in actual attacks provided by parry provide an exceptional amount of time to RP:  [INDENT]Elf Male: *swings dainty elf fist, thumb improperly tucked under fingers*
Dwarf Lady: *drains mug of ale and orders another as she lifts an arm for the elf to scratch under*
Elf Male: you're....*sobs and swings* a meanie!
Dwarf Lady: aye lass! an' yee'll wet nurse m' chil'n 'fore the night 'as gone!
[/INDENT]So next time you're feeling frisky, go ahead and tear up that bar.  Just remember to be careful out there.


Re: The Mechanics of Sparring
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007, 02:15:42 am »
Hey! What do you have against level 20 Dwarven Defenders? That elf would plow wall so fast, it wouldnt even be funny.