The World of Layonara  Forums

Author Topic: mentoring?  (Read 112 times)


« on: January 21, 2008, 05:23:38 am »
looking for a guide and mentor?

ic (ooc)

i am looking for a kind kindred that is willing to take a youngling under a wing to show them the world.

foraging tips.

rogish ways?

maybe a person that can "hide in plain site" could show me the ropes!

looking for some basic travel companions that can assist with learning the tips of survival in the mean mean forests?


Re: mentoring?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 08:21:54 pm »
Thanks to all my mentors.

(* you see slip put up a thank you letter on a post (where ever this could happen) in port h (as she likes to refer to it)

I must keep a better journal of all the wonderful and helpful people that I have bumped into. There has been so many over the last few months I forget most of their names.

This is a goes out to all those that have assisted new adventures get acquainted to the tasks at hand and for making sure they survive their lessons.

Well met, all of you.

SLIP  sa’way

