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Author Topic: Samurai class  (Read 421 times)

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Samurai class
« on: July 20, 2004, 10:13:00 pm »
With V2 allowing more PrCs I've been wanting to bring this class up. Not a character class, a role-playing class. I'm wondering if it would be possible to create a samurai caste whose members devote their lives to protecting their master. I used the fighter/weapon master classes to combine for a samurai character in MP games before and the gameplay seems right. But in Layo I'd want to somehow find (or create) a caste/guild for those who would like to dedicate a character to defending a senior player, like perhaps the guardian of a wizard (or a bard).

I would be happy to take on the task of writing up the lore or background for the caste as well as requirements for joining and prestige among our ranks. Anyone interested?


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RE: Samurai class
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2004, 10:20:00 pm »
Just my thoughts.
  From what I've seen, it doesn't really fit in to Layo...people can RP this without a PrC.
  Personally a guild about protecting a "senior player" sounds sort of strange.
  As you said the fighter/WM does it, and you said its not a character class but a role-playing class, once again just touching on the topic on how you don't need a PrC for this.
  Once again, just my thoughts.

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RE: Samurai class
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2004, 09:21:00 am »
I don't want to create a PrC for it, I would be using the existing classes as a prerequisite for those looking to join the caste. For instance for one to join the caste they must have mastered their weapon enough that it does more damage on a critical hit (i.e. WM level 5 increased modifier). Once that requirement is met the character has demonstrated their ability enough to become part of the caste.

More explanantion on the "protection" aspect of the caste:
I don't mean the whole caste (similar to a guild but I like that term better for what it is) protects just one charge, I mean the individual is either hired/recruited by a charge or the local master assigns him to a charge. I know that the member and his charge will not always be online at the same time, however this pairing does encourage the social dynamic of the game by players keeping contact on when they'll be on so as try to adventure together. However even when their charge is not online you can still adventure "protecting the good name" of your charge. It will be a different thing to roleplay for many as you will need to be ever cautious of defending your charge's honor even when he/she is not around. For instance you are chatting with the locals and someone makes a joke as to why so-and-so isn't around that day and you are so-and-so's samurai you would perhaps move your hand to rest on your sword (or whatever your chosen weapon is) and give them a menacing look instead of laughing with the others. Samurai could also defend the honor of local NPCs.

Please keep posting comments, I'd like to be able to give this a run sometime soon.

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RE: Samurai class
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2004, 09:32:00 am »
if thats something you think people will be interested in submit for a guild, but remember you must be 12th level to start a guild.

Kysumu the Ancient

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    RE: Samurai class
    « Reply #4 on: August 08, 2004, 03:15:00 am »
     Well methos, you have one avid supportor! :)
      I for one am very excited about the possibility of something resembling a Samurai caste to be introduced into Layonara - it would bring up a whole new spectrum for RP'ers!
      I would definately be one to sign up for this caste idea of yours, as I am going to play a character that is suposed to be as 'Samurai-esque' as you can get!
      Good Luck with it and I will be happy to help with any background or lore you may need help on, as I have been thoroughly interested in that period/culture for a long time!
      *bows humbly*


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      RE: Samurai class
      « Reply #5 on: August 08, 2004, 11:25:00 am »
      Generally Samurai as a PrC (and I think it should be a PrC) should look something like this:


      Stats: Samurai
      Hit Die: d10
      Proficiencies: All simple, martial, exotic weapons, light and medium armour.
      Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier

      Requirements: To qualify as a Samurai, a character must fulfil all of the following criteria:
      Base Attack Bonus: +6
      Feats: Weapon Focus in Katana
      Alignment: Lawful Good
      Discipline 8 Ranks
      Concentration 8 Ranks


      A Samurai is a noble warrior that holds law above all else. His law extends from his family and his home, the laws of the people can be corrupt to the Samurai and he may neglect them if they go against the law he has swarn an oath to. The Samurai studies and practices the Bushido or Way of the Warrior:

      Gi - Honesty and Justice - Be acutely honest throughout your dealings with all people. Believe in justice not from other people, but from yourself. To the true Samurai, there are no shades of gray in the question of Honesty and Justice. There is only right and wrong.

      Rei - Courtesy - Samurai have no reason to be cruel they do not need to prove their strength. A Samurai is courteous even to his enemies. Without this outward show of respect, we are nothing more than animals. A Samurai is not only respected for his strength in battle, but also by his dealing with other men. The true strength of a Samurai becomes apparent during difficult times.

      Yu - Courage - Rise up above the masses of people who are afraid to act. Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A Samurai must have heroic courage. It is absolutely risky. It is dangerous. It is living life completely, fully, wonderfully. Heroic Courage is not blind. It is intelligent and strong.

      Meiyo - Honor - A true samurai has only one judge of honor, and this is himself. Decisions you make and how these decisions are carried out are a reflection of whom you truly are. You cannot hide from yourself.

      Jin - Compassion - Through intense training the Samurai becomes quick and strong. He is not as other men. He develops a power that must be used for the good of all. He has compassion. He helps his fellow man at every opportunity. If an opportunity does not arise, he goes out of his way to find one.

      Makoto - Sincerity - When a Samurai has said he will perform an action. It is as good as done. Nothing will stop him from completing what he has said he will do. He does not have to "give his word." He does not have to "Promise." Speaking and doing are the same action.

      Chu - Duty and Loyalty - For the Samurai, having done some "thing" or said some "Thing" he knows he owns that "thing". He is responsible for it, and all the consequences that follow. A Samurai is immensely loyal to those in his care. To those he is responsible for, he remains fiercely true.

      That is the Samurai's life, the Bushido is his life. The Katana is an extension of himself and he is an extension of the Bushido.


      Aura of Courage (Level 1) - The Samurai becomes immune to all fear spells.

      Smite Evil (Level 3) - Once per day can add Charisma bonus to attack roll and do +1 point of damage per level of Samurai.

      Improved Critical (Katana) (Level 5) - As the Feat

      Samurai Fast Movement (Level 7) - Samurai gain a 10% bonus to their movement speed. (Like the Barbarien Fast Movement Feat)

      Superior Weapon Focus (Katana) (Level 10) - As the Weapon Master Feat

      That is how I generally see Samurai as a PrC.


      RE: Samurai class
      « Reply #6 on: August 08, 2004, 11:29:00 am »
      Couldn't you choose Weaponmaster as PrC and play him as samurai?


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        RE: Samurai class
        « Reply #7 on: August 08, 2004, 12:29:00 pm »
        Of course. Just like you could choose an Assassin and be a Ninja.

        Honestly I don't play many Melee characters so I don't know who wants what.

        I know however that Eastern Culture basically doesn't exist in Layonara. Leanthar doesn't want it in his world so its not there.

        This is a long shot and I know and you should all know that it would be VERY hard to convince him otherwise. Trust me I know first hand ^-^

        Aryn Ravenlocke

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        RE: Samurai class
        « Reply #8 on: August 08, 2004, 12:57:00 pm »
        The lack of Oriental culture in the world of Layonara is the whole reason that Thordan came into being as he did. At that time there was no option for Weapon Master either. So I started playing a character with a trade that truly allowed him to immerse himself in his craft (armorsmithing/blacksmithihng) and gave him a warrior mentality/philosophy. Hence his domains are war and good. Many have pointed out along the way that he has strange philosophies sometimes, but has added depth to his character. Now, with the new customization possibilities available, he has an even more Oriental look/feel to him.

        Those looking to play Samurai, or to play a few of the other Oriental classes now have more PrCs available that can easily be adapted. Weapon Master to Samurai is just the most obvious of them. Simply take Weapon Master (Katana) with a Lawful alignment and then for look hit the customization loom or anvil for your clothes and armor.

        And Foxy, I like the write-up you did. Only thing I would suggest is that the alignment be any Lawful. One of the important things for the Samurai is the lawful obediance to duty (to a fault).

        Anyway, that's my 2 bits on the subject.



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          RE: Samurai class
          « Reply #9 on: August 08, 2004, 01:30:00 pm »
          The reason I did Lawful Good was simply because the Bushido is a Lawful Good code and the Samurai are bound to that code and may not break it. Its sort of like a Paladin's Diety. Thats how the Samurai look at the code. They train there body, mind, and soul to become true to this code and that is how they are a better warrior. A Samurai could not be Lawful Evil because of MANY factors that are included in the code and Lawful Evil are allowed to break there codes to do whatever deem necessary. Lawful Neutral would not be compelled to do good with the code and the code was made for the good of the people so Lawful Good would be the best and honestly only way for the warrior to stay true to the code of Bushido. That essentially is what a Samurai is, the Bushido.

          Kysumu the Ancient

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            RE: Samurai class
            « Reply #10 on: August 09, 2004, 03:34:00 am »
            I have to say Foxy, great write up for the Samurai PrC! I think that it is a good representation of what a Samurai would be like!
              I would like to note, however, that although it would be a good idea for the alignment to be LG so as not to have any evil Samurai running around (which would be wrong), I think it would be better for the Smaurai to be LN, and I hope this direct quote from NWN would explain for me:
              A Lawful Neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code direct him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favour an organised government. A monk who follows her discipline without being swayed by the demands of those in need nor by the temptations of evil is Lawful Neutral.
              All apart from perhaps the part where it says 'without being swayed by the demands of those in need', I think that this is pretty accurate for a Samurai.
              I picked up from your great write up some of the codes of Bushido, and noticed some of the codes that apply to a LN character:
              -Gi (Honesty and Justice) - where it says 'believe in justice not from other people, but from yourself'. I think that depicts a Lawful Neutral character well.
              -Rei (Courtesy) - 'A Samurai is curteous even to his enemies'. This sort of negates a LG character, as they despise evil.
              -Meiyo (Honour) - 'A true samurai has only one judge of honor, and this is himself'. This is like the LN trait of following their discipline, and not being swayed by anybody else.
              On the other hand, there are some principles that I think would be right for a Samurai to be a Lawful Good character:
              -Rei (Courtesy) - 'Samurai have no reason to be cruel they do not need to prove their strength'. I think that a LN Samurai may have an inclination to prove their strength, or maybe not.
              -Yu (Courage) - Rise up above the masses of people who are afraid to act. Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A Samurai must have heroic courage. It is absolutely risky. It is dangerous. It is living life completely, fully, wonderfully'. This is definately a LG trait and LG characters are more likely to show it than LN characters.
              -Jin (Compassion) - 'He develops a power that must be used for the good of all. He has compassion. He helps his fellow man at every opportunity. If an opportunity does not arise, he goes out of his way to find one'. Again, this is definately a LG trait, and couldn't be argued.
              All in all, I think that if there were to be a Samurai PrC on Layonara, the Alignment requirements would have to be: Either Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral. A Lawful Evil character could not be a Samurai purely based on the ethics of Bushido.
              This post was completly in my opinion, and I really do see your point of a Lawful Good Samurai, and I agree:) 
              That was my two koku.
              I really like your write up, by the way!;)
              *bows humbly*

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            RE: Samurai class
            « Reply #11 on: August 09, 2004, 05:55:00 am »
            I would hope that you would add the Ronin as a PrC. It should be like the Samurai but without the LG requirement. Ronin are Samurai that have been released from service to their Lord for what ever reason and are either trying to find a new Lord and master or have 'fallen' into banditry.
              I think that the idea of a Samurai type of figure trying to find a new Lord and master serve would fit better into Layonara than the strict structured Samurai. Before yo dis miss this hear me out. A Samurai is supposed to do what their lord says to do. How many lords are going to say; 'Go out, travel the world and see wonderous things' to one of the people that is is his best trained warrior? I can't think of any off the top of my head. Not to mention the economic disruption this could cause because much like the knights in western Europe they were the tax collectors in the smaller villages that they may live in if they were not living in the same city or village as their lord. If the tax collector is out wandering the world the higher authority has to think about more things that they should not.
              I may be totally out of synch with the ideas that make a Samurai but I do think it is an intersting idea but needs just a tad more thought. A guild maybe, a PrC possibly but you should tweak it because the Samurai always has a duty to his lord and that is a hard fit for Layonara.


            RE: Samurai class
            « Reply #12 on: August 09, 2004, 07:34:00 am »
            Rufus would be very interested in a Samurai to serve and protect him!


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              RE: Samurai class
              « Reply #13 on: August 12, 2004, 12:38:00 am »
              In response to your Ronin post Virg, a Ronin would most likely be an X-Samurai who has swayed from the code and become strictly a fighter with Samurai traits or someone with the Samurai's training who does not obey the code or etc... The Samurai is sort of the Warrior's Paladin. Its a peak of combat mastery of mind and body. The samurai are a cutt ahead of just a normal fighter because of there Bushido.

              In Japan Samurai were lead under a Shogun but sense there isn't a Shogunate in Layonara, the Samurai would be have to be self discplined by a master of the Bushido. Thus they would ALL be Ronin is some form because they did not serve a Shogun, but I believe that if it were brought to Layonara that the Bushido would act as there Shogun and leader. Thus someone who strayed from the Bushido would be a Ronin or X-Samurai. Much like a Paladin who strays from there Diety or Alignment and not a class.

              Samurai are very honorary warriors but are not governed by a Diety, that is what makes them so much different from a Paladin.

              They follow a strict code of Bushido that keeps them above a barbarien or a Fighter, they are perfect warriors.

              The Samurai does not merely focus on there weapon but focuses on themselves as well, keeping a balance between them. The Katana is simply an extension of themselves, it elevates them above a monk and a Weapon's Master.

              They are truly a unique warrior in there own right, and during their time, they were the most perfect killing machines in the world.

              Kysumu the Ancient

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                RE: Samurai class
                « Reply #14 on: August 12, 2004, 03:02:00 pm »
                I would have thought that if they were to follow a diety, be it of personal preference (not at all getting in the way of Bushido, as that would be priority no.1), it would be Toran, as he is Human and governs Honor, Truth, Loyalty, Duty, Watchfulness, and Vigilance, (and also Leadership, but I don't think that would be very 'them'), qualities I think are valuable to a Samurai.
                  *bows humbly*

                Kysumu the Ancient

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                  RE: Samurai class
                  « Reply #15 on: September 03, 2004, 01:40:00 pm »
                  I found this whilst on the net. It is someone's Samurai class that they created as a PrC.
                    d10 Skill Points per level 4+int Modifier Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Lore, Persuade, Craft, Parry, and Intimidate 1st Level: Ancestral Daisho    All samurai have two masterwork weapons - a katana and a wakizashi.  These are weapons that belonged to the samurai's ancestors, and protecting the weapons is an important point of honor for the samurai.  As a samurai acquires treasure through adventuring, he has the option of awakening the supernatural abilities latent in the weapons.  He may spend gold or sacrifice items to further enchant his weapon.
                    Starting at level 2 and every 3 levels after that the Samurai gains a bonus feat.  The Samurai is proficient with all light and medium armor and all weapons.
                    I think that some of these points (ancestors in the weapons, and protecting their weapons, and their weapons being an important point of honour to them) would make great RP'ing for anyone who is trying to RP a samurai character (like me) :)
                    That is just for any inspiration for anyone to make something like this! :)
                    *bows low*


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                  RE: Samurai class
                  « Reply #16 on: October 05, 2004, 10:03:00 pm »
                  Just a little suggestion :)

                  A Sumurai Must be LG. If he (not trying to be sexest but all historical Samurai were men) shifts alignment he becomes a "Kensai" or "Sword Saint". Thus loosing all benifet of being Samurai. But on the good side if you (we) use the weapons master PrC and not the paladin class (as it should be) then if any alignment shift is made the charater will be forced to become Kensai. Or die from shame. The GM's should also be aware of the "Honor" boundres of Samurai and how great dishonor may oust them from the Samurai Class.

                  Let me know if you need more info on this as I was kinda thinking about Kensai myself.


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                    RE: Samurai class
                    « Reply #17 on: October 05, 2004, 10:26:00 pm »
                    Isn't a fighter/WM/duelist pretty much a samurai? one?


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                    RE: Samurai class
                    « Reply #18 on: October 05, 2004, 10:36:00 pm »
                    It should be a Paladin class but, a Kura Tur (hope I spelled that right) version. The class abilites & honor are the diferences. I will need time for research for the exact differences as I need to see what was changed from AD&D2nd (My favorite) to D&D3rd(what NwN is based on.

                    Or if somebody has both sets of books "Help" :)

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                    RE: Samurai class
                    « Reply #19 on: October 11, 2004, 06:05:00 pm »
                    Basically, a samurai is a Japanese fighter.  You can role play that without any prestige class, but weapon master would be the only prestige class a samurai should be able to take.  Now, samurai follow the code of bushido, as stated above, and pledges his fealty to a master.  This would incorporated the idea of seppuku. how you role play that would be tough, though.  A samurai would have to be of lawful alignment, but could be good, neutral or evil.  Yes, samurai can be evil, depending on you definition of evil.  Mine is, if you do evil things you are evil.  And samurai have done evil things, burning villages to the ground and slaughtering peasants was not unheard of.  If your master wanted it done, you did it.  As for ronin, that is just another name for a masterless samurai; not ex-samurai (the definition of ex-samurai means you are no longer a samurai so you couldn't be a ronin) or samurai gone bad, although ronin were know to become bandits and such.

                    If you have the clothing, armor and weapons of the samurai in this mod you can easily role play this character.  Start with a fighter, but never wear heavy armor.  Weapon focus with katana and wakazashi.  Some of the feats I think fit within the samurai persona include, but not limited to, alertness, artist, dodge, great fortitude, improved critical, improved initiative, power attack/improved power attack, improved unarmed strike, iron will, lightning reflexes, mobility, spring attack, thug, stunning fist, toughness, weapon specialization, whirlwind attack, zen archery.  Not all inclusive, but there are a lot of feats that can be selected that molds your character into a samurai pc.

