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Author Topic: Shifting Alignment?  (Read 83 times)


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    Shifting Alignment?
    « on: February 13, 2006, 07:00:09 am »
    Isilme is current CG.  She has no real respect for laws and is generally quite wild, but will usually err on the side of good and helps people as and when she can.

    Her character, however, is starting to become a little more complex ...
    1. There is her love of Eamane, who she was sworn to follow and protect always.
    2. She places little value on the lives she takes in battle and enjoys fighting and has upset a few clerics/paladins/other with her rather uncaring view on war and death.
    3. She has no belief in any particular god(s), but it starting to question her and other peoples following of certain deities.  It is likely she will follow Corath or Lucinda.
    4. Eamane's character is following a path that may lead Isilme down a darker path.

    So, I suppose my question is about how to shift alignment?  I can obviously, keep my dev thread updated with her morale conflicts/dilemnas and highlight her actions.  

    But, do I play her as gradually changing into CN for example and arrange some CDQ's to develop her change further? or should I go about this a different way.


    Re: Shifting Alignment?
    « Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 07:14:26 am »
    Before an alignment shift is granted you need to show that you are playing your current alignment properly. Keep a development thread and then eventually resubmit asking for approval. Once approved you can then start Rping her in the CN direction but it will probably take a cdq to complete the shift.


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      Re: Shifting Alignment?
      « Reply #2 on: February 13, 2006, 08:43:31 am »
      Okay, thanks.  Isilme has a dev thread which has all her thoughts, training, etc noted down.  There isn't anything specific about her alignment, but it doesn't show her being non-CG either and her behaviour certainly isn't lawful.  So should I start adding alignment specific sections?

      CG would be about doing what she feels is right, with no particular care/respect for the law, but with her actions being generally for the greater good ... would that be a valid summary of CG?

      I had assumed I would have to RP the alignment change and maybe take a CDQ to complete it.  I am happy to do this and quite looking forward to it.  It was really the bit before it and what information and need to provided to get it approved.  But, I think I have a better idea now.


