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Author Topic: Things not to do  (Read 130 times)


Things not to do
« on: December 19, 2005, 03:03:00 am »
1: Ask to join a GM group of old players who have had 14 GM games, are 5 to 10 levels higher than you, join them in a dungem bash of traps and hiding with a half gaint, Then in the 1st room of the 1st floor of a tower of doom miss click on an IRON GOLEM so that to kills ya.


Pounds head on keybord
That was sooooooooo dumb.

Sorry to all who played Angels Tear: The Tower of Strands II
on sunday. I just hope it ended with a jokes about just how thick half gaints can be.
Gos back to hid under bed


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RE: Things not to do
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2005, 03:11:00 am »
This requires as much an apology from me, you had logged however before Iwas able to reply (yeah it gets busy up there)
  I apologise for the action taken, it seemed that the beating the golem was intentional at the time, and you recieved the *anyone who attempts harm to Items in the tower* defence response. We sat and watched a time but it continued after what we considered to be a misclick.
  Later however I noted Orth experienced the same problem.
  My apoligies for what would appear to be a harsh response...yet yes some people do beat on the harmless placeables let alone other less harmless appearing things...


RE: Things not to do
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2005, 04:30:00 am »
Thank for getting back to me on this it was playing on my mind.
Thats ok i was prity shore my hands where not on the key bord at the time when old Spugs just started pounding it
So i must have missed cliked. I loged from shear shame and a desire not to mess up the game for the others.
I just hope they had a good game and that I did not mess any thing up.
It looked like a grate game but ill need a lot more levels befor i try that again.
Could you pass on my big sorry to the other players
All the best


RE: Things not to do
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2005, 04:38:00 am »
No worries Nexus, you didn't mess it up :). And you were welcome to come along (else stormspirit would already have said you were not of high enough level and not ported you to the tower in the first place).
  But then you logged out so fast you were gone before we knew it.


RE: Things not to do
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2005, 10:23:00 am »
THank for that I fell better now, I should not have loged the way I did next time ill say I mest up.


RE: Things not to do
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2005, 04:29:00 pm »
I thought it was quite the stroke of great RP.  Here's the big dumb half giant told not to attack something and goes to attack something.  I was all prepared to kneel down and ask Katia to forgive your lack of intelligence and before I knew it you respawned.  Then in the middle of sending you a tell you logged off!  

But yeah, there were no hard feelings at all, and maybe we can find that SpugLe somewhere to make sure he makes the next one.


RE: Things not to do
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2005, 03:42:00 am »
Now I realy am happy thanks