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Author Topic: Tyrra CDQ: The Mine RP Thread  (Read 4002 times)


Tyrra CDQ: The Mine RP Thread
« on: October 07, 2015, 06:27:25 pm »
Somewhere below Taur'en..."So Andrew, what exactly do you hope to gain from drawing that hedious thing, anyway?". . .
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"Noteriety? Fame, fortune,
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2015, 10:58:21 am »

"Noteriety? Fame, fortune, beautiful women?" He keeps his voice low, just in case. "I'm interested in it. I've never seen one, and that's the stuff of stories, don't you think? I still harbor a deep desire to visit the Pits, and surely this came from one. It's nothing of Layonara's soil."



"What I want to know is why
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2015, 05:14:19 pm »

"What I want to know is why it's here."  She gave a silent prayer to Beryl that her cloak let her see in near total darkness.  There were too many monsters down here, and did not intend to join the food chain.  "And I'm still suspicious about why Taur'en wants this cave.  We're awfully deep down, and I'm afraid that it could connect to the Deep."  She then whispered in Andrew's ear.  "Can you think of someone who would like a nice secret passage into Taur'en from down here?"



Some time later . . ..   .  
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2015, 12:55:58 pm »

Some time later . . .

.   .   .

The second tunnel held more then Tyrra had bargained for.  She had seen oozes before.  Green ones.  Black ones.  Even the dreaded azure that huant dwarven dreams.  But these otherwise common looking black puddings were more than she was prepared for, and she knew it, but it didn't stop her from making a very fatal mistake.  

She woke up at Andrew's feet, some time later, to a chorus of hissing, as acid continued to eat through the mundane parts of her attire.  The lavender silk shawl she had worn for years was full of holes and smoking from the chemical reactions.  Her exposed skin itched from burns healed in her resurrection, and she felt like a mass was moving in her chest.  She wretched up black bile, and watched in horror as it creeped away, before Andrew froze it before kicking the black puck of ooze off into the darkness to shatter against a wall.  

It took her several moments to collect herself, but her first clear thought was, "Down."

She had to see what else was here.  The oozes were bad enough, but a well equipped mage could clear them out.  She had to know if worse things are down there.

But she wasn't expecting Vespero.



         Vespero...Tyrra had
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2015, 09:17:39 am »

Vespero, Watcher of the Mine











Tyrra had seen Beholders before.  The oft named Eye Tyrants lurked in the Deep, among other cavernous places, doing...  whatever eye tyrants do.  She assumed they either worked with or against Dark Elves, each for their own reasons, but this one seemed to do neither.  He seemed content to be alone, and the fact it... he... this one prefered to talk to her instead of dominate her mind (or whatever other unpleasantness it was capable of) gave her some hope.  It sat... floated among piles of books, and Tyrra secretly wondered how old some of them were, or were they came from.  Perhaps they were left behind by the dwarves when they left?  Regardless, Tyrra knew one thing.  This beholder knew what was below, knew what drove out the dwarves, and knew now why she was there.  

Her mission was to find out what was in the mine.  She knew half of what she came for.  Drakes, manticores, and other unpleasant beasts lived in the first level of the cave, some 200 feet above her.  Oozes seemed content to eat the cave from the inside-out 100 or so feet above where she currently was, and this level had a scholastic beholder.  But 400 feet at least remained below her, based on Vespero's estimate, and that meant a potential four more floors of tempting fate against things worse than she's already faced.  She already tempted the Soul Mother once on this venture.  Would she again?

If Vespero's offer to help was genuine, maybe not.  But what do you use to bargain with a beholder?  



"So Vespero, if I may call
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2015, 09:23:54 am »

"So Vespero, if I may call you Vespero," Tyrra said, rubbing her hands together nervously, "what would help us convince you to help us?"  She glanced at Andrew, who was happily sketching what he considered an 'excellent specimen to beholder.'  Oh Andrew, she thought.  "I could potentially fetch you something interesting from the Temple of Aragen.  In fact, if you happen to have a tome that you no longer care for, I could perhaps use it to procure you something new and more fascinating.  Perhaps a discertaion on the war of the Green Dragon Cult which raged not that long ago, compared to how long you seem to have been here."  She gently nudged Andrew's foot with her own, not wanting to make him mark up his drawing.  Silly Bard.



The elder orb floats
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2015, 12:04:45 am »

The elder orb floats effortlessly just feet from the adventurers. "Why should I help you at all? Helping you will only hasten the arrival of the Taur'en military and subsequently my removal from my preferred home. Lucky for you, killing you would do little to delay the previously mentioned outcome, else you'd be dead already."



"Hm?" The woman in acid-eaten
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2015, 11:00:46 am »

"Hm?" The woman in acid-eaten purple and black inches another few toes toward the carpet. She really likes that rug. The bard starts talking as if he's just picked up the conversation and has yet to examine it. "Oh, yes - or I could tell you tales, if you wish - I have a few! I'm happy to oblige, it must be interesting to be a scholar of your kind. Blessed with such long life..." He's still sketching madly, trying to write down anything he recognizes on the many scrolls, parchments and books forming a literal nest around the massive, hovering creature. The room is suffused with calm. He's not afraid. Of course, his curiosity is curled around his tiny, struggling sense of caution, occasionally batting it into submission as another feature of the room or the vade mecum catches his eye. "Perhaps we can trade? I'm not as versed on the history of the Deep as you might be." He flips pages in his journal/sketchbook. "Can you turn just a bit? I'd like to do you in profile..."



She glances at Andrew only to
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2015, 11:22:45 am »

She glances at Andrew only to roll her eyes at his request for the orb to turn.  "If he vapes us, I'm blaming you," she whispered at Andrew before turning to the Beholder.  

"Why should you help us.  Valid question.  In all honesty I can say that if you help us solve the mystery of this cave I will endeavor to help you remain here.  And I would be lying if I didn't say that I would rather you were a friend to us up above than an enemy."  She paused to sit near the edge of the rug.  "Taur'en, the nation you live under, is currently fighting with Sagewald, which is not far from here, over these very hills.  I would be much happier gaining an ally and working with you to either recover or protect this mine than have you forced out, especially if you were likely to fight.  So what can we do to help us both get the best outcome?"


//Minor edit.  Almost said something that was the opposite of what I meant.



If someone were watching him,
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2015, 01:06:07 pm »

If someone were watching him, they'd almost see the light click on. He faces Vespero. "Oh! Right - well, the other option is to provide you with new reading material to your liking, find out from you what else is down there - you hinted at it being most unreasonable with strangers, I believe - and report back with what we found, honestly, but lacking some specifics." He glances at Tyra. "If we said we found killer black puddings, all kinds of jellies, Kenku, all manner of normally - " He stresses the word. "-normally non-amiable beings, and then top it off with whatever's at the bottom, wouldn't it be likely that they'd leave this cave be? I mean, the black puddings alone. We don't have to mention Vespero at all."



"Not mentioning him is an
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2015, 01:49:29 pm »

"Not mentioning him is an option, yes, though that doesn't make him immune to what's going on up above. Especially with Milara on the loose.  He may want this place himself. And he could certainly handle things on his own.  Someone who created and controlled a dracolich could certainly handle puddings and manticores."



Vespero spins back toward his
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2015, 09:39:02 pm »

Vespero spins back toward his books. "I don't want my home overrun, and you represent those that wish to overrun it. How much space does your army need? I suppose that depends on the intended use of the place... what did you say they intend to use this abandoned mine for again?"



"I see only two reasonable
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2015, 07:30:46 am »

"I see only two reasonable purposes for this mine: The first is to resume mining it for ore, assuming anything of value remains; or to set up some form of military base, perhaps to create a proper presence in the area to deter aggression from Sagewald."  Tyrra leans, trying to see the beholder's face, glancing at the stalks which are no doubt keeping an 'eye' on her.  "I was not specifically told the end goal here.  I was simply sent to scout the area and report back with what I find.  A scholarly beholder will certainly make an interesting section of my report. . ."



"I'm sure it will. Perhaps I
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2015, 12:38:21 pm »

"I'm sure it will. Perhaps I can convince you, however, to report back that everything below the level above me has caved in and is no longer accessible. What do you wish in return for such a service?"



"I would need three things.
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2015, 01:42:17 pm »

"I would need three things.  First, I would still need to know what's below here, and along with that what drove out the dwarves.  You alluded to knowing something about that.  If the army decides to just build a fort above this mine, despite being collapsed, I at least have to know what's down deeper, and if it has the potential to come up from below.  Second, I will not lie to my commander, because I will not be called a liar or a traitor just for your sake.  If I'm going to tell him this place has collapsed, I have to have a good reason to collapse it, such as learning that some eldritch horror lives below you, and then it must be collapsed.  Are you capable of such a feat?"

//last minute addition

"And if you can collapse it, what stops us from excavating the mine?  As I stated earlier, I want to do right by you and my people.  And the only reason I'm being hospitable to something most adventures would look to kill is because this is your home and I'd very much find making an unusual friend more beneficial than reclaiming this mine.  So aside from that, I cannot explain my intentions much better, however, I would like you to look at something.  My friend, Andrew, here sketched an abomination we found on the first level of this mine.  Something I've never seen before, and something you may want to take a look at.  Andrew?"  She nudges her friend.  "Show him what you found."



The floating aberration spins
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2015, 11:25:49 am »

The floating aberration spins and looks toward Andrew, but speaks to Tyra. "I could collapse much of this cavern, yes. Show me what you found."



He quirks an eyebrow at the
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2015, 12:54:51 pm »

He quirks an eyebrow at the conversation, but keeps quiet and steps forward enough to show Vespero his drawing of the creature. "It was on a level perhaps sixty King's feet down. I've never seen the like and I've done some traveling. I'm very close to one hundred percent certain that it's not of Layonara's soil; I've only been to two pits, so I'm not as traveled there. In your experiences, have you seen or heard of anything like it?" After a moment. "Also, I'm still quite willing to obtain new reading material for you. Delighted, in fact. How can I get this to you that doesn't involve excessive climbing? Do you have some magical means?"



Vespero studies the drawing a
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2015, 03:53:14 pm »

Vespero studies the drawing a moment. "I'm surprised you found one of those so close to the surface. I don't know what they are, but they appeared during the time of Bloodstone, when the dark elf you call Milara made his bid for power on the surface." He then turns and goes back to whatever had previously engaged him.



"Are you going to tell me
« Reply #18 on: October 20, 2015, 05:05:23 pm »

"Are you going to tell me what's below or not?  First you ask for some information about recent history and then telling me to leave so you can blow this place up.  What's the deal?  You're stand- floating with feet of one of the surface's best bards and you want to read a bunch of ancient books?"  She walks in front Vespero, so she can look into his big central eye.  "Are there more of those things down there?"



Vespero directs each eyestalk
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2015, 11:13:39 am »

Vespero directs each eyestalk to looks at Tyra. "You come into my home uninvited, bringing news that I am about to be displaced. Furthermore, I have no reason to trust that you would indeed aid me in maintaining my home. So tell me, for what reason should I help you or otherwise tell you anything further? Can you prove yourself trustworthy?"


