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Author Topic: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins  (Read 131 times)


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Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
« on: January 04, 2006, 07:09:00 am »
Imagine that Gelden (a paladin of Toran) meets a follower of Ilsare, but Gelden doesn't know that he/she follows Ilsare nor does the follower of Ilsare know that Gelden follows Toran. But when they go fight some monsters together the follower of Ilsare equips his shield which has the symbol of Ilsare. Should Gelden stay, from there on, away from a character who was some moments ago his friend because he finds out that he/she follows Ilsare? If the deity was an enemy of Toran I would probably have to stay away, but if it was an unfriendly deity like Ilsare, what should I do?


RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2006, 07:20:00 am »
[orange]What do you think your character would do?


RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2006, 07:31:00 am »
The Paladin of Toran should, upon seeing the symbol of the love goddess, hold up his holy symbol, splash her with a canister of milk chocolate ovaltine, recite 10 Hail Toran's in rapid succession, and shout, "Beautiful Lady, thou art a foul temptress!  Forsooth that I remember the days before mine holy mount!"

Stabbing the eyes from his skull in order to prevent any further glimpses of cleavage, the Paladin is then to whistle sharply to bring his horse galloping up to ride off into the sunset in his lonely martyr's life without alcohol or women.... or eyeballs  ;)

Truthfully though, with a goodly goddess of love and a Paladin around, you would likely show a bit of disdain for their religion, but you most likely would not be vehemently opposed to their presence as you would be towards a Corathite or some such.  Maybe preaching to them warnings of temptations of the flesh, announcing aloud that you sall pray for them... the passive-aggressive route I'd think.


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RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2006, 07:59:00 am »
I personally don't think paladins must be celibate, they fall in love like everyone else, but simply not easily nor often.

 Also, Xeenites are much more well associated to the temptations of the flesh than Ilsarites, that might be why Xeen is an enemy of Toran.
 A paladin of Toran that would realize someone is a follower of Ilsare wouldn't exactly turn her away, more like avoid that person, unless they had been friends for some time, then the religious topic of their conversations would rather be left aside to prevent discussions or something.

 Anyway, people are different, and paladins don't have to be dumb and blunt, there are many RP reactions towards people of unfriendly or enemy deities, and not all of them necessarily have to be through violence.



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    RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
    « Reply #4 on: January 05, 2006, 09:26:00 am »
    To be honest, I think the paladins reaction will depend entirely on how strong he considers his empathic link to his deity. No paladin should willingly leave someone to their death unless that person or persons is evil, or directly and actively opposing their deity. How they treat someone after the aforementioned battle is a metter of conscience (for the character), and player choice.


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    RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
    « Reply #5 on: January 06, 2006, 02:38:00 pm »
    OK. This happened before (although not with Ilsare) and I wasn't sure what to do. Thanks for your answers.


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      RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
      « Reply #6 on: January 20, 2006, 02:55:39 pm »
      Thts exactly how i feel about Paladins we are here to help all in need unless other wise.

      Flynn Omight


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        RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
        « Reply #7 on: February 04, 2006, 10:08:38 am »
        The RP on this might depend also on wisdom and charisma of your character.  If your paladin has terrible charisma he would probable start preaching right there and with a sharp wit about what particularly is wrong with the opposing deity (kind of like a "holier than thou" sort of speach).  If you have both wisdom and charisma the pally would probably have is mind set of talking about it at the right time so as to displace what might be a reaction of distain.  A pally with a low wisdom might not really think about it being only able to tell friend from foe in extreme cases ( like direct opposion).  That is how I might decide what the character would do at any rate, but it really depends on how you.  If you feel you character might have a strong attatchment you will really have to kind of play it by ear.

        the things like this that you don't expect usually turn into some of the best RP experiences


        Re: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
        « Reply #8 on: February 06, 2006, 01:35:24 pm »
        I agree with Corthus, that is, when all else fails, I turn to Cole's stats (not that he's a pally, but he chooses who he does and does not associate with) to help determine his actions, and spice those actions with his personality.  Cole has low wisdom and charisma, but is particularly intelligent, so, he generally follows logic above morals, and when morals overcome logic, he becomes depressed as he doesn't have the wisdom to discern the right move.


        RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
        « Reply #9 on: February 13, 2006, 01:43:41 pm »
        Just to clear up a few player questions and to contribute to the discussion I will now state how Storold regards people from unfriendly/enemy deities.
        First of Storold is both intelligent and wise to a certain extent, 17 and 14 stat-wise. But unfortunatly he lacks some self control and a good charismatic side with only 10 in that stat.
        This makes his reaction to people who worship other dieties rather harsh at times. Those who has "suffered" the most, and this is only IC as I have told people OOC that I had nothing against them and the things I said where purely IC, is Toranites because those are the ones I run into most who actually worships a diety who is marked as unfriendly or as in Torans case direct enemy of Lucinda enough for me to notice it at least.
        Storold being LG doesn't make any kind of threaths to the characters or leave them to die, he just merely states his oppenion about the people based on his relation to the diety they worship. Sometimes he sounds like he is not going to help them if they fall but it's just something he sayes because he belives that he is trying to show that he is really against the choosen diety of this character.
        Storold will:
        Be very unlikely to travel with a follower of Toran or any other enemy
        Get into some very heated debates about faith with followers of an enemy diety

        Storold will NOT:
        Leave a follower of an enemy diety to die
        Leave a follower of an enemy diety to be captured by enemies


        RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
        « Reply #10 on: February 13, 2006, 05:36:42 pm »
        Pibemanden - 2/13/2006  4:43 PM

        Storold will NOT:
        Leave a follower of an enemy diety to die
        Leave a follower of an enemy diety to be captured by enemies

        Because he's WHAT NOW?

        Lawful Good.

        Now, if that follower were evil, all bets are off, but that's only if they're evil in Storold's eyes.



        RE: Unfriendly deitys and Paladins
        « Reply #11 on: February 14, 2006, 12:50:58 am »
        Stephen_Zuckerman - 2/14/2006  2:36 AM

        Pibemanden - 2/13/2006  4:43 PM

        Storold will NOT:
        Leave a follower of an enemy diety to die
        Leave a follower of an enemy diety to be captured by enemies

        Because he's WHAT NOW?

        Lawful Good.

        Now, if that follower were evil, all bets are off, but that's only if they're evil in Storold's eyes.


        I actually haven't meet any people who would fall into the evil catagory. Except one npc who was doing acts of evil against the weave.