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Author Topic: Soul Stones - A request to players.  (Read 951 times)


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    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #20 on: January 17, 2005, 07:41:00 pm »
    So why do soul stones have a level 9 requirement?
    At least the one I was given after a cleric raised
    me without one does :) I can't bind my name to it


    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #21 on: January 17, 2005, 09:00:00 pm »
    Sadly it is because of the way NWN places values on items.  I need to have the item be at its gold price, however NWN then raises the req level on them... catch 22. :(
      I thought though, the newer ones did not have that problem....?


    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #22 on: January 17, 2005, 11:10:00 pm »
    I was just thinking, the new ones do work for lower levels. But soon realized I just turned nine before I used my first one.




    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #23 on: January 17, 2005, 11:53:00 pm »
    Personally I'm still against the XP hit that a cleric gets...Buppi because of the type of character she is won't refuse a raise if one is required, consequently she is constantly losing vast amounts of XP what this has done though is to have caused her to be more of a loner and she rarely participates in parties anymore except for quests.

    The system I would prefer but I'm sure it would not be possible with NWN unfortunately is to prevent the cleric from being able to cast spells for say 10 minutes after a raise without a soul stone and say 20 minutes after a resurrect.  Why?  Well this is quite a severe effect for a cleric and it would also apply pressure to players who won't even consider buying  a soul stone at all, from other their other party members.  Think of buffs, no healing, a cleric who now won't be happy to help in combat, just because a player didn't have a soul stone


    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #24 on: January 18, 2005, 06:24:00 am »
       Steve, clerics always have a choice. I bet one out of two or three times you could have gotten outta raising someone without a soul stone by playing it up. It's been said in other posts, there is almost always a reason to Not raise someone
      Aeridin: "He needlessly ran into battle, showing disregard for his life and the life of others, I will not raise him so he may do more harm to others again."
      Toran: "This man openly follows the Dark Sun, I cannot, nor would I wish to bring life back into his unworthy body."
      Xeen: "Hrrm.....dunno, he's not very good lookin. I think the world can live without him." ;)
      If you play a cleric, read up on your god, their dogma ect.....then use it as often as possible. :)


    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #25 on: January 18, 2005, 06:30:00 am »
    hmm yes there are always excuses and with other clerics, including ones I have played before that would work but not with Buppi.  With her alignment and with her character it would be very much OOC for her to refuse to heal or raise anyone.  Perhaps if the character in question was evil and detrimental to the party she might refuse but even then she'd take into consideration the parties goal so even that would be dodgy.  But thats just the way she is and the way I've always played her.


    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #26 on: January 18, 2005, 06:34:00 am »
    The soul stones are going to stay as they are now... however I liked Steve's idea of no casting of spells for X RL minutes after casting raise/ress.  I will keep that in mind for the future.

    Thunder Pants

    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #27 on: January 18, 2005, 06:38:00 am »
    honestly there are a few clerics where the raise dead spell used makes little sense

    Aeridin: it says in their dogma that Aeridin doesn't like things that prolong life unnaturally since death is a part of life

    Vorax: if someone dies in a battle that is an honerable death and they couldn't ask for anything more

    Corath (there is at least one now): raise him? as a skeleton maybe.....

    there are a few others, i just can't think of them right now thing is Aeridin should only really raise dead if it is absolutly necesary since it's actually against their dogma to do so


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    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #28 on: January 18, 2005, 10:11:00 am »
    I think that if the proposition was to raise the character as a zombie or other kind of undead and have them unnaturally exist, Aeridin would have a problem with that, but if life could be naturally breathed back into the body - the lifeforce rekindled in that existing body without making it a mindless slave or altering the body, etc. - then Aeridin would definitely support that.


    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #29 on: January 18, 2005, 10:16:00 am »
    and it seems that most people would understand those reasons Thunder. The only reason I'd be a little upset is if it wasn't roll played. And that would be just a LITTLE upset. I fully do not EXPECT anyone to raise me, if they feel I am valuable to their cause, or I am just too cute to not have around, great. If I mocked their god 10 minutes before, oops my bad. But I don't want someone saying, no soulstone sorry. They can think it all they want, just say something else. ie "That will teach him to spit on that statue of Vorox!"

    I have been thinking of a quest where, if you die, your dead unless there is raise or res from someone. Otherwise, your done with that quest. And the last one surviving wins. You do not lose exp, but only gain according to how long you last. Or, the more party members that make it to a  certain point the more exp is given out. Whoa! way off topic, sorry :)



    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #30 on: January 18, 2005, 11:04:00 am »
    The way I understand it, not resurrecting fallen companions is not really the letter or spirit of Aeridin's dogma about not unnaturally prolonging life.  If you think about it, that life was unnaturally shortened, though one might be able to make a case regarding the self-inflicted foolishness through which said person was brought to death.

    At any rate, the artificial prolonging of life would seem to apply to extrordinary measures in cases of terminal illnesses, extreme old age and so forth rather than death due to a spawn of 70 rabid Hill Giants of the Flaming Hellball Clan.

    Aryn Ravenlocke

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    RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
    « Reply #31 on: January 18, 2005, 11:21:00 am »
    This thread is getting off topic. If you wish to discuss dogmas, please start a new thread.


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      RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
      « Reply #32 on: January 18, 2005, 02:39:00 pm »
      I do agree that everyone should have soul stones i hated it when chanda had to raise nethro and lost xp that she worked hard to get so ive made it a point that i always have a soul stone one me.


      RE: Soul Stones - A request to players.
      « Reply #33 on: January 18, 2005, 03:01:00 pm »
      Alright what we've learned is......
      • The system will not change as of now. (Ie: No going back to small diamonds, or anything else)
      • No, you don't have to carry a soul stone, but it's a courtesy to the clerics to travel with. (And don't expect a raise if you don't have one)
      • No, you as a cleric, do not have to raise every person. If you know your clerics dogma, you'll know ways to get out of raising people. (Just make sure to be even across the board, people with and without soul stones under the same circumstances)
      • At the lower levels 4% instead of 5%, or 2% instead of 5%, it's a big deal, and you'll probably want to save the 2'000 gold, but later it will become a big hit, so it's suggested that you have one engraved at all times.
       I don't really think anything else is needed in this thread (but that's my opinion). We've learned, that it's pretty much up to the player/character whether or not to raise or carry a stone. Opinions have been voiced but in the end that's what I falls down to. But I have to say, this was an awsome thread, no Flames! :)