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Author Topic: Enemy of my God  (Read 362 times)


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2006, 01:28:13 am »
However, having a character like yours refute the fact that a god whose followers heal the sick, feed the hungry, and heal the virtuous and righteous in battle is a good god by claiming that all gods "restrict" souls (when there are even cases of followers returning from their respective Heavens to refute this) is ludicrous. It's not a shades-of-grey issue. Layonaran gods are like the objects that cast the images in Plato's cave allegory: they ARE Good, Neutral, or Evil. Period. If a cleric casts healing spells, this does not guarantee that they're good-aligned - after all, it serves an evil cleric to heal those they fight alongside. However, if a cleric casts a healing spell to help someone who cannot offer them recompense and from whom they cannot benefit except in terms of gratitude, this is pretty much inarguably a good act.



Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2006, 04:02:05 am »


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2006, 08:41:36 am »
Good heretics traditionally get burned at the stake.  Bonfire, anyone?


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2006, 03:06:15 pm »
Serissa - 9/10/2006  11:41 AM

Good heretics traditionally get burned at the stake.  Bonfire, anyone?

I'll bring the marshmallows.

Really, I'm rather surprised that some Toranite or Rofirienite hasn't killed the pale god-hating elf whose name escapes me. (( ^^;;; )) The character is basically denouncing everything that they stand for... Heh. That's just as bad as the infidel Pyrtechonians, aye?


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2006, 07:44:28 pm »
Ah, but they wouldn't kill her, necessarily.  She's not being evil, it's just heresy on account of insanity. So they'd simply lock her away in an asylum for the rest of her natural life, so she couldn't hurt herself or others.  As an elf, I imagine that could get a little tedious.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2006, 12:57:48 am »
"it's just heresy on account of insanity."

are saying she is insan for having faith in some thing she has not proff is real.
where as cerics are sain becouse there is proff there gads are real.

Note: see othere thred for more info in this.

is that not aways been the acusaton of the domestic orthodoxy to thows that have a counter veiw.

Lock her away, "so she couldn't hurt herself or others. "

how kind of you, that's always the best place for free thight, locked away under lock and key.

your mising the point her belifes are that souls get held back by gods locking her up will only reinforce that view.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2006, 07:56:57 pm »
Personally, yes, I think the character is insane.  She has evangelical faith in an abstract idea which is held by a minority of one, so strong that she seeks to form an organization based on this belief.  But more importantly, insanity is a lovely excuse for the Toranites, Rorfaranites, and other good-aligned clergy who might want to see her stop harassing clergy for using their god-given powers.  It's true enough that others might hurt her, and that she might hurt them in self-defense... so as everyone else can't be locked up, and she's disinclined to cease prompting the violence of others, the best result for all concerned is to have her locked up.

I'm sure it would be a lovely cell, provided the Toranites got to her first.

And it's not the confinement of free thought, else the Aragenites would come down on the arresting party like a ton of proverbial bricks.  Or a library.  It would better be described as preventing a breach of the peace, because you can BET the general populace would stone her soon enough.


Re: Enemy of my God
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2006, 04:35:22 am »
darkstorme - 9/13/2006  7:56 PM

"Personally, yes, I think the character is insane. She has faith in an abstract idea which is held by a minority of one,"
Thats if that is your Personal view as a player to player than thats fine then thats fone with me.

"But more importantly, insanity is a lovely excuse for the Toranites, Rorfaranites, and other good-aligned clergy who might want to see her stop harassing clergy for using their god-given powers.  It's true enough that others might hurt her, and that she might hurt them in self-defense... so as everyone else can't be locked up, and she's disinclined to cease prompting the violence of others, the best result for all concerned is to have her locked up.
I'm sure it would be a lovely cell, provided the Toranites got to her first.else the Aragenites would come down on the arresting party like a ton of proverbial bricks.  Or a library.  It would better be described as preventing a breach of the peace, so strong that she seeks to form an organization based on this belief. "

Again as your a player and this is only your Personal belief in the way NPCs and other players would act its far coment, I know you would not wish to tell the DMs
how PNCs will react or how the world sould be run.

