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Author Topic: "Another Kidnapping quest"  (Read 694 times)

Lance Stargazer

"Another Kidnapping quest"
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:46:05 pm »
*Aesthir looks at the group as they are left to their mussings *

This is indeed quite particular i must say. That woman seems to be guilty for association in any case, she probably won't say a thing yet. she should not be allowed to walk away of this one. She was spared and that makes her guilty for that very reason.. yet that doesn't return the daughter here

*he Turns to Skabot*  So what do you think.. I have heard of this blood magic before, using blood to tie life to things and affecting things and people that way . this even if not sharing the same ill intents, it shares the same properties by tying not only the blood of someone to a tree , but a whole family must make a strong tie.or so its what i do think .

Do you think you would be able to strengthen this link beetwen the daughter and the tree in order to find the general direction where she is?

I am just wondering of that of course.  the link may not even be that strong.

what are your thoughts?  *he looks over to the group*
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Re: "Another Kidnapping quest"
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2012, 04:17:09 pm »
*Beli pulls out a piece of paper and starts writing out what we know so far. Then shows it the the group*


-The person who did this was male of elven origins, knew magic and how to use a sword. He did not know the layout of the tower or even where the tree was. He knew the name of the wizard who lives here. He only killed men and harmed the one girl, knocking her out and putting the small knife impression "V" into her neck while he talked to her. It seems like the male talked to the girl like some sort of lover.

-The branch that was taken was the closest one to the entrance/exit to the room. It could be just happen stance that it was the wife's branch.

- the Brother was killed 50 years ago by bandits outside Arnax. When we arrived there were bandits outside the tower

- The daughter was born 56 years ago.

- The family has been here for 200 years and no one outside the family really knows much about the tree and how special it is.


- MOTIVE :We must have a motive for the kidnapping. Right now it is the most elusive part of this investigation. The main motives are normally money, power and revenge. We have no evidence for any of these.

MEANS: The person who did this needs to have magic abilities, good with a sword or dagger and be able to hide in shadows.


1. The dead brother some how told about the tree and now someone wants to do something about it.
- I have a hard time believing this. What is the motive? Why wait 50 years. Why would he not know the layout of the tower? Why cut a branch off. Why take the daughter? Bandits are all about the money. It does not make sense at all.

2. The servant girl was in on it either knowingly or coerced.
- It is probable and may be part of the solution. I do not think we have enough information as of yet to rule this out.

3. Someone wants the daughter for their own unknown purposes.
- We have no information on this other then the daughter has been taken. All we can do is speculate and jump to wild conclusions.


Re: "Another Kidnapping quest"
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2012, 07:43:38 pm »
//Next event


Re: "Another Kidnapping quest"
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2012, 04:11:22 pm »
//bumping this in case anyone had any further comments before the quest tomorrow

