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Author Topic: *A messenger arrives for the Ring Seekers*  (Read 157 times)


*A messenger arrives for the Ring Seekers*
« on: October 01, 2005, 11:07:00 pm »
*As Sago, Jenarra, Garnet and Ichitan recover from thier harrowing experience on the continent of Roldem a messenger arrives at the grand plaza in Pranzis*

The messenger looks around the plaza, spies a waiter and speaks to him for a moment, then makes his way to Sago , handing over a rolled parchment*

Dear Sirs and Madam,
I pray this message reaches you in time. I was most distressed to learn of your fate after our meeting at the monestary, I had hoped that the menace we faced would be dealt with without such force of arms. More to the point, I do not believe that the threat has ended, please, with haste make for the monestary, I have tidings I wish to share with you.


//please feel free to discuss quest events IC in this thread if you are part of the quest series.

//I have been thinking, and discussing the outcome of the last session, and decided to extend this quest. It will still run on Saturdays, and the challenges will be a bit more difficult, as there is no element of suprise for the time being, but I wanted to give everyone an opportunity to continue, and hope that unintentional spawns do not give the wrong impression next time.



RE: *A messenger arrives for the Ring Seekers*
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2005, 03:31:00 pm »
*Daring nods to Sago and the others with them as Sago reads the note aloud*  Then is no time to lose, we must do more so to helps and hopefully we can finds all others who will have joined us in times before.  //Hopefully we can have a larger party next time too. No enemies who can stealth while fighting either >


RE: *A messenger arrives for the Ring Seekers*
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2005, 07:06:00 pm »
*stands with a determined look on her face, points south, and nods*


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RE: *A messenger arrives for the Ring Seekers*
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2005, 07:41:00 pm »
*Garnet leaps to his feet with a flair turns back to the outhers and says*

Dis be badd, we mus go naow!

*Garnet heads for the door. Then stops.*

We mus sen word to da udders ta meaet uss jus out-saiide o Tibum!


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RE: *A messenger arrives for the Ring Seekers*
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
Oui oi goen breing Ael buut he loike lioke aah Orc buut et es Ael me monk friend.