The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Rumour Has It => Topic started by: stormspirit on July 08, 2005, 02:55:00 pm

Title: *borne on paws and wings to all druids of Layonara.*
Post by: stormspirit on July 08, 2005, 02:55:00 pm
Brothers and Sisters,

    A dire time has begun for us all who have the gift of attaining other shapes, a time when our faith in balance and natural harmony seems to abandon us along with our gifts of the change.  I am sure you have all found it, we seek other forms of nature and they slowly become harder and harder to obtain, the change coming slowly or at times not at all. As if our link to what allows it diminish and we lessen.

    Those who follow the path of forms are more severely afflicted, nightmares plagueing them and the change often abandoning them completely.  Often death follows this illness of locked form, a death that none would desire.  Steadily this ailment worsens and though we are researching a cure little results have thus far been seen.

    I strongly advise that you do not seek the change, it has been reported on occasions that strong bursts of negative energy flow through the conduit, it has killed some and crippled others and is a risk that you should take only under the most needful circumstances.  Do not seek the change frivolously for it may claim far more from you than you expect.

  May the balance make you whole and the path to harmony clear

  The Hierophant.

//Obviously gms arent always around to work such a thing, but rp at the difficulty of taking other forms should be rped for the duration of this, also I would guess that when gms are on things might just happen.....
Title: RE: *borne on paws and wings to all druids of Layonara.*
Post by: General_Ski on July 08, 2005, 02:57:00 pm
By Aeridin, we should look into this.
Aevornii, servant of life