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Author Topic: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques  (Read 208 times)


From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« on: January 09, 2005, 05:01:00 pm »
Official Communiques dated for the Song Incident
  Ministry of War
  Althought the ministry itself suffered no physcial damages, there were reported riots in all the forts around Mistone. The casualty numbers are high from the fightings between the soldiers and also between the commoners.  A numbers of troops were sent out to contain the civilian riots, but, unfortunately, it projected minimal effects.  All the forts are now recovering from the incident, and all those involved are forgiven for their conducts.  Still accessing total damages.
  Ministry of Intelligence
  There were no indication of the starting of the incident from all the resources available.  All the intelligence network shutted down, and we lost a few contact with the scouts for a period of time, but they have all reported back.  A few of the scouts reported a party venturing trying to stop the whole event, namely Reventage D'vinn, Brac'ar Fireface, Plenarius Ashely, and Athus Dephillie.  It is aquired from the conversations that the whole incident is caused by an Harpist being kidnapped by a mastermnd, presumed Milara, general of Blood.  It is also known that this incident related to Ilsare. Further inquery is being conducted at this time.
  Ministry of Magic
  Most of the mages endured the shock of the song without losing insanity.  There are still a few incidnet of the mages on rampage, including Mage Dalton of Fort Ilast, who summoned balors in the fort.  Scrying confirmed the extended of the damages, and is now handing over to the Ministry of Commonwealth to access.  The mages have yet to find a way to counter the haunting melody, other than a strong bard who can counter the song.
  Ministry of Commonwealth
  The inital damage accessment is staggering. Not counting the loss of human life, the physical property damages is around 5,600,000 gold pieces, and with the reports coming in, we suspect it will rise further.  Currently a Level-One Accessment is taking place.  Futher inquery is being made.
  Ministry of Justice
  There are staggering number of cases currently on file during the Song Incident, ranging from looting, assault, to murder. Under careful review, most of the cases will be dismissed due to the outside influence. Most of the detention cells are filled to capcacity, and we have requested additional personnel to help process them.


RE: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2005, 05:20:00 am »
Replies from the Alliance Ministry of Magic Research Team that was sent to Dregar to recover the artifact
  Even though there are much rumor about, the excavation teams came up with no result on finding the artifact.  Looks like many factions are into finding this ampilifier glove as well.  We spotted some members of the Black Wizards, the Shadow Thieves...and we have reason to believe that the Layonara Merchants Guild have hired a group of adventuers to do their biddings.
  Upon returning to Lorindar, there's rumor that the Merchant's Guild have aquired the artifact, thought further research is needed.


RE: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 05:13:00 pm »
Report from Senior Agent Tarus
  The team in Dregar have successfully retrieved the Core of the Magician's Gaunlet from the desert with the help of Celgar Magnus, Lia Di'makiir, and the rest.  It's on it's way back via Captain Weaver's ship.


RE: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2005, 09:59:00 am »
Reports from the Office of the Triumvirate
  Basing on all reports from the Ministry of Magic, Ministry of Intelligence, and the Ministry of War, the Office of the Triumvirate has approved the plan to relocate Mistone Alliance's headquarter.  While a search of candidate cities in underway, all classified documents are to be properly secured and the alert status should be upgraded to level 3.  The first round of search yielded a list of ideal cities:
  Lelion Spellgard Haven Fort Velensk
  The specifics of the relocation project are current being discussed by the various ministries.


RE: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2005, 05:16:00 am »
Report from the Office of the Triumvirate
  After evaluating various options and opinions, the Office of the Triumvirate has approved for the headquarter to be moved from Fort Forewarm to Fort Velensk due to the possible direct threat from the Forsaken Islands.  The votes are 3-0, the motion is effective immediately.


RE: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2005, 10:49:00 am »
Report from the Office of the Triumvirate
The Mistone Alliance Office of the Triumvirate has passed Emergency Resolution #33.  Resolution #33 calls for immediate report of reserve troops to the central command and increased guards in all major cities.  #33 also prohibits any travels via the Fort Velensk Dock and place the headquarter on war time alert.
Ministry of War
In compliance with ER #33, the Ministry of War has called upon all reserve troops to active duty and request the formation of location milita in all towns and cities.  The Ministry has also placed request for new weapons and armors from the local crafters. It is unclear when next will Blood's force strike.


RE: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2005, 09:38:00 am »
Ministry of War
The collection effort is going exceptionally well.  The arms and armors donated so far will aid in improving the soldier's combat abilities greatly; however, we still have a sizable gap between the current stocks and the goal. Blood's force has struck again at Fort Velensk, but a group of valiant heroes was able to put a stop to the attacks.  Combat reports are still being evaluated and pending analysis.
Ministry of Justice
Due to the resources shortage, non-essenial personnels are being transfered to other ministries.  Trials for petty crimes has been suspended.  All proceedings are being processed according to the War Time Special Article 45.  Side note is that a halfing named Taislin Burrik was arrested for disruption of war effort. Specifically, the stealing of public goods donated to the war effort.  He has served his sentence and released under stricter survillance.
Ministry of Magic
Large amount of spell compoents are still needed.  Extra effort will be put into collecting those in preparation for another invasion
Ministry of Commonwealth
The donations in terms of gold pieces are going surprisingly well, although the stock of healing potions are still low.  More effort is being put on collection those.
Ministry of Intelligence
All reports are pending analysis.
Office of the Triumvirate
No new resolution is being proposed and voted on at this time


RE: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2005, 01:26:00 pm »
Office of Triumvirate
The Office of the Triumvirate, with approval of Queen Allurial, has passed and now enacting Emergency Resolution #34.  ER #34 requires all registered Mistone guilds and organizations to transfer 2/3 of their inventory or possessions to the Mistone Alliance. This also applies to any city or town councilmen and mayors.  ER #34 also raised the goal for collections of items by 1/2 and gold pieces to 1,500,000.  ER #34 was proposed because of the fall of Roldem to the Bloodstone's forces.  The loss of an valuble ally and stragtic position requires build ups of timely responses that is not possible with the current fundings.  This Executive Directive is mandatory, any guilds, organizations, and individuals, if found evading the collection, can and will be tried in the Mistone Court for disruption of war effort, tax evasion, and war crimes.  The guild, organizations, and individuals that qualifies must contact the Mistone Alliance to schedule an collection date. The votes are 3-0.  [PM Milo]
Ministry of War
The collection of arms and armors is still underway. Due to the loss of the Kingdom of Roldem, the goal of the collection has been raised by 50% .  All reserve troops are now active and deployed around Mistone.  Any attempts at retaking Roldem are still under evaluations.
Ministry of Intelligence
The Special Operations Corps equipments are still being collected, and it will be much more efficent if the collection goal is reached.  The prelimary intelligence is that the Blood forces have not been sighted around Mistone after the fall of Roldem, but precautionary measures still needs to be taken to ensure the safety of Mistone.  Also, after receving inital report on Roldem, the evaluation is that the retaking of the Roldem islands are impossible without a full-scale war that will cost Mistone greatly.  Other attempts are being considered.


RE: From the Mistone Alliance Communiques
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2005, 11:00:00 am »
Office of the Triumvirate
Emergency Resolution #35 proposed by the Ministry of War is being considered at this time.  ER #35, if passed, will require all houses of noble status on Mistone to transfer at least one-half of their house guards under the Ministry of War's command at request.  Voting on this proposal will commence in a few days.