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Author Topic: As you walk into the Wild Surge...  (Read 95 times)


As you walk into the Wild Surge...
« on: October 30, 2006, 01:55:01 pm »
..and wait to order a drink at the bartender, he asks the person in front of you.
  "Ah, maybe you know. I heard our Queen hasn't been seen for quite a while. Some say she's dead, some say she's ill, others say she stepped down from the throne. You're one to get around, heard anything?"
  The man shrgs and says he hasn't. He takes his ale and the bartender turns to you.
  "What can I get you?" he asks, placing an empty ale mug in front of you, "And maybe you know..."
  //And yes, you can RP that the bartender asked you this question.

gilshem ironstone

Re: As you walk into the Wild Surge...
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2006, 06:38:30 am »
*Gel'larian looks at the bartender thoughtfully for a moment leans in and whispers* I haven't heard about Allurial, but I do know that one of her enemies from the Seven Sisters is on the move.  And that this sister is trouble.  Maybe our Lady is dealing with that and doesn't have enough time for the usual public appearances.

*The bartender looks at him suspiciously for a moment* Well I don't know much about that 'cept it can only turn bad for folks like you and me.

*Gel'larian puts his arm around the bartender* But as long as there are people that care for this world, we can always hope for the best! *Gel'larian gives the Bartender his coins, takes his juice and sits next to Radrian as she tells about the fall of Bloodstone*

*The Bartender studies Gel'larian and mutters*  Elves... never could figure them out.


Re: As you walk into the Wild Surge...
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2006, 11:07:54 am »
"Sisters, always a hornet's nest. If you anger one, they all come after you." He turns to the next customer.


RE: As you walk into the Wild Surge...
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2006, 02:02:27 pm »
A hooded figure clad in black and purple metal reinforced clothing and a dark cape quietly sits in the corner appearing to read some parchment.  Although whether or not this person heard the exchange between the adventurer and the bartender is uncertain, shortly afterwards it carefully places the papers it had been reading into a scroll tube, tucking them away under its cloak and getting out a strange glowing crystal from a belt pouch.  The crystal’s hue is vivid purple as well, and it floats spinning in the air above this person’s left hand as he eyes it for a few moments before returning it to its pouch.  Nodding once to himself he rises and flows swiftly yet gracefully to the door.


Re: As you walk into the Wild Surge...
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2006, 06:47:39 am »
*Sallaron wanders in, collapses on a chair, and gestures the bar man over. As the barman returns with drinks, he leans in closer to Sallaron, whispering*

" So, " he says, " You heard any rumours about our queen? Some say she's ill, other's dead. Know anything?"

Sallaron chuckles to himself, snatching the ale from the barman and tossing a few True on the table.

" Queen....bah, what do I care? Never even met her, don't know what it is she does in that fancy castle of hers." Sallaron grumbles, quaffing back his ale and leaning back in his chair, totally unconcerned.

Only when the barman had moved to another table, and Sall had taken a few drinks from his ale, did a thoughtful look cross the mans face, and he pondered awhile, drinking idly.

