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Author Topic: Murder in Pranzis  (Read 126 times)


Murder in Pranzis
« on: April 19, 2006, 04:16:34 pm »
Murmurs run through the streets of Pranzis.  A delivery gnome from the Farwall Scriptorium making a run to the Hotel Layonara was assaulted and killed inside a guest's room today.  Mertillia, proprietor of the scriptorium reported that the delivery of blank mahagony scrolls was sent for by a man who only identified himself as "Alrick".  This person was not available for questioning by the authorities.  City mages also report a large burst of magic tinged with negative energy seeming to eminate from the hotel at the same time the incident was brought to light.


RE: Murder in Pranzis
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 04:12:08 pm »
Whispering heard throughout the streets and taverns of cities across Layonara:  Rumors of a drow male dressed in the traditional priestly garb of the underdark who recently had the gall to walk into the temple of Toran in the center of the capital city.  This almost miraculous event occured not too long before the murder of a delivery gnome right inside of Pranzis.  Although no one was injured, or the priests accosted unduly.  This person was also rumored to be part of a group of adventurers seen arguing vehemently inside the city walls and also inside the city of Leilon near the scene of another grisly murder.  Authorities are advised that this same group may be responsible for a number of bandit robberies throughout southern Mistone near Fort Velensk.

