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Author Topic: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast  (Read 119 times)


*Chanyce walks in and hands a letter to the clergy on duty in the Temple of Toran in Llast*


Your followers have run amok. I was threatened with stabbing today by one Anne Ravenwind, of the Shining Hand. She suspected me of being a vampire and her solution was to cut me, cut my arm to prove that I wasn't one though, thankfully a smarter Paladin was there, my brother in arms was there, a paladin of Toran.

Is this the justice you seek? Threatening individuals with pain and suffering? This sounds to me that you have Rael's followers working for you rather than Toranites.

Toran, If you wish to speak with me personally, rather than carry this on through your... Clergy, please do. I have been waiting a long time to speak with you.

Chaynce Dallorius
Son of a Paladin of Toran

*marks the note postage due*


Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2008, 11:29:22 am »
Mister Dallorius,

It is with our apologies we scribe this correspondence to you.  As we understand, and after viewing Beacon Anne Ravenwind's report, you were suspected of inappropriate conduct with a being tainted with the vampirism disease.

According to her report, you refused a simple blood test to ensure you were not affected by the disease.  Your blatant refusal to be administered the test implied guilt to Miss Ravenwind and she took action as expected by many of our Beacons.

The Beacons provide a vital service of cleansing the undead from our towns and cities.  Their missions are important to all of the followers of Toran as well as the many citizens of Layonara.  I assure you they are nothing like Rael or his followers, and we take great exception to your statements.

You may come into any temple for testing at your earliest convenience.

By the Light of Toran,
Gerald Spinetzner

Public Affairs Officer
Temple of Toran
Fort Llast, Mistone


Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2008, 03:51:14 pm »
*a boy enters the Temple and hands a parchment to the first person on duty he sees*

Ser Gerald Spinetzner,

I appreciate your concern in this matter but I believe either you misread Anne Ravenwind's report or she left out crucial facts.

Let me put this in terms perhaps you can understand, and I'll attempt to leave my usual dripping sarcasm out of this letter.

Now... If a lady was standing in town with an eight foot tall flaming great sword, (which I believe was totally inappropriate in the town of Port Hempsted), grabbed your arm and attempted to stab you with some unidentified shard of something, would you stand still and let her cut away? I think not.

And... the same Lady, after you pull away, hands the same shard to a bystander and tells him... "not to cut to deep" would you again stand and let them cut away? I think not. I have no idea who Anne was, even if she did claim to be a member of the Shinning Hand. What proof do I have of that except her word? How do I know that she was not trying to infect me with some plague, disease, or form of lycantheropy?

All I did was admit that I REFUSED A KISS from the one she sought. If refusing a kiss constitutes inappropriate relations with a vampire the world has a lot to fear. There are many more... inappropriate actions taking place in back alleys and various locations across the world than a REFUSAL of a kiss.

Now, if perhaps she had some sort of tact or diplomacy about the situation perhaps things would have turned out different and I wouldn't have had to threaten to draw my blade, and considering her eight foot tall flaming great sword was waving about in the main square of Hempsted, I don't feel all to bad about threatening to defend myself.

These are the strong armed tactics that have soured the people on your clergy. Perhaps my father was right when he realized that he must leave the Toranite faith. I am thankful he chose to leave a Temple that claims to protect the innocent and right wrongs, but seems to do so in a persecuting way to the simple man on the street.

I shall not be showing up for any sort of ritual slashing anytime soon.

Chaynce Dallorius
Son of a former Paladin of Toran


Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2008, 05:04:33 pm »
Mister Dallorius,

I have received your follow on letter, and must implore my great displeasure regarding your disparaging comments regarding the legendary Beacon of the Shining Hand, Anne Ravenwind.

Beacon Ravenwind would never omit a critical detail from a report and has always displayed the highest degree of tact and diplomatic accumen in many situations.  As well as being the proud claimant of two thousand and sixteen confirmed undead slayings, she is a dedicated and loyal servant of the Shining Hand.  The only possible explanation I could believe is that you must have met an imposter claiming to be Anne Ravenwind.

Beacon Ravenwind carries the Silver Blade of the Sun, which is a two handed great sword.  It's length is nowhere close to 8 feet.  It's overall length is 71.5 inches, with a blade a mere 48.8 inches in length.  It's weight is an exact 8.6 pounds.

You and your father will be graciously accepted back into the church at your earliest convenience.  As we cannot promise to reinstate his paladinship, he will always be accepted as a member at large of the faith.  Also, please note the temples have been notified and waiting patiently for your blood test submission.

By the Light of Toran,
Gerald Spinetzner

Public Affairs Officer
Temple of Toran
Fort Llast, Mistone


Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of Toran at Llast
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2008, 05:26:04 pm »
*an even smaller boy walks into the temple and hands the first person he sees a note*

Dear Gerald,

It has been a pleasure corresponding with you on this matter.

Please subsitute...

 "Silver Blade of the Sun, which is a two handed great sword. It's overall length is 71.5 inches, with a blade a mere 48.8 inches in length. It's weight is an exact 8.6 pounds."

...Into my previous letter where ever I wrote eight feet.

With all the waving around of the blade and the fear for my life I didn't get a chance to lay the blade on the ground and properly step off it's length, nor take it to a trade scale and have it weighed. Accuracy is of the essence!

And... I still will not be showing up for the ritual slashing of my arm anytime soon.


Grid Blader

Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2008, 12:26:47 pm »
Dear Dallorius,

I wish to meet with you personally.  I wish to talk to you.  I am interrested in hearing what you have to say.  

The Hand


Grid Blader

Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2008, 12:29:22 pm »
Dear Gerald Spinetzner,

Untill further notice, I will take care of this matter personal.  

The Hand



Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2008, 07:19:07 pm »
*sends a letter back with whoever delivered it*


As my letter stated that I sent to you personally, I have asked about you to various people, and they have said you are a fair man. Please let me know when you would like to meet.



Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2008, 12:41:46 am »
*sends an additional letter to Quantum with the quietest and most stealthy courier he can find*

Mister Shiny Palm,

She means to unseat you. I have witnesses.

C. B.


Re: A formal complaint handed in to the Temple of torn at Llast
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2008, 03:23:47 am »
*the courier meets Chaynce on a small isle near Leringard, he is paid handsomely for the delivery of the note, and his silence*