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Author Topic: A message hung upon every street corner in Prantz  (Read 92 times)


A message hung upon every street corner in Prantz
« on: May 20, 2007, 03:59:57 pm »
Satari, Oclar 21, 1416

After long months of deliberation and many councils held with numerous agencies of the Administration along with top representatives from the church of Rofirein.  It is with an eye to the future and hearts set upon steadfast dilligence to maintain the current standards of living within and around Prantz.  

It is with these aims in mind that the Administration of Prantz is pleased to announce conclusion of the councils held between the Golden Voice of Rofirein, Barvanth Hiruman III and the Administration of Prantz headed by Lord Broegar himself and the salient points of said deliberations contained within:

    A new Temple will be constructed in the town of Western Gate on Corsain Island.

    The Keepers Office will be moved to the Temple in Western Gate until further notice.

    Those Knights of the Wyrm formerly based in the Cathedral precincts are to be re-deployed to barracks in Western Gate.

    Guardians of Justice will undertake all law training solely within the Cathedral.

    The New Office of Marshals will operate from the Western Gate temple with all training undertaken there for its members.

    All religious services and functions will not be undertaken in the Cathedral until further notice. All initiates and any in training will be moved to the temple in Western Gate until further notice.

    It is further decreed that the Cathedral of Rofirein will be responsible for balancing the laws and punishments while adjudicating justice in Dregar on behalf of General Broegar who is from the moment of this missive recognized by the Rofireinites as the new ruler of Prantz.

    In the instance that a dispute arises between the Cathedral of Law and the rule of the Prantz Administration, both parties reserve the right to enter into negotiations to find resolution on the issue. Should this fail both parties reserve the right to withdraw from the agreement until such time as an amicable resolution can be met.

It is also at this time, now that the final reports from the Department of Demographic Measurement and the Bureau of Terrain Assesment have been received and assimilated that newly formed kingdom of Rael is announcing it's sovereignty with the City of Prantz as it's capital.  The bounds of Rael are to encompass the entirety of the Forest of Fog upon it's eastern front and extends southwestward terminating less then twenty five leagues south of Seacove.

In this dark time, such sweeping change is most certainly unwelcome by all, yet is necessary for the greater well being of all.  It is with this ideal in mind that Rael, and by extension Prantz opens it's arms and welcomes any who wish to join the brotherhood of monarchs in this new and exciting time in Dregar.

Hail Broegar, Lord of Rael


Re: A message hung upon every street corner in Prantz
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2007, 07:11:54 pm »
*A older man dressed in simple robes to conceal his worn but well cared for golden hued armour sighs with relief as he reads the missive. Lines of care and mirth tinged with finality mark his face and eyes. Tarradon for a moment looks skyward and thanks Rofirein that finally things have come to pass which will set the faith on the the forward path once more.

Feeling better in heart for the first time since he and so many others fought to hold Prantz against Broegar all those years ago Tarradon gathered his robes about him against the chill air. It still was not safe for him to reveal who he was in Prantz but at least now it seemed there was a future.

Tarradon stepped back into the crowd and hurried to the once grand cathedral. There were people there he wished to pay his respects to before he set of for Corsain Island. A trip he felt would be part of the final journey in his eternal service to beloved Rofirein.*