The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Rumour Has It => Topic started by: Harlas Ravelkione on December 12, 2007, 05:05:09 pm

Title: A last goodbye...
Post by: Harlas Ravelkione on December 12, 2007, 05:05:09 pm
* Three dwarves are seen by many as they pass from Hlint to Spellguard carrying an old man in blue robes reverently on a shield, held high on their shoulders. The dwarves are recognized by some as Varka Cleaveson, Gravas Hrendhamar and Kobal Bluntaxe, while the lifeless body on the tower shield is that of the well known wizard Godim Harjumaa.

His long silvery-white beard looks to have been carefully groomed and his robes repaired in many places. Even so, clear evidence remains of the sword or spear thrusts that must have killed the old wizard.

One last time Godim Harjunaa enters the splendid city of magic - Spellguard. His retinue consisting of the three dwarves and others who knew him, follow the train as it moves towards the temple of Lucinda.

The clergy here were already notified because a priest stands at the entrance, seemingly waiting to accept the old man into the loving embrace of the Lady of Spells. Two acolytes step forward to accept the burden and carry the shield into the temple grounds, where the body is to be prepared for burial.

The adventurers and dragon-called remain to pay Godim their last respect before his body is returned to the earth. *
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Pseudonym on December 12, 2007, 05:36:46 pm
*Arkolio de'Averlain stands in the small crowd of onlookers who watch the silent progression to the temple. The smirk usually adorning his face is not present this day, instead his features are set in solemn lines. A merchant beside him, perhaps seeking to strike up a conversation leading to a transaction, asks*

"You knew that old man?"

*Arkolio glances distractedly at the merchant*

"Aye. That I did."

"A friend of yours?"

*There is a long pause*

"Aye. He was."
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: s0ulz on December 12, 2007, 05:44:05 pm
*Once word reaches Fenrir in Stort, he walks to the balcony and orders the workers of the town to stop what they're doing and stand in solemn silence for a minute, in honor of the lost Godim*

*Soon after that a black flag is hailed in the fort and it is rumored to stay there for at least a week*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Tobias on December 12, 2007, 05:49:04 pm
*Tobias enters the temple of Luncida appearing grief-stricten. He slowly makes his way up the aisle  and asks a priest where he may find the body of Godim. He is lead to where the body is being kept before burial. As Tobias comes to see Godim he gives a deep sigh as he moves closer to look upon his friend one last time*
  "Sorry, I wasn't there for ya pops" He says while gently touching Godims hand.  " I thought you would even out last me, but atleast you went out with a bang instead of waiting for your last breaths to come in your sleep." Tobias moves his hand and places it on Godims forehead. "Rest well my friend, you are finally home.. "
 *Tobias Steps back and takes one last look at Godim and for the first time he whispers a prayer to Lucinda.  He looks up beyond the ceiling and with a last dispondent sigh Tobias turns and leaves, never turning back.*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Dezza on December 12, 2007, 05:51:45 pm
*Hearing the news Sasha journeys quickly to Spellguard to pay her respects to Godim at the burial site. A silent prayer of thanks for a fallen ally is uttered before she steps back to let the multitude of others step forward and give theirs.*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Stephen_Zuckerman on December 12, 2007, 05:54:03 pm
Barely a day after the news is spread, posters begin to be found at temples of Lucinda and popular inns across Mistone, and later Alindor, Dregar, and even Belinara.

But the master copy hangs in the Explorer's Guildhall.

Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Tanman on December 12, 2007, 05:57:50 pm
*Hearing the news Eghaas makes his way to Spellgard to pay his respects to Godim amongst the crowd*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Mooneyes on December 12, 2007, 06:47:46 pm
Hearing the news Peanut and Beasty make they're way to pay their respects.
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Pibemanden on December 12, 2007, 06:53:38 pm
*Storold comes by the temple as usually but the he sees the crowd and moves to pay his respect dropping a single crystaline blue rose near the body. After having payed his respects he goes to pray for a good afterlife with with magic of the weave for Godim*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: ystrday on December 12, 2007, 07:11:00 pm
*A boy very much looking like his father with silver strands in his hair comes to lay fresh roses, wrapped in green ribbon on his Uncle's grave. He whispers a child's prayer to the man who was his uncle, his friend, and his teacher. The boy turns to his mother, who leaves her own blessing to her fallen friend*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: jan on December 12, 2007, 07:16:28 pm
*Barion finds a poster as he goes for some rest to an inn , he sighs heavily as it hits him that he never will travel with his friend again . He picks up his things and goes to Spellguard in full armor to pay his respect , after putting a single mithrill nugget at Godims feet he bows his head and says a prayer for his friend . He walks out off Spellguard and travels to Dalanthar to sit there at the portal sighing*

" No more will we travel the rift and battle drow old friend ...i'll miss you ..."

*he folds the poster he was looking at and tugs it inside his armor *
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Hellblazer on December 12, 2007, 11:52:19 pm
*Lex'or goes over to the temple after hearing the sad news. He stands silently near the man. He closes his eyes in respect and simply say, thank you for the good times.

He then moves away silently.*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: DMOE on December 13, 2007, 02:22:36 am
*Muireann walks quietly through Spellguard, upon reaching the temple she enters, strides over to Godim's body and gently lays a single blue carnation on his chest, whispering something every so softly in his ear before turning on her heel and striding out again*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: LordCove on December 13, 2007, 04:56:33 am
* Many days later, a small, rather ill and unhealthy looking goblin is seen escorted through the streets of Spellgard by a half-elven sorceress.
Entering the Temple, they walk solemnly over to the where Godim's body rests, looking down. The sorceress whispers something into the Goblins ear, pats its shoulder and walks away, leaving the pathetic creature standing over the old mage quietly, solemnly....

... several hours later, the goblin can still be seen there, unmoving, seemingly talking to the old man quietly.**
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: stragen on December 13, 2007, 07:01:57 am
*Jacrum drinks an ale for one of the few wizards he trusts*

Fer a glorious life and glorious death.  Ter Godim!  Vorax with yer friend.
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Lareth on December 13, 2007, 08:51:17 am
*A pale and tired looking Lareth stops in front of where Godim lies, bowing his head in silent prayer for a time*

Farewell my friend *he whispers*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Falonthas on December 13, 2007, 09:12:41 am
::a small sparrow stops by the shuttered window of the hempstead jail  and chirps a sad series of chirps and inside the meowing stops for a short time

the sparrow flies off and a few minutes later a long low mournful howl resonates long and echoes within and without the jail::
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: ShiffDrgnhrt on December 13, 2007, 09:34:59 am
A heavily armored figure stands at the foot of Godim's grave on a stormy winter's day.  Snow flurries swirl and dance through the air, thrown about by the blizzard's wind, but the figure does not move.  His cloak billows in the wind, flapping and twisting as the gusts try to tear it from the figure's shoulders, a simple carved brooch holding it fast to his shoulders.  In the figure's adamantium hands rests a great sword, the heavy blade resting itself in the cold earth at Godim's feet.  No words, no cries, no sound is heard emanating from the figure's scarlet-metal form.  Only the wind, and the sound of the wind-filled cloak, like a sail on a stormy night at sea, frapping and furling behind him.  

Then suddenly, movement.  The figure reaches inside a bag slung over one shoulder, the frosted helm not turning from the craved stone of Godim's gravestone for even a moment.  Slowly a delicate flower emerges, though not one of nature.  The stem was solid silver, nearly a foot long, with 3 golden leaves sprouting around the sides.  At the top were three large, beautifully carved sapphires, organized and shaped to have the appearance of a blossoming rose.  The figure knelt at the grave, the great blade pierced into the earth to stand there as a steel sentinel over the old man's Grave.  Resting the ornate flower against the stone, the figure stood again, returning to its original position.

Hours passed, and slowly day turned to night, storm turned to calm, and by the time the moon rose, the figure stood as a statue does in winter, frosted in snow.   But still the figure did not move until a priest came to inquire about the man.

"Good sir, it's freezing out here.  Why do you stand out in this cold?"

With the cracking of ice the figure's head turned to the priest.

 "He was my friend."  Shiff said, before looking back at the grave, and the wondrous gift he left his old friend.
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Weeblie on December 13, 2007, 09:47:20 am
A young elf in a red and purple dress seems to be standing close to the grave like many others. She smiles a little bit sadly while she carefully places a small ruby on the grave. In a quiet voice, she murmurs more for herself than for anyone else to hear:

When the time has come for parting with us others, there is little one can do. This is a small step on the great journey, a momvement towards the eternal peace you now will have. Goodbye, Godim... Perhaps we will meet again one day in the future.
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Serissa on December 13, 2007, 09:56:36 am
*Sala stands at the grave, remembering.*  I'm going to miss you so very much, my friend.  Thank you for your leadership and your protection.  May our Lady take you and show you even greater wonders.
 *She places a stone on the grave, ordinary, but brought back from the deepest part of the Rift on her first trip there with Godim*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Varka on December 13, 2007, 11:12:42 am
*As The adventurers and dragon-called pay Godim their last respect Varka stands by the entrance and watches the crowd. The silence is only broken by prayers and cries. He looks to Gravas and Kobal then lowers his head and in a low voice*

Dey who walk da alls
Dose who doie in battle
Deir names spoken fer eternity
We droink ter im ternoight

In tales brought back again
Wit ale details are spoken
Wit food stories are listened
All will be eard ternoight

Make room fer ye froind
It be living or dead
Ploice a jug of ale
We are de same ternoight

*Varka finishes the prayer and looks up again*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Eight-Bit on December 13, 2007, 11:55:07 am
An aged woman watches in perfect silence as yet another member of her faith returns dead. One of the three younger Lucindites accompanying her places a hand upon a thinning sholder, free for a change of any armor. The older woman places a hand on the hand, and maintains her stillness.
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Rowana on December 13, 2007, 12:05:55 pm
*cautiously moving through the area, Lee looks about the few still gathered. She quietly waits her turn holding a folded piece of parchment with fidgety hands. Finally she slips up to the grave, and kneels down. She whispers something heard only by herself and the wind to carry it to Godim. She lays the parchment, still folded, on the grave. She piles on a few large seeds on top of the parchment and then slips off quietly.*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Frelinder on December 14, 2007, 03:39:12 am
*The news about the belowed wizards death reaches Boon. At first he can't belive that Godim is no longer alive and thinks it must be a false roumor. But after hearing it from several people he realize it must be so.. Sadened by the news he walks up on a hill and sits down and stares at the stars untill he falls asleep. The next morning when he wake up he seems alot older then the day before.. As if a bit of his lifespirit had vanished during the night.. On the top of the hill a short poem now can be seen carved into a stone..*

-- In memory of Godim Harjumaa the goodhearted wizard--
      - We fought the darkenes and the evil together..
      - We stod ground and we bled together..
      - We shared his pies and we laughed together..
      - By the campfires we all shared his stories together..

*signed* a friend
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: aragwen on December 17, 2007, 01:32:26 pm
*Jacchri hears the news long after the event and pauses a moment and softly speak into the sky*
 Safe travels where your path now leads you Godim.
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: jrizz on December 17, 2007, 02:15:34 pm
*wren makes his way to Spellgard after hearing the sad news. He arrives a few days later. Wren, cloaked and hooded, quietly makes his way to the grave and kneels*

You will be sorely missed old man, thank you for the many times your skills saved me in battle. You may be gone from this world but you are in good company where you are.

*He bows his head in a silent prayer to the Prince of Wolves*

Another comes to join the hunt,
he was a great man, a powerful mage, a brave warrior

*He raises his face to the sky his hood falls from his face and he howls. He then stands and makes his way to the nearest inn to raise a few mugs of ale in memory of an old man*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Black Cat on December 17, 2007, 06:31:54 pm
*a dwarves clad in the red and silver armor of a Battlepriest walk up to the temple, nods to the priest and walks to where Godim body is*

*once before it, he bows and says*

Good bye ol' frien'...

*after saying these simple words he walks out as quickly as he came in*
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: LordCove on December 17, 2007, 08:06:46 pm
* Sallaron wanders through Spellgard, coming finnaly to stand before the grave of Godim.
He pauses a moment, murmuring a few small prayers, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a fine mahoganny pipe and a pouch of tobacco. Carefully, he places it on the headstone and backs up.

Slowly... a slight smile appears on his face.

" I'll catch ya later mate. Keep me a seat. "
Title: Re: A last goodbye...
Post by: Masterjack on December 18, 2007, 03:55:53 am
*Beli slowly approaches the grave of Godim. As he draws near he pulls out a blanket and lays it out on top of the grave. He opens the basket he is holding and lays out a picnic meal for two. He eats the one meal in silence and leaves the other untouched.

Placing his hand upon the stone he slow turns and walks away with a tear in his eye for his fallen friend*