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Author Topic: Nightmares in Krandor  (Read 119 times)


Nightmares in Krandor
« on: January 05, 2009, 05:45:52 pm »
Authorities in Krandor have sent missives to the Toranite Temple in Fort last and to the Aeridin Temple in the Silkwood forest seeking support after a month of traumatic events and spirit unrest within the crypts.

It seems that not long ago children all over the city awoke on a certain night with the same nightmare. A tall figure dressed on robes of swirling darkness stood in their room and reached out his hand towards them seeking to place a mark on their foreheads. As his nail dug into their forehead in their dreams they screamed in agony and heard the following words.

"Tell them that the shard must be restored to me within 13 risings of the full moons. If it is not brought to me by then each child I have touched shall die."

What followed for the next three nights was the same dream until parents and children across Krandor were so terrified they demanded aid be sent for. They undead in the crypts also were heard moaning and shrieking over the same nights.


Re: Nightmares in Krandor
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2009, 04:50:39 am »
*Leon Tysmus, Paladin of Toran, after hearing about this, is offering to help where he can and would like to meet with a few of the parents and concerned higher ups to hear more about this*

((Will either try to catch you IG or at a assigned time, whatever fits you better :)

p.S...those smilies are creepy :-P


Re: Nightmares in Krandor
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2009, 06:35:15 am »
*After coming back from the temple, for a much deserved rest. Lex'or hears the news from his home town. He then goes to help the towns folk with counseling, after checking on his own little family.*


Re: Nightmares in Krandor
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2009, 07:29:16 am »
*All help is welcomed in the town and those heading there are inundated with requests to check their children for harm and such. Many people are shrugging it off, others are worried, some are even packing their things and moving to other towns and villages to stay with friends for a while.*


Re: Nightmares in Krandor
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2009, 07:31:51 am »
*Arkolio, Krandor resident, enjoys the peace and quiet of a child-free township until this is resolved*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Nightmares in Krandor
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2009, 12:40:12 pm »
*As Lance hears of the ocurrences he reached for The temple in Llast in order to speak with Marl, he also sent a Letter to the Holy Citadel in Huajin, with the information he has *

Dear Brothers and sisters in Toran's light.

Some weeks ago I was in Krandor with a group and we meet a shade of a man who was burned due necromancy activity, the name of this one is Admun Kretorin, He was looking for a man named Daimon who unfortunately suffered a gruesome death in the events of that encounter, this man Damion was the only alive aprentice of a jeweler who made a brooch some years ago, unfortunatley the other aprenctice died as well in a fire,

Seems taht the shade when was alive was burned by our brothers as per the charges described above. We shall be ready to retaliate, we found this events in a cave in the forest south of Krandor.

In hope this information helps in any sort, I'll keep searching for information of this matter. any information any of the church has would prove useful

Lance Stargazer, humble servant of His Light.

*Once dismissed Lance moves towards the archives of the temple to search information over the case*

