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Author Topic: Another 'Bastion'?  (Read 75 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Another 'Bastion'?
« on: April 19, 2008, 04:31:12 pm »
* Rumours carried on warm breezes from the East and on the stinking alcoholic breaths of sailors from Belinara speak of a city with a draconic protector!

Ash, located on the west coast within the Kuhl Kingdom, is said to have aquired the aid of a gigantic red dragon. Long had Lister Tremaine, the newly appointed Lord of Ash, promised that he would find a way to save his people from the draconic plague that sweeps over the lands. Lister seems to have been a man of his word, for the sailor who relates this tale claims to have seen 'Flamestrike' (the name the local folk have given to their guardian) himself.

The sailor wonders if Mistone will be safe once the dragons engage in an all-out attack. After all, Mistone has no such defenders... *


Re: Another 'Bastion'?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2008, 11:42:17 am »
* Sall stops a moment to read the poster, and grins a little to himself*

I bloody knew it. I hate the er... "I told you so" part... but... I did

*he shrugs and continues on*

