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Author Topic: Last Stranger standing  (Read 914 times)


Last Stranger standing
« on: May 26, 2011, 06:43:36 pm »
//An ongoing game (no gm required) while the server is up. a chance to rp across the servers get in groups and do team like questing adventuring things.
 Here Ye, Here ye, The last of the Soeakoans clan has fallen in the Blackwood forest on Corsain and lies dying. In a meeting of deals, double deals and court intrigue the last of his line fell when all gathered and many more lying in hiding fell upon each other. A dynasty of warriors ended that day in the forest.
 Thier 40 pages of family honours gained in service of many causes was torn asunder on the field of negotiations. 40 pages torn from the dead by those who survived and fled from the field in pursuit of each other.
 With his dying breath Noomur Soeakoan promised the legacy of his clan to the faction that brought back to his servants (gm mix) the most honour pages from the family book.
 No easy task for such may be scattered across the islands and in the hands of desperate people.
 Game on....
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Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 06:45:37 pm »
//ohh I like! So what do we do?


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2011, 06:47:59 pm »
whatever you deem appropriate....but consider grouping...alliances..and above all RPing....all the clues are in game as are 40 pages torn from the book mentioned


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 07:08:56 pm »
*the Copperstones heard of the rumour and head to Corsain*


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2011, 08:36:32 pm »
*a bloody scene unveils as the Copperstones enter the Blackwood and witness the fallen soldiers*


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2011, 08:40:38 pm »
*the Copperstones arrived upon an unfortunate event; it seems the rumors were true. The Soeakoans clan have fallen. As they checked the mutilated corpses, they've noticed something interesting: four cloaks of varying symbols - two Coraths, one Rofirein, and one Toran. Along with the cloaks where cheap pieces of jewelleries, copper necklace and rings. Nothing out of the ordinary. The bodies of the Soeakoans clans were positioned in fashion of protecting a chest. Sadly, the chest was empty. The search continues as the Copperstones headed inside a cave full of pious men. It came as a shock when they were trying to lift up Kylie's cloak for a better view of her apple bottom. Hayley was furious and taught them a lesson of higher discipline. They raided the area in search for clues but came out empty handed; relatively speaking, if you do not include the leader's hand. The search continues for the Soeakoan's legacy.*

// If you want to join us on the search, poke us IG. More than welcome to participate.


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2011, 03:08:57 am »
Where are the Corathites - the Greenskins, or even the Druids what alliances can we expect. Is this a time to show your true colours? Will the rally be to friends or Deity...organisation or kin ...time will tell.


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2011, 03:22:27 pm »
A bard gathers a small crowd...
 So you you did I heard you...what is the family book of honour...and tht is a good question.
 It is this. A list deed by deed, of honourable service given by the family over the ages, and only the most splendid work would cause another to beckon the family forward with their book for another entry to be made on behalf of the family. Words of commendation from another so the family can serve with honour. All 40 pages gone now..scattered in the hands of those that fell among each other by whatever madness set sword against sword in a killing frenzy..we may never know..but we can restore the honour.


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2011, 04:22:53 pm »
*the Copperstones have found two pages down in the ruins. The search for the Soeakoan's legacy continues*


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 08:08:33 am »
Nus the bard now at the scene, hot on the trail of another dynamic and thrilling story reveals....
 Most of the lost pages lie around the Islands still..though a thorough sweep of the Dragon Isles has been carried out by some.
 So what of the legacy
 Rumours support a fabled lost treasure and that the family has held some key for generations unwilling or unable to use. Now the family has no more need of such and now that legacy stands the declared prize for the faction that brings the most pages of honour back to the servants of that once proud family.


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2011, 08:14:12 pm »
*the Copperstones continue to seek out the legacy. They made their way through the Sinister's Forest and went deep into the Moss Crypt. They did not find any Soeakoan's legacy, instead they found other surprises that made them quickly retreat up to the surface.* ..

*coughs* primal water genasi


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2011, 04:42:51 am »
The Auvrea's, with the aid of a long long list of worthy hero's, set out on the quest for the pages of Soeakoan family honors.  We eventually find many of the lost pages and discover a pattern to the trails the various clan members fled.   There is strong evidence that more pages may be found in locations we dare not return to, yet the search continues.  There are, after all, thirteen pages left to be found....


Re: Last Stranger standing
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2011, 05:01:36 am »
Rumours filter back of 27 pages returned to the family home and of an ancient legacy given over by the family to the party returning the pages.
 The extended family are committed to rewarding any who bring other pages
 What troubles opening the legacy bag will bring only time will tell.

