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Author Topic: Ale and Whiskey shortage ??  (Read 126 times)

Black Cat

Ale and Whiskey shortage ??
« on: January 29, 2010, 03:51:43 pm »
A rumor is spreading though Inns and Taverns of Layonara...
 Innkeepers are worried and are either stockpiling ale and whiskeys or getting ready to close shop for a day or two.
 Is it a dwarven invasion ?
 Nope... it's just Oma Limetree's birthday... and she's turning a 100 years old.
 Oma's Birthday
 //Officially going to start around 18:00 GMT... but I might be on and off all day... so everyone who knows her is welcome to come and say hello...
 But her cellar is emptying faster than it's filling... so... ;)
 and she doesn't stores potatoes in there you know... :)
 Does she really need to say it... :D
 Bring her something to drink...
 and no fruit juice, except if it has been left in a barrel for several weeks... and twice distilled... moonshine is preferred, it gives that special flavor.

