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Author Topic: WANTED: Thieves to be tracked down  (Read 557 times)


WANTED: Thieves to be tracked down
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:20:43 am »
*Tralek posts a notice on the bountyhunter and work-for-hire boards around Layonara*


I, Tralek Rivarmar, am hereby seeking an able-bodied group to track down the thieves who stole a shipment of goods from me and Vrebel.  I had a courier in route to the Saddlebag shop in Haven and thieves came upon him and killed my courier and stole the goods.

The group is brazen enough because they tatooed the forehead of my courier with a mark, the mark of a scarab with a tiny beetle.  I have visited the corpse of the courier and investigated the scene.  The courier appears to have been killed by a large insect.  I believe from the tatoo and the types of lacerations, that the group who perpitrated this belongs to a Cult that I experienced a long while ago out near the roughlands.

Seek them out and deal with them and any of my treasure still found upon them is yours as a reward.  Be careful, because they may lay in waiting.  I just want to repair the name of Rivarmar and let others know that I, nor my couriers, will not be messed with.  Come to my home at 207 Lor, Outskirts of Castle Mask, and I will give you more detailed information and directions.


//I have left a Treasure Map at my house at 207 Castle Mask.  The door is unlocked and I left the map in the foyer chest labled "Orders 3".  This will require an experienced group probably in a level 20+ range.  Good luck!