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Author Topic: Alindor in trouble... as it was not enough  (Read 839 times)

Lance Stargazer

Alindor in trouble... as it was not enough
« on: January 31, 2013, 05:57:45 pm »
*The news spreads fast on the continent of Alindor, the situation has been hard on the west of Alindor with Tau'ren and Sagewald on the last years, subtle tensions and careful movements that show distrust beetwen the kingdoms yet .. Some weeks ago things started to get more hot.*

*On the areas near Fort Angle in the far part of the borderlines, the small village of Green Flowers in the Tau'ren land was razed to ashes in some hours, There was no surivors that could tell the horrors that were lived that night as every men, woman and boy was killed and everysingle building burned, the remote area that this village was set made it hard for the guard to actually be able to do anything in time, Still some people of the Legion of Everlasting Gyard  , the honorary mercenary company that the king Thomas Bydell has employed to help him on this situation sent people to do a research on what happened, even if there was nothing conclusive about the attack, it was found that the attackers came from the direction northwest, by the closest crossing point with the Sagewald kingdom, nothing more was found on the area...*

*There has been no reaction or acknolwedgement from part of the Sagewaldian kingdom, of course extra offially those being asked deny that they had any involvement with the attack *
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Re: Alindor in trouble... as it was not enough
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2013, 11:09:40 am »
The shades and shadows between the trees hid the presence, two lynx like amber eyes - whom would profit from such a deed, why should it be risked, and would it make sense to do such a thing as a false flag operation?

Lance Stargazer

Re: Alindor in trouble... as it was not enough
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 03:02:36 pm »
On the last months, the tensions start to get high, and apparently Tau'ren has said enough its enough , Over the last days a small hamlet by name Salty creek was found destroyed and burned to ashes, no survivors were found.

Sagewaldian guard have seen in motion towards the are that was attacked and the investigations have turned no other thing than raiders that came from The side of Tau'ren, they condemn such despicable acts from their neighbours to the south, saying than supporting such activities only speaks of innoble actions.  

Tau'ren in response to this have not acknowledged such attack, there was no official reply towards the Sagewaldian kingdom in this, but there is a gossip amoung the court that speaks of the hypocrisy of the Sagewaldians since they try to blame them, and freingn inocence after their hidden agenda, there has not been any official  remark on any of the sides. .. the conflicted area keep raising the tensions on the borderline.

Lance Stargazer

*The borderline people are in
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2013, 09:32:00 pm »

*The borderline people are in shock, this time apparently the tensions are going to high, several  small groups of mercenaries have been found dead and burned on both sides of Tau'ren and Sagewalds, the conflict apparently is escalating, and yet none of the both goverments have acknowledged publically the attacks. Banners of both kingdoms have been found near the site of the attacks, in the mean time The Legion of Everlasting Guard in Tau'ren is moving their remaining members in order to prepare a quick reaction force against the Sagewaldian threat, In the mean time Sagewald is heart to be investing heavily into guards and swords for hire for "keeping safe their frontier" from "Those Tau'renite Thugs"


*As this happens 15 small hamlets on both sides have been cleansed by the attacks, food, gold and any thing valuable has vanished from each town, and Fire after fire are the mark of this attacks, the violence of this war is unmeasurable, no man , woman, child or animal has been found alive on the gods forsaken borderline *


*The Legion of Everlasting guard, and the Sagewaldian guard are ready for the worst, as the war seems to come closer and apparently seems inevitable on this time, Tau'ren internal problems are increasing, and Sagewald appears as a shadow on the horizon, Some people ever wonder if the "benevolent" Lord Rael is behind this stir, with the heavy influence he has on Sagewald , Of coruse when asked the Realite ambasador said that Lord Rael only cares for peace, but at times the lesser races can't help but to give up on greed and solve the problems in the oldest fashion way, Rael holds no sides on this conflict, but will support the kingdoms to recover as its their intent, to help the world to be a better place under the ideals of their inspiring leader *



On two different places, two
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2013, 09:46:52 pm »

On two different places, two men more or less think the same, despite the fact that  they couldn't be any different.

Oh, for crying out loud...


Lance Stargazer

*After some weeks of tense
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2013, 01:26:57 pm »

*After some weeks of tense calm, another conflict draw into the borderlines, some Sagewaldians guards were found dead on the borderline, on the Tau'ren side, near the small hamlet of Ash on Sagewald side, the heads of the sagewaldian guard were found in pikes looking towards the Sagewaldian side, the heads didn't stood there for long time and were removed in all haste by an unknown force, Tau'ren still doesn't acknowledge the deed as their own, and Sagewald seems to be investing heavily on mercenaries, the small hamlets on Sagewald side are getting heavily populated, as the kingdom will not tolarate any further wanton destrusction by their savages neighbours on south. This is causing it sown stir, since so many people on the hamlets are using even more the scarce food , making it even more scarce, there has been an increment on the price of grains, and other reageants to make food on the area for this very increase of demand, some reports of burglarly and theft can be also heard cause apparently not everyone is in agreement to pay more for food, or simply doesn't have the coin. *

*On the Sagewald area the Legion of the Everlasting Guard, keeps their role as loyal protectors of the king, This is a great asset to Tau'ren since they are still bound by contract and despite the changes in the zone, they haven't given any problem about the king, proving themselves true to their reputation of honorable men, though with all the problems in the frontier, and the bandits attacks earlier this year, their numbers have dwindled a bit, Tau'ren defenses seem scarce with this men, but strong, there has been reports of some mercenaries fought and driven away by them, back to the fronterline with Sagewald*

*The incursions on both sides seem to be more often and more patrols can be heard about that, and yet both kingdoms reply with no acknowledge of the deeds, claiming the blame in the other*