The World of Layonara

In-Character Forums => Rumour Has It => Topic started by: Pen N Popper on January 16, 2012, 11:34:52 pm

Title: Amongst the piles of books, parchments, and whispers of the Great Library...
Post by: Pen N Popper on January 16, 2012, 11:34:52 pm
...a tiny figure darts. Dressed in green, she is surely not a mouse. A small sickle, hardly capable of cutting wheat, is buried beneath a quill of quills on her back. Is that a glint of magical light from a sharp edge there in the corner? No, the glint comes from a flash of smile accompanied by a small clap and giggle. There is a bee buzzing amongst the tombs of the Great Library. What will she discover beneath the dust? Whispers perhaps? Of dragons, she hopes.
Title: Re: Amongst the piles of books, parchments, and whispers of the
Post by: Pen N Popper on February 02, 2012, 06:48:34 pm
Though the small darting green shadow has not been seen for several tenday, true library patrons might find a stack of parchment on the lowest shelf in an out-of-the-way corner. Have they been here all along, or newly arrived? Dustless so certainly handled recently. They are a neat stack of The Dragon's Whisper newsletters.
Title: Re: Amongst the piles of books, parchments, and whispers of the
Post by: miltonyorkcastle on February 13, 2012, 08:10:13 pm
Word circulates through various taverns and social circles, both reputable and otherwise, that a certain individual is looking to purchase authentic copies of the Dragon's Whisper, and that this person is willing to pay very handsome prices for the old documents. To contact the mysterious buyer, it's said that one must leave a certain object in a tree at the ThunderPeak Crossroads in the Boyer Kingdom of Dregar. The object is said to be an arrow, though some say it must be stirge fletched, others that it must be made of yew, and still others say it doesn't matter, so long as it's an arrow. What does matter, they say, is that the arrow must be etched with your name, and that etching must be filled with drops of your own blood. If you do that, it's said, the buyer will come to you. Pray you have a copy of the Dragon's Whisper on you when he does.

//// OOC, you can send me a PM, heh. ////