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Author Topic: Fort Llast  (Read 329 times)

Grid Blader

Fort Llast
« on: December 28, 2008, 02:48:01 am »
A old man dressed in common clothing, and a hood pulled slighty over his face, walks around the streets of this great Fort.  A beatuifull halfling women stands beside him, with a halfling child holding her hand.  He seams to be looking at the temple with a half smile.

He stand in quite using what seams to be his last bit of strength holding himself up with the help of his staff.  The staff looks to as worn as he is.  The years have not been kind to him.  

He spots a bench and they make there way to it.  He waits to be seated after the lady and the child.  He seats slowly and takes her hand in to his. He smiles to her.  

They sit there when the boy jumps down and starts to run and play.  The man and women laugh, smile, and beam with pride of the boy.  People walk past turning there heads to take a second look.  Not becouse of the boy playing.  Not becouse of the human and the halfling holding hands.  It might just because the man might look like someone that they once knew.

The man begins to speek to the women, "My dear time runs short for me, but we always knew this would happen."  She smiles up to him knowing his words were true.  "I can not live forever, or I never wished to, but I will always love you" his voice sounds tired.  He lays his head back on to the build and looks up in to the sky.

She draws close to him.  Holding him in a hug.  Tears falling on her cheeks.  "Dont cry my dear, for my love is never ending" He says softly.  "You, Bery, and Rose have everything I owen in this world.  Rose will contunie to teach you of Toran so we can be together"  He fights back his own tears.

Guards walk up from the temple of Toran, speachless as they relize who the man is.  One stops in his tracks and turn and walks straight back and in to the temple doors.  The other just watchs as the man sitting on the bench looks at him and smiles.  The man on the bench just nods to him and contuines to talk to the women.

"I am so tired, hard to keep my eyes open my love"  he says "I think I will just close them hear and rest for a bit."  "Rest my dear, rest"  She says loving "We will see each other soon."  

The women looks to the guard standing there, her eyes filled with tears.  The little boy runs to his mother and she holds him tightly as he beings to cry.  She looks to the guard still standing there just staring at them, the noice for the door of the temple as they open and the guard leading five clerics out catch her attion.

The clerics walk up.  All bowing there heads in the final respect.  The cleric in the frount says in a sadden voice "He has passed on to Torans Hand, and will be in his care."  She looks up to the cleric and nods "he came here for the end, this was always his home, were he grew up, were he learned to live and live well he did."

The cleric pick up his body and start to carry it inside the temple.  "He lived, he loved, he gave everything to Toran" she sayed softly, but raises her voice "HE WILL ALWAYS BE THE HAND!"
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Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Llast
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2008, 06:00:12 am »
* A toughtful knight in blue and gold enters the temple, at first his mind focused on what he just saw and learned on the road made him impervious to the situation, as his atention return to his senses he is shocked to see all the people gathered, he made his way thru the burial chambers, overwhelmed to see that what he heard is true

As he observes the lifeless body his eyes glimer and tears starts to flow over his face, as a smile make his way thru his expresions *

Rest well Master Quantum  your guard is finally over, we will take care from now on.

Hail Master Quantum Winword, Toran has called his Shinning hand at his side .

*Lance then do a small pray and bows as he leaves in search for Marl in order to fill a report, people around the temple can see he is still crying when he leaves the burial chamber *


Re: Fort Llast
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2008, 06:33:51 am »
*for countless nights, People can see a blue haired man enter the Krandor crypts, the Vehl crypts, the unnamed and a few other undead places around the lands. Those that would dare follow him would hear him chant praises to Toran and also war cries in memory of Quantum and in the name of Toran. Him and his family is often seen with the presence of Peanut and Rose.*


Re: Fort Llast
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2008, 07:13:41 am »
a small bat like creature flits by night near the outskirts of town listening here and there to the tales of the end of an era. It muses "Ah but Mechidil will want to hear this, the journey is long and his place beyond my wings, perhaps others can reach him" It squeals in delight at a thought *perhaps the slayer will join him there* With a flutter of leathery wings it is gone into the darkness.

Grid Blader

Re: Fort Llast
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2009, 01:31:56 pm »
//now with this sayed.  Of course the house goes to Peanut.  Items inside can be split between Peanut and Rose.  My gold goes to my favorite cause around layo.  I have always been partial to the orpanages a few gms know this.  My charter's name or a body look alike to my the Best GM I know, and the one I have to thank for starting Q off in the great direction he went, Sir Mix.  I hope you all enjoyed Q.