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Author Topic: A Letter delvered at Vale temple  (Read 71 times)

Lance Stargazer

A Letter delvered at Vale temple
« on: June 18, 2009, 01:27:22 pm »
* A knight clad in silver and gold is seen reaching to Vale and asking for an audience with the Katian priests "outside" the temple, As the audience develops he delivers a letter to them explaining about some concerns for the town, mostly about someone called The SlaveMaster


The letter is sealed with a dragonlike golden claw holding a Bastardsword and reads as Follows :

To Katian autorities:

I Aesthir Stargazer, protector of the mighty gold, Come to you with information, this might be of interest to you as well, since the very town in which temple was located was in the center of the events that I am going to express.

Some months ago, I was arriving to your town to rest, when I was getting myself ready to go back to the road, A dark elf aproached me asking for an entity called the Slavemaster, This darkelf was showing his nature blatantly not having any intent to hide his vile nature. He said that he was looking for this entity and that he should be directed towards the tower of Milara.

Respectfully I ask an interview with Master Plenarius Ashaley, since I know that he would had contact with the presumed dark elf.

My intent is no other than to investigate on this, as we know that Milara activities should be put under close eye.

Any information you could give to this protector will surely be thanked as its our common interest the safety of this town. If this dark elf showed in Vale asking for this entity, there must be a reason, and a posibility that said entity might be around the town.

Best Regards.

Yours in Rofirein favor.

Aesthir Stargazer, Protector of the mighty golden*


Re: A Letter delvered at Vale temple
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 10:20:39 am »
*Strangely, not too long after this letter was presented, two workmen who were involved in the deconstruction of a strange sign on the edge of the Goblin Wasteland may have been overheard talking.*

"Yeah, the body was really cut up bad. The head was apparently no' recognis..recon..recognu.. no-one knew who it wus."
"Arr, yer don't say. So how wus he killed, then?"
"Well the local guard sedd it wus a single stroke to the neck, but then the body and head wus mutilatit so it wouldna be recognis..recon..recognu.. so no one would know who it wus."
"A bit harsh, no? Ah means, ye coulda just killed te' bloke, no?"
"Well the guards thin' it wus dun 'at way tae send a message; but they coulda used the post like the rest o' us.
"Anyway, the guards also think he wis killed after he revealed somewan's idne... idetit... inden... name."
"What would make 'em think 'at?"
"His tongue wus cut out o' his head - the guards sedd it's common to do to that to squee... skwea..squaa.. those that rat on others."

They both shiver at the thought of such violence and continue to apply their gentle ministrations to the strange sign.

*The more observant passers-by would also notice that the sign they are supposed to be working on is invisible, so may wonder what they are doing laboriously digging a very small hole that apparently goes nowhere.*

**The even more observant passer-by may wonder how it is that manual workers can stand around all day leaning on their shovels and talking, apparently doing nothing, yet by dawn of day, a new road has been built.**

