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Author Topic: Hlint crops wilting  (Read 610 times)


Hlint crops wilting
« on: March 26, 2012, 11:19:15 pm »
Add to the list of cities, towns and nations suffering famine and crop failure the name of Hlint.

The crops being brought in are not as plentiful as they should be.  In fact some of the crops remaining in the field are now being harvested early as they are starting to wilt in the field.
The following users thanked this post: Anamnesis, Alatriel, Aphel


Re: Hlint crops wilting
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2012, 03:21:40 am »
Drawn to spirited example action Foresta Fiveoaks response was as usual, fairly direct for a Druid. Accompanied by a Sun Elf Tonitrus Starglow, who sought spell ingredients for an accomplice, she determined to stop the spread of a nearby spider infestation in the Silkwood. Surely this would allow the meagre crop near Hlint to be gathered.
 Too much thrashing about for such little effect, balance was an odd thing she considered and yet this curse of famine, well she was sure some form of direct action would ultimately be the cure.


Re: Hlint crops wilting
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2012, 04:30:48 am »
Aden frowned, then suddenly smiled.
"Less worry, more work. 's gonna be alright. Folian blesses those that work hard for the good of their pack."


Re: Hlint crops wilting
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2012, 05:45:25 pm »
*Aden approaches the Wild surge inn to talk about the famine situation and about possible ways to ease the effects by creating a soup kitchen in Hlint*

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Hlint crops wilting
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2012, 06:15:48 pm »
*Jil adds more food to the chest already placed by the Angels Guild inside Aden's house.  ((House next to Courthouse with Portal use))*


Re: Hlint crops wilting
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2012, 02:55:44 pm »
People are appreciative for the free handouts, but there are still shortages and they are growing.  

The farmers are still hard at work bringing in what they can before its ruined and don't appear to be having the man power to plant the next season's crops yet.

Prices are going up for what food stuffs there are.  The farmer's saying if people don't like it they can get off their butts and come do some hard work for a change.

Talk in town is that the druid's are to blame, they are always finding ways to hold people back.  To keep them out of the forests and wider lands.  Talk is that they wanted to halt the growth of townspeople and allowed or brought the famine on.

Things need to be done.  Amount of food stuffs is gong down, farmer's are overworked, prices going up, and hostilities are rising as food becomes more expensive and scarce.

//As always PMs are open.  Food collected, and noted.


Re: Hlint crops wilting
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2012, 07:05:47 am »
At some point a farmer, lamenting his failing crop is walking his fields and sees someone crouched amidst the dead wheat. Outraged at the intrusion on his land he rushes over demanding the trespasser leaves.

Leisa uncoils herself from the ground, already several jars sit around her on the ground, each one carefully labelled. A few contain soil, some have seeds collected from the dead wheat and another with samples of the wheat stalks themselves.

The farmer stops dead in his tracks glimpsing the brief flash of steel within her cloak.

"This is my land and yer trespassin'." Shouts the farmer, not quite as loud as before. The woman in front of him may not look like much but she carries herself with an air that tells the farmer to be tread carefully. As if oblivious to the farmers demands Leisa regards him with emotionless eyes.

"I am collecting samples of your dead crops, then I will leave. Do not get in my way."  The words are said matter of factly yet the farmer feels unsure and a bit nervous. He decides confrontation, alone out here in his field isnt good for his health.

"I'm not going to leave until your gone!" He says bravely.

Leisa gives a brief shrug and goes back to collecting the last few samples she needs. When she is done she puts each jar into its place in her bags then turns to the farmer and flicks him a small pouch of coins.

"Thank you for the samples."

The farmer catches the pouch and glances inside. Gold glints in the sunlight from the coins within and a smile touches his face. He looks up again and the woman is nowhere to be seen. Frowning at her sudden disappearance the farmer quickly clutched the pouch of coins to his chest as if they might also disappear and hurries back to the farmhouse to show his wife and tell her of the odd encounter, the only proof he has that it happened the pouch of gold in his hands.


Re: Hlint crops wilting
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2012, 12:02:28 pm »
Aden takes some time and begins to try and counter the accusations against the druids subtly while trying to convince people to help each other and work on the farms. Sometimes an amber-eyed elf can be seen on the streets or in the markets in a rough and simple craftmen's garb, trying to calm people when it gets rough and often he can be heard saying:
"'tis hard times, but it'll get harder if we don' join han's an' get 't work an' solve th' problem. Don' wait for a miracle th' happen, make et happ'n yerself."
And with that he returns to helping his neighbors as much as he can, if he can.


Re: Hlint crops wilting
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2012, 04:20:55 pm »
Quote from: Aphel
Aden takes some time and begins to try and counter the accusations against the druids subtly while trying to convince people to help each other and work on the farms. Sometimes an amber-eyed elf can be seen on the streets or in the markets in a rough and simple craftmen's garb, trying to calm people when it gets rough and often he can be heard saying:
"'tis hard times, but it'll get harder if we don' join han's an' get 't work an' solve th' problem. Don' wait for a miracle th' happen, make et happ'n yerself."
And with that he returns to helping his neighbors as much as he can, if he can.

Aden meets with little success in rallying folks.  The term outsider is heard often along with other jibes and insults.

//Once again my PM is open.

