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Author Topic: Heard in chatter among merchants in taverns and dockside....  (Read 98 times)


Heard in chatter among merchants in taverns and dockside....
« on: March 25, 2006, 12:03:40 pm »
Among the merchants, travellers and adventurers that have been once more transporting goods to war-ravaged Roldem and tracking down the last vestiges of Blood's forces, rumors and stories have been circulating about the trade routes between Silden and Rodez.
  They talk about the Swamp of Reawakening and how for it had become more dangerous for a time and about a female wizard and her servant who were delivered to the Swamp just prior to it becoming more dangerous. Neither were known to exit, and some will say that they fell to the Swamp's perils, while others say the Wizardess was a necromancer with plans on using the Swamp as a base for her vile plans for creating an army of the undead.
  Those who listen long enough may hear talk from merchants recently returned from Talimar who talk about how the Swamp's level of danger has subsided somewhat and even about a curious island of calm and vitality within the heart of the swamp...a place where the dead no longer walk, where the stagnant, heavy and foul air of the Swamp has been replaced by cool ocean breezes scented with the fragrances of new growth, and place of rest where gentle creatures have returned to live in peace among nature's new life.
  Rumors also circulate of a druid who walks the area, tending to the new Grove and the surrounding lands, and defending them against all who would seek to destroy its new-found vitality.