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Author Topic: *Notes tacked up all over Dregar*  (Read 120 times)


*Notes tacked up all over Dregar*
« on: November 06, 2006, 01:54:39 pm »
Due to the reacent outbreak of what can only be described as a form of plague originating in the vicinity of Hurm. Broegar, Lord of Prantz, has declared that the City of Prantz is in a state of emergency and that the following shall be encated posthaste.

All roads leading west and north toward Hurm including the newly added passage through the Haft Lake District shall be put under guard.  The purpose of which is the intense screening of those personages who may spread this dread sickness into our fair city. The roads leading east and south toward Lorindar shall be left open, although checkpoints will also be set up at fixed intervals between the two cities and those suspected of infection will be turned back toward their point of origin.

Any found to be aflicted with the disease that attempt to enter the City or bypass a checkpoint shall be considered guilty of the crime of Disruption of the Lord's Order and face the Standard Penalty for disobedience.

Rest assured that any who already may be affected may already be within the City walls are receiving the absolute best care available in Layonara. Lord Broegar is sparing no expense of True and manpower in the development of a cure and worldwide distrubution network of a cure for this dread disease.

*Stamped at the bottom with the seal of Prantz*